

I Rewrote this FF In Naruto : Reborn with Nen link : https://www.webnovel.com/book/in-naruto-reborn-with-nen_23397520005263705 Thank You

Novel_Guru · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Chapter 6 Truth Behind Sealed Memories.

"Haruto lets give Ren a weeks rest, if he doesn't wake up then let Rise Treat him, i already promised Hashi to train ren to satisfactory level "Ren's Grandpa said to Haruto then he walked away.

Ren continued listening, without even moving his muscle or twitching his body parts like a dead body, silently waiting for his vision ability to expire.

After 2 hrs….

It was already noon and Haruto have gone for mission whereas Rise went to Hospital, he was once again all alone in home during this time, first thing was to destroy all info scrolls he collected by burning them completely and all he was left with was some ninja tools ( shurikens, kunai, ultra thin wires, smoke bombs , some detonation talisman ,storage scrolls, old bingo books and finally some ryo's) that he collected from here and there mostly from haruto, and stored them all in strorage scroll and kept them in a hidden compartment in his room, he also destroyed compartment and filled it mud and some wooden pieces nicely enough that normal eyes can't tell the difference in first place.

*It was really tiring keeping my Byakugan open while destroying and fixing false evidence and being alert at the same time. Luckily no one looked towards my directions or they would have found out that i haven't fainted if anyone had their Byakugan activated.*

*That old guy is definitely suspicious of me, he will try to figure out what is wrong with me after all instinct warnings are never wrong.*

*Grandpa will definitely check all my belongings, if he cant find anything he would definitely keep more eye on me while training and make me on guard all time and uncomfortable , it will be ok if he finds that scroll and content in it, he will just think that i am ambitious hyuga who don't really take their words to heart and finally dismiss his instinct warning, he will just double his torture training and maybe keep me malnourished for weeeks probably *

"Let's find out what these memories got for me" ren went into his mindscape and looked towards the sealed area in corned of his mindscape 2nd layer"

`` Suddenly Ren was sucked into the sealed memories part and now he truly fainted."

3 days later after Ren fainted and got sucked into sealed memories.....

Ren was finally out, the first thing he did was to check his surrounding, he heard some faint noises,

" Rise feed ren some medicines and take him to medicine bath, nowadays there are plenty of tasks and I will be soon send to front lines 2nd ninja war will start in few days according to patriarch we will handle Water and Rain country sides, You should also increase your skills "Haruto said to Rise.

"Yes Lord" Rise replied

*After an hour Rise have finally completed her work and went to konoha hospital*

"HAHA i really didn't expect that my past self was such Selfish, cunning, cruel, I was also a killer and posted bounty on all those who stopped him from rising to Top of society ladder, HAHAHA what a surprise"

*So let's summarise what i did*

*My actual age is 23 + 24 + 30 + 3 which is 80*

" So this Naruto world is actually the 4th world I am travelling to, and I have access to Nen because I have already travelled to the HxH world.

23 years I spend on original world as a most of teenagers, studied till high schools, got in 2nd tier colleges and became a programmer with a decent pay all in all I lived a successful and happy life and I died in car accident, i was just driving car at high speed and just distracted because of my gf who was sitting next to me and *whoooosh* Car crashed into a TRUCK! Damn i just died like that and NO, NO i didn't feel something like time slowing down and getting memory flashbacks, or any pain, I just died like most of them would die in a frontal car accident Plain and simple death. And I am pretty sure my gf died with me, I finally know why there is a saying that "Girls will only slow down speed of swinging Sword" Damn!"

( A/n : I don't actually remember any appropriate phase, help me out if i can improve this para )

" My 2nd world was AU earth where I got reincarnated, In AU world there was No concept of Anime And Comics, where ppl with 18+ yrs could go through "ANOTHER SIDE GATE" which allowed humans to go through another World and then humans started gaining supernatural powers pretty similar to MAIN GOD SPACE concept and, I also planned my 1st Gate Experience and I knew most of World were mostly anime i knew in my first life, so i Went to HxH world and Then after a year I went to Naruto world"

(A/N : I won't be giving much spoiler about AU earth. I got some nice plot planned for this.)

"My 3rd world was HxH world where i developed alertness and also learned many fighting styles, And it was body Transmigration, I struggled a lot in my starting years to amass wealth and then I hired 1 star Hunter to learn Nen From him"

*Many Illegal things happen, even if rules say that only those who pass Hunter exam can become hunters and learn Nen but which bottom feeder hunter will say no to millions just because someone wants to open aura nodes and then guide them with basic training*

"After leaning Nen and mastering all 4 basic and some advanced techniques of nen, I easily passed hunter exam and became 1 star hunter,

I also created 3 abilities in HxH before My stay duration Card expired and I came back to AU earth."

*So here are my 3 Nen Abilities*

"Absolute Mindscape : Allows user to have total control over memories and no being would know this ability in any way, these memories will only be seen by the user itself. User can also seal these memories and give some condition for the seal to be unlocked and plant spiritual hints in the user subconscious without the user knowing."

"Soul Fit : Every time this ability activates it will deduct 5 years of total lifespan and find suitable body according to user conditions, This ability with carry all the user talent to reincarnated body and once some kind of energy interacts with user soul obviously with user permissions user will gain soul talent to manipulate this energy, Uncase user decides to consume whole body and extra Life span then User current talent will be raised tremendously "

*example suppose user spends 8 years of lifespan to reincarnate then talent will be increased by (previous talent x 3)

user spends 13 years of lifespan to reincarnate then talent will be increased by (previous talent x 8)*

"Deep sleep : Targeted Object will ignore user existence for (5*Life span consumed for this ability) Yrs, in case the user is brought into target perspective then all decisions that are made will completely benefit the user. "

This is also the reason Ren was safe and sound now in Naruto world because He already used this ability on Six Immortal for 30 years and "The ANother Side Gate AI " for 50 years ."

"In Naruto World user decided to spent first year, Ren old body spent his wealth collecting information and planning to launch his Soul fit ability and and also used his Absolute mindscape to leave spiritual hints so that current Ren can plan to develop his new 4th ability"

" I should review All knowledge I collected In HxH world and AU world and I should Also replan My Ninja world , According to my estimation i used 35 years duration card before 2 years went in collecting information and i am now 3 trs old so , i can stay 30 more years In Naruto world."

"And I also knew that Vision ability being just an additional side effect of Soul fit, and the 6th layer he planned for his mindscape prototype is his Absolute Mindscape."

After reviewing all his mindscape once again, Ren also found out he have 100-120 Yrs of life span left, he got some Netero Rice in HxH world which increased his Lifespan, and then Ren went to sleep.