

I Rewrote this FF In Naruto : Reborn with Nen link : https://www.webnovel.com/book/in-naruto-reborn-with-nen_23397520005263705 Thank You

Novel_Guru · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Chapter 7 Grandpa's Training

5 months after Byakugan awakening…

"I HATE IT", " I HATE IT VERY MUCH" Ren's heart was burning from anger and that is because, despite having a mature mind, he is ‌restricted because of his tiny body.

"Is this Even called Training, I would have done better if I hadn't unlocked my reincarnation memories, It's so difficult to change my mindset, I don't even have any suitable training Equipment, No measurements, No proper weights, No regulated diet and I am Not even getting sufficient nutrients."

Ren is suffering from bad days,

Think about his situation, He is just 3 and half Yrs old and getting beat up all day from jounin Hyugas until he is exhausted, He is already on the verge of losing his sanity, think of how bored you will get when u know that just punching his hand in air for thousands time a day, just because some senior told u you that your muscle strength will ‌increase in next 6 months, How idiotic will you feel when you know WAY BETTER Training Method WHICH CAN Improve same amount of muscle strength in 2 week times…. But you just can't practice..

How would a normal ordinary Transmigrated feel if he is kept away from Electronic devices for many more months… Crazy, right?. That's how Ren was feeling and it was much, much worse for Him because he was much better in doing hacking work, and In Narutō where there is no concept of Internet and there are no good computers,

Ren was never a fan of doing physical work. He would rather hire workers than do some heavy duty work himself,

He would have long finished with training of Gentle Palm Technique, If he is allowed to train himself not with something else, And If someone saw him training modified gentle palm technique then he could just say goodbye to his life in Naruto world, Y just because It's violate some ancient taboo, because he would be first one to change ancestor's gentle Palm Technique.. And he also knew He was just NOBODY, NOBODY, he had no advantage at all in the Hyuga clan and neither would he get any advantage for next 6-7 Years.. Until he has some little bit of freedom in his missions,

Hyuga main clan members are not his family members who would tolerate him like Neji Hyuga he have seen in anime, In reality if someone would say that caged bird seal is destiny of branch clan members in front of Villagers then they would just disappear next day, Y would Hyuga tolerate them, They don't bring any good to clan and are not related to main clan like Neji and are also damaging clans reputation which could be used as a weapon from Hokage side in near future.

The Only advantage He have is that he can use Nen and he can just kill elite jounin in a single shot if he gave it all and even that is also BEST CASE Scenario, else if he was asked to fight an experienced chunin, frontal one to one combat he would be defeated badly.

As for his Vision ability He have long Lost it 5 months ago, and He already lost his foresight advantage, So these days he is very very alert , He can't even get a good night sleep for more that 5 hours, a good thing is that all his dangerous thoughts are sealed in 6th Layer Mindscape ability "Absolute Mindscape" because he have already given instruction so that his ability automatically filters thoughts which may harm him.

For example, if he thinks about destroying Toad sage, then these kinds of thoughts are sealed in 6th layer, whereas if he didn't use this ability they could see him in their Prophecy.

The only Advantage he has now is that No one is targeting Him, he is in the dark can easily manipulate the future direction of the whole Naruto World.

*Ren Knew that a new day maybe good day for some ppl but for him it was just another torture day from his Grandpa Training.*

"Ren reached his allotted training ground after doing his morning activities, this training ground was specifically designed for him by his Grandfather who would occasionally come to have fun with him. Ohh and from fun he mean Torture"

"Ren, you are 5 minutes late." Shadow ninja said to him while showing him clock, He wore a fox mask on his face, but ren could definitely see the smirk on his face, He can also tell he was right on time and this clock was purposely set to 5 minutes ahead just so he could enjoy torturing Ren.

"Ren, we will start with routine training, ‌ run 10 rounds, and don't forget the weights. You have 50 minutes ,10 minutes less because you arrived late here. "Shadow said this to Ren and watched Ren put weights which he already changed this morning to new ones which weighed 5kg more than usual ones.

"Ren also felt change in his weights and knew this was just the beginning of torture he was about to face, He started running around while maintaining his breath and he also tried his best to not make any noise while running, He collapsed on his 8th round and then he was picked by Shadow Who brought him to basement here You could see many test tubes, and lingering smell of medicine, It turns out that shadow have a peculiar hobby of testing modified medicine recipe on ren and then he would observe him for 3 hours to see medicine effect on Ren"

"Ren has been experimented on with many medicines, varying from sleeping powder to slow poison to diarrhoea medicines. The only good thing is that ren body have developed antibodies and bad new is that he is now experimented with high-level poison medicines"

"After being experimented, Ren began his 2 hour of daily Gentle Palm technique practice under the guidance of Shadow, He tried to mimic all his posture but failed miserably, After that Shadow began telling him how to use ninja tools and when to use them"

"Ren, now come to ring. , we will do some combat training," Shadow said with cheerful voice which brought shiver to Ren,

*Ren knows that usually during Ninja mission, Shinobi are under great pressure and tension, and usually they beat some genins to release this pressure. Sometimes they even end up killing them*

Ren nodded and came to side of training ring, got in defensive posture, As soon he as bell rang shadow sped up punched hard in Ren gut, Ren quickly used Substitution Technique and replaced him with wooden log, and appeared on other side of ring and threw shuriken aimed towards his throat, Shadow just tilted his head when 2nd shuriken pierced his eye which was right behind 1st one and he turned into smoke, while all this happen shadow silently appeared behind Ren and Placed Kunai behind Ren neck, which pierced his neck skin and slowly blood started flowing on his skin.

"Ren I win again, this was my 198th win and 0 lose against you, but you lasted a second more and ohhh sorry about last move i will apply medicine on those wounds later after we finish our training" shadow said this ren in emotionless voice and later added apology which sounded very insincere.

"Okay Np, thank you for sparing with me * mtherfukr you just wanted to see me bleed whole day *" replied Ren as Shadow walked outside the ring and turned into smoke and Ren knew the Ninja he was sparring was just shadow clone.

"After resting and having lunch, Ren spent 4 hours extracting Chakra, and re-polishing his chakra. There wasn't a single day when he missed this training."

"Ren then went to another basement room where Shadow was waiting for him, and then shadow tied him to chain and started his special Pain tolerance training where he was repeatedly electrode and whipped and then some salt was sprinkled on his wounds, Ren pain tolerance have gone from level 2 to level 56 if he had some status screen with him, this training continued until he fainted after giving him an hour rest then he is asked to walk on hot coal barefoot slowly, just imagine how much restrain do Ren have, just to stop himself from killing Grandpa every time he pat his head saying 'This training will help you a lot in future and it's for your good. It's also pains my heart seeing you go through this training everyday' with a smiling Face,

Ren just wants to call his adult self from the future and then bash his grandpa's head with his foot and He also knew full well that this kind of extreme training was just so he could become an excellent emotionless Killer who only follows order and in return Hashi would reward Haruto (his father) with elder authority."

"After this everyday routine , Ren only has 10 hours left for himself, out of which 4-5 hours are gone in sleeping and 2 hour he do Nen training himself and separates his clone for practising signless ninjitsu, and remaining time he spends in meditation and Mindscape development."