

I Rewrote this FF In Naruto : Reborn with Nen link : https://www.webnovel.com/book/in-naruto-reborn-with-nen_23397520005263705 Thank You

Novel_Guru · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Chapter 5 Getting Cursed Seal

It's already next day, In about next 4 hours I will go to main clan compound for my awakening, I have already memorised how the awakening ceremony proceeds, It's important and i will remind once again it's important for me to experience, feel the whole process even though i went through whole process many times in my visions.

Feeling whole Awakening will help me realise how byakugan is awakened, if i don't awaken clean byakugan now i am sure i can replicate the same bloodline awakening process in future to increase quality of Byakugan, maybe this feeling will also be key for my tenseigan.

I am just walking behind my grandfather, who was looking towards me from time to time.

"Why is Hyuga clan so different from what i know, Weren't Elders not marked with cursed seal why do they all have cursed seal, and why do every elder have so many private guards, if they so many dead loyal ninjas from branch clan i don't even need to spend my brain cell to figure out how many do patriarch have, how did future kohona hiruzen turn a blind eye towards such powerful hyuga clan when he won't even leave a crippled uchiha clan which hardly had 20 three tomoe sharingan and fukaku who don't even have guts to launch well-planned coup, hmm so many suspicious points."Ren was thinking how was such powerful clan got reduced to konoha watchkeepers when all of sudden his grandfather looked at him with a dark look.

"Ren listen i know you are much smarter than your peers, i have already said this many times but I'll tell you once again, don't do anything unnecessary that will cost u a heavy price in your ninja career also don't say anything just follow me, i will handle all procedures of your awakening ceremony and keep your head low until you get cursed seal Got it. I am saying this because i feel like something bad is going to me in near future and you don't want to get on bad side of main clan and I don't want my bloodline ending with you. Got it" Ren nodded as he looked towards his grandfather back thinking is he so alert because 2nd Ninja war has already started and he feels that he won't come back alive or its just his instinct warning him about me, well i already killed him many times by surprise attacks though it was all in visions.

"How terrifying are these old guys instincts and his experience to figure out that i have no awe towards him , he can clearly tell that i don't really have much fear and respect for hyuga clan even after knowing full well that i know how powerful clan is, i never thought that i would be read like an open book in front of these old war experiences monsters, well i guess i need more training, life experience and my nen Stealth training" Ren though about this, he was genuinely surprised because he never paid attention to psychology in his visions and he was used to act rashly because he could always start another simulation if something goes wrong, this was his first time when he thought that his true thoughts were exposed.

( A/N: I will use NEN Stealth world instead of NEN Zetsu Technique because Zetsu will often be use of Black & white zetsu )

After an hour later….

In a room filled with all sorts of inscription, there were 12 figures Ren could see one being his grandfather and one being clan Patriarch rest he didn't know, he never met them but he could feel that one of them looked at him with bad look , maybe because his grandfather applied for highest level awakening ceremony which only patriarch family could enjoy and elders only have one chance in their entire family line, Grandfather didn't use his family quota even for Haruto.

(A/N : For those who are confused with Hyuga clan distribution, its like this for my FF

Family Hierarchy :

Patriarch ← Junior Patriarch (Patriarch Decedent) ← Their Family members ( including previous Patriarch) ← Great Elders (Elders of Previous Generations) ← Elders ← There Family members ← Ninjas ← Members who handle family business (Intelligent Family members who dont have ninja talent or still genins) ← Slaves( Untill they show their value).

And some of them have private die hard loyal ninjas similar to root ninjas (Patriarch, jr. Patriarch, & Elder own this privilege and the rest who are found having private ninjas are declared traitors

I will use call these root type ninjas as SHADOWS from Now on.)


" Ren Stand in middle of the centre circle and sit there relaxed, don't exit circle until the circle loses all its light, hmm don't let me down" His grandfather said to him with a completely serious voice although the last sentence was barely audible but the rest of them still heard it.

Ren nodded with completely serious look on his immature face and walked towards centre circle, with his 100% concentration remembering everything, how he was feeling, what are changes happening in his body etc.,

"Grandpa I am ready" Ren's immature voice sounded in a completely silent room.

After hearing ren confirmation, the patriarch motioned rest of them to continue, then all of them silently did some random hand signs at a quick speed like they have practised this move thousands of times.

" Chakra Transfer Technique "x12

All of sudden room lit up with light green lights, and huge amount of chakra was poured into ritual circle and circle continued to suck chakra like there was no end until finally red lights lit up on outer perimeter of ritual circle, at this point all of them stopped pouring chakra and all of them shushined away from the room.

Outside the ritual room…

"I will come back after 2 hours to mark cage seal on him, rest of you can go back to continue your work and ohh since you have all gathered then start selecting shadows for Hashi he will be next clan patriarch after i retire, shadow quality should be of the highest batch till known, i will announce this news after 2nd ninja war is over and you stay here and send me message after ritual is completed." Ordered Patriarch to rest of them and lastly pointing toward Ren's grandpa commanding him to wait as he sunshined away.

"Ren don't let me down "his grandpa looked towards ritual room after he sat near a corner wall waiting of ren arrival.

Inside the ritual room…

"How much chakra does this circle really need? I guess It already sucked about 12 times shadow level chakra afterall the lowest participant was elder and even grandpa has peak shadow lvl chakra and he himself is near shadow lvl powerhouse." Ren thought to himself, noticing he was all alone in the ritual room.

