

I Rewrote this FF In Naruto : Reborn with Nen link : https://www.webnovel.com/book/in-naruto-reborn-with-nen_23397520005263705 Thank You

Novel_Guru · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Chapter 10 Vows & limitations (Part I)

I was Still in my Hideout in Fire country Capital City, I came to the training ground and sat in a meditative position. This was already my 4th day and I still remained seated in the same position without moving, eating, pooping, etc.

I was deep in thinking that somehow even if i am just 7 Yrs old, I can easily kill elite jounin, even with low special Jounin level strength

That is what my actual strength is but actually strength word is relative figure otherwise how could I kill shinobi of few levels above me, Now comes a question what would I do when my Enemy who is in completely different realm.

(A/N :Genin → chunin → Special jounin → Jounin → Elite Jounin → Kage → super kage → Six Immoral lvl, this will be the power chart for my fic for now.)

For me now 1 second seems to 1 centiseconds (1/100), the current me can easily decimate Enemies, NO matter how powerful or strong or fast or in whatever invincible state they are if their Thinking is still in seconds State or deciseconds State.

(A/n : in simple words for Ren 1 second is like 2 minutes for us, and think what we can do in 2 minutes Ren can do it in seconds.)

This is also the reason for which Sharingan are‌ sold at such a high price in Black market (100 million for one eye), who wouldn't want a thinking upgrade, even for those who don't know about mangekyou sharingan will transplant these eyes without a single though because they can increase thought speed between 2-10 times,

This is Sign Of True Power, unfortunately sharingan is just an external item, If uchiha somehow were born with Inborn talent of thought acceleration, they would have already ruled Ninja world or even if they haven't then in every 10-15 years they would have easily produced a monster like Uchiha Madara But there are No if's in any world You just have to deal things as they are.

At the beginning I was hesitating, Whether to develop a defence type Nen ability or offensive or auxiliary NeN ability but when I considered Chakra energy and its future potential, I already eliminated Elemental, and defensive type Nen ability.

I took me 2 yrs time when I finally decided to developed a peculiar ability which will act as my core Ability Set, similar to my previous three Nen ability, think about it, how useful are my previous Nen ability, one set surrounding environment according to my requirements , the second one protects my precious memories, and third one, in case there's any mishap i can always reincarnate right?

For me Water divination didn't really matter much because I already knew I was a specialist who developed Absolute mindscape during divination, These things I knew from my HxH world memories. If I redo water divination, then that would only put dent in my confidence level and willpower.

So there are also case where I have to consider travelling to another world, then things will change, the measurement units will change too,

For example

In one world speed of sound can be nearly 4 times speed of sound in second world,

Another best example would be 1m in naruto world can be 7km in another world, who can say that my ability won't be messed up, so I needed an absolute measuring unit that won't change no matter what world I am in and I can develop my ability relative to this measuring unit. This alone took me 6 months to come up with a solution.

This is also One of my reasons to not share and destroy all and every possible thing which may become inspirations to other, Specially in Naruto world where Geniuses meet on narrow world like Orochimaru, Deidara, scorpion, etc,

Think about situation like,

If Orochimaru knew about the concept of gene lock and combined with his research abilities just thinking about it give me shivers..

Deidara on other hand developed whole remote controlled series of explosive Ninjutsu, think about it if he had proper knowledge of wireless technology and army long ranged weapons, I am sure he would have developed remote Nuclear Bomb or something like Rose BomB from HxH series…

Scorpion on other hand, if he knew about Iron Man .. I don't even want to think about this now…

Hmm and these are just few one who successfully grew up, I mean there world be more than thousands Shinobi who died in war think about this if somehow someone fate changed because of me and They managed to develop a ninjutsu which will become obstacle in my future path because of some bullshit inspiration.. I would just want to commit suicide.. I remember reading fic where MC gave One-piece Devil Fruits to Orochimaru for research.. HAHA see this , This is just giving the opponent a weapon to kill oneself.

Second point is while developing abilities I have to be very careful taking vows, breaking vows means breaking a promise to oneself, which in result affect self-confidence and determination and breaking vow also devalues the user itself, so any further development of ability or new ability will be much much tougher.

I for one already broke one limitation that was when i said to develop my 1st Nen ability but this is my 4th nen ability development but this situation to me was still solvable ,but I have to be alert not to make such mistakes in near future.

The third point is I did not enough determined to develop this ability, I considered exchange to few decade lifespan just to prove my determination by I knew in my heart, even if i have to exchange all my remaining lifespan (150 Yrs) with just a year left to live, I would gladly do it, this is how terrifying my 4th Nen ability will be, So i am very hypocrite saying that this lifespan proves my determination to develop 4th Nen Ability.

(A/N: i don't remember how much lifespan he have, but just make do with 150 from now onwards )

Fourth Point is considering ability potential, 100 Nen shapes are too less in 10 year time period, this proves my lack in willpower and talent,

I already solved the issue of 4th point , ever since i realised solution to how to make more shape in restricted time frame the only thing popped in my Mind was Forbidden Shadow Clone but the problem was I didn't even for a microsecond wanted my own shadow clone having independent thinking like in Naruto anime, And I also had to find solution to memory pain i was going to receive from this technique

The next clue to this problem was to develop my mindscape prototype, which I just completed few months ago, 1,2,4,5 floor were coming up nicely, all that was left was were seals and some finishing touch , third floor was juust outright empty because i didn't even knew ABCD of illusions and soul essence and it will take quite a while till 3rd floor can really show its value,

Power Stones +1

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