Ren noticed that as time passed maybe after 2 minutes he started to feel itchy all over his body and his body temperature started to rise, this continued for 15 minutes where his skin color started to look like blood red, but strangely he wasn't feeling any pain.

"Should i direct chakra towards my eye, I already know how to awaken Byakugan all i have to do is direct chakra towards my eye on specified pathway told by grandpa before ritual, he also told me that ritual is just to have high starting point compared to others and also there is possibility of obtaining clean eyes this also the reason most of main clan children and Elder family members are strictly told to not awaken their eye by mistake so that they can receive ritual awakening "

(A/N : Clean eyes are just Byakugan with more potential than regular Byakugan

For example: 3 tomoe Sharingan have more potential than 2 tomoe sharingan… but it still has same abilities as 2 tomoe ones.


"Lets wait until i can't hold any longer. I should also use Ten to reinforce myself"

"Ten " Ren shouted in his heart and a layer of aura appeared on his skin

( A/N : He wont be shouting like idiots as we see in anime. )

Slowly more than 10 minutes passed..

"I can't hold any longer " thought ren as he started guiding his chakra towards his eyes.


All of sudden all of heat accumulated and ritual circle hovered in mid air before all of chakra and small amount of Nen entered his eyes..

I always thought that this was weird in all my vision abilities but now I can confirm that this thing has something to do with my sealed memories, I can't even begin to imagine what kind of surprise these memories will bring me.

" HAHA according to my logic i should be very very alert and wary towards these sealed memories but i just feel natural, like these memories were always part of me, HAHA this feeling of coolness from depth of soul is so so nice "Ren was restraining himself to laugh as he continued to pay attention to this attention.

His eyes continued to suck all the energies present in air (Nen, charka, heat vapour along with some natural Chakra.) and his eyes started changing color difformed withe eyes → regular white eyes → nice smooth pair of white eyes with slight blue tint in them and at last they once again changed with addition of purple dot at centre of eye.

Ren slowly opened his eyes and clearly noticed difference before and after awakening eyes

"HaHA so much dynamic vision and i can see more far and better it ll just take more time after i adjust to these and i still haven't opened them these are just affect of Byakugan in closed state"


"Ha ha i can see about 2 Km far hmm lets report that i can see 200 m and my chakra level increased to chunin, hmm i still have about 1 and half hour lets take more precautions against cursed seal" Think of this Ren sat between the circle and activated his vision ability.

One thing ren noticed is that his vision ability will be gone after 5 hrs, and those memories seal will also be gone after that.

After an hour…

* Ha ha ha its really tiring avoiding these restrictions in front of many eyes!*

Ren then walks out of ritual room

"Grandpa i have awakened Byagugan" Ren told this news to his grandpa like an excited child though in reality he is just acting like a every hyuga would act after awakening.

"Lets go, Patriarch is already waiting for you."Ren's Grandpa then took ren into his arms and shushined away only to stop out a japanese looking house which obviously is home of hyuga Patriarch.

Guards looked at them and told them to go in.

"Greeting lord, greeting lord hashi" Both Ren and his grandpa greeted the patriarch and Hashi Hyuga.

"Come with me "

After saying this, Hashi and his father went to the innermost room

"Hashi will perform cage seal technique on Ren '' said patriarch proudly while looking towards hashi convening him msg to continue.

"Ren let go of your mind the more you guard the more pain you will feel " Hashi said this to ren but didn't wait for ren and started forming hand signs and condensed huge amount of chakra in his hand and then pressed his hand on Ren's forehead.

"AAAH AHAAH AAAH AAH" Ren started screaming madly while in reality he quickly condensed a multiple very thin but strong chakra line towards his brain and eyes and collide it with tenketsu points where seals was going to affect them and cancelled each other..

'HAHA i guess that effort of such abnormal chakra control really paid off, i wouldn't be able to pull off this stunt if i didn't polish this small amount of chakra more than 100 times.'

"AAH AAH AHH PLEASE STOP IT grAnDPA iT Hurt SO MUCH!! " REn started screaming as fake tears started flowing from his eyes and knelt down and looked towards his grandpa who just looked at him coldly, not doing anything after seal completed Ren just fainted.

Hashi could see a cursed mark forming on Ren forehead then looked at his father and said

"Father why don't you train him as my personal ShaDow afterall he awakened Byakugan from highest ritual ceremony, it will definitely a waste of such genius if he is send to Hiruzen side *afterall going to academy mean ultimately joining hiruzen forces*."

Hyuga Father didn't bother to reply, just staring towards Ren Grandpa hinting him to continue.

"Yes Young Lord, it will definitely be Ren's blessing if can be your shadow," Ren's grandpa continued bootlicking Hashi.

"Patriarch what i was saying that recently Haruto have reached rank elite Jounin, and he already applied for elder position when Ren was born i have his application here, it would be his honour if you could personally promote him to elder" Ren's grandpa continued his bootlicking skill not caring about ren who was silently cursing his cheap dad and grandpa, maybe he cursed too much that made his grandpa look at him and then pausing for a moment his grandpa continued saying.

"Lord You don't have to worry, just give me 6 months. I will personally train him at the academy, and how to follow orders you will definitely be satisfied." Ren grandpa laughed and Hashi and his father laughed with him which really gave ren bad feeling about his future.

"HAHA don't worry i will promote Haruto in next clan meeting just don't forget to pick ren before leaving" Patriarch said with a laugh hinting him to leave since his work was done.

Ren was picked up by his grandpa who shushined away from Patriarch home.