

I Rewrote this FF In Naruto : Reborn with Nen link : https://www.webnovel.com/book/in-naruto-reborn-with-nen_23397520005263705 Thank You

Novel_Guru · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Chapter 4 Chakra Extraction 

So I finally got permission from my father to extract Chakra. He gave me a scroll in which hyuga 2nd best method of chakra extraction is written and chakra paper to test my affinities, and believe me this one is 8 times better than the technique civilians have.

(A/N : best technique is reserved for main clan )

He also warned me to not cause any commotion on the ceremony day which is tomorrow and after that i will be send to main clan compound to receive my future ninja training so no ninja academy for me "|*=*|" :( , I really wanted to see if i can see any familiar faces in the academy. I guess this will be on hold till I graduate from family training.

Since i already have read many similar scrolls with slight differences, I already know how to maximise my chakra extraction effort, Chakra is just body energy combined with one's mental strength to show many different techniques, the amount of chakra and chakra type decides one's Ninja future.

I knew from the anime that Kakashi finished chakra extraction in an hour. Let's see how much time I'll take to extract chakra.

Hmm in just 30 sec i can already feel my body energy so abnormal maybe its because i already awakened Nen and my senses are much much stronger than average jounin, i can even hear footsteps 50 m away from home and can feel peeping when someone looks at me, maybe it won't take long time before i feel when anyone thinks of me HAHAHA, well the point is my senses are abnormally strong and i continued extracting body energy guiding them to my 8 major tenketsu (Chakra Pressure points) so that i can store them in chakra coils, hmm this took me about 4 min ans 20 sec, i can already imagine myself having more chakra then tail beasts in future….

Just after 10 minutes of completing this process something abnormal happened, when i was checking my chakra conditions in chakra coils, I noticed I have less control over 3-5% of my total chakra extracted till now and this portion started feeling foriegn to me SO AbnorMal man, and i also noticed as the time went on from i lost more control over them, I hurriedly took all my chakra back from coils and started polishing them repeatedly so that i could feel what happened in my chakra coil by increasing my control over this polished chakra to abnormal degree and then sending them back to coils, I repeated this process until i finally noticed TWO hidden wills in my chakra coils which hindered me from gaining more control over chakra, WTF I already expected to have one will probably Kaguya otsutsuki will but how come there's another one maybe its From Isshiki Damn or May be its from Six Immortal hmm yeah the other will should be his.

What should I do now, give up on chakra?? Afterall I already have Nen, NO NO NO i can't chakra just have too much allure for me to just give up, I will just deal with all hidden danger in my body after I have developed my first NEN technique, till then I should just divide my time 1:3:6 on chakra extraction i mean if i spend 10 min on chakra extraction then i will spend 30 min on repeatedly polishing extracted chakra and rest 60 min on polishing my total chakra so that I can reduce chakra contamination rate

'I think i should also avoid myself being more dependent on chakra more frequently who knows What kind of ghost pops out In middle of Fight, Lets see my chakra affinities next then I should think about how to avoid damaging my brain from cursed seal in day after tomorrow ceremony' Ren thought as he held chakra paper in his hand and started passing chakra into it.

In the next second the paper split into three equal parts, one part of it wrinkled showing Lightning affinity, second part of it turned into dirt showing earth affinity and the rest split into two showing wind affinity, So Ren have 3 major affinities wind, lightning and earth. Ren had more hope that he would awaken fire affinity instead of earth ones because it's easy to find fire ninjutsu than earth one, from what he knows every konoha jounin have copy of at least 2-3 fire jutsu scroll and for lightning jutsu he just need to snoop in Hakate mansion or uchiha compound, For wind there plenty of jutsu scroll in hyuga even Haruto knows 2 wind ninjutsu same goes for earth ninjutsu after all it's a killer combination of Byakugan, Earth jutsu and Wind jutsu for long range attacks.

Ren Goes sneaks into his father's room and opens a secret compartment under Haruto's bed and took out a wooden box which had 16-17 scrolls and few Books and who would have thought that Ren hid his 3 years Hard Work under Haruto's Bed guess the Saying "The most Dangerous place is the Safest Place to Hide",

1→ Substitution Technique (Academy rank scroll) : Allows the user to substitute himself with decoy, in most cases decoy is a nearby object like Wooden Log, Bone substitution from kimimaro.

"If could master this jutsu to very high level then i can just instantly swap myself with any nearby object, this will be like low version EMS ability of adult Sasuke " Ren thought about this jutsu future development as he looked at tricks and experiences of over 100-110 ninjas compiled in scroll.

(A/N : Just imagine how many times he needed to use vision ability to compile this info.)

2→ Transformation Technique ( Academic rank scroll ) : Allows the user to disguise himself to another form according to his memory like when naruto transforms into shuriken, there are tons of uses and scenarios where this technique is helpful.

" I should try to combine different skills and ninjutsu with this technique so that i can increase this skill lvl near or surpass white zetsu" Ren said this as he studied the scroll and then took out another scroll.

3→ Clone Technique ( Academic rank scroll ) : Allows users to clone forms and substances.

"I should just practise on basic one and try to improve it to level where dojustu can't tell the difference b/w real one and clone ones also i should avoid using multiple clones at one" Ren shivered when he thought of scene where naruto creates hundreds of clones and suffers no brain damage, 'Definitely Abnormal how in hell would someone process memory information brought by so many clone in nearly a second there brain inside should have turn into paste also what kind of clone don't even listen to ontology '.

4→ Shushin ( D rank ) : Allows user to move at high speed.

" Definitely training this one to inrease one's speed. Maybe I should try using nen with this technique to see if i can receive a boost from modification "

5→ Earth Ninjutsu : Hiding like a mole (D - rank) : allows users to hide on earth and travel by making tunnels like a mole.

"I will just try in case some day i need to use this technique"

6→ Earth Ninjutsu : Earth wall(B - rank) : Creates a wall in front to block attacks.

"I should work on increasing the hardness of the earth wall".

7→ Chakra Moulding Technique : Allows users to transform his chakra into a different nature.

" hmm still too few info about transformation and most of them have the same info. I guess chakra moulding tricks make ninja with high quality in the same rank so it should be only given to trusted people " Ren looks at compiled info he got from hardly 6 ninjas.

8→ Medical knowledge Scroll : Necessary info to become a medical nin and this has more knowledge of experienced ninja.

" Mom really have nice network when her friends knew I was her son and was curious about medical books. They gifted me lots of books as presents on my birthday and those personal guidance I compiled are compiled from my vision. Can't let anyone know that I know so much about medical science that even stumps them right? " Ren laughed remembering the stunt he pulled off on his 3rd birthday in front of many guests that brought scoldings afterwards from Rise and Beating From Haruto even Grandpa scolded me with his old haunted face *uwa* *uha* their faces when they gifted me with nice books and money and tool kits, guess it must have costed them a lot for their pockets.

9→ Chakra control Technique Scroll( Elementary) : Allows the user to have better control on his chakra.

10→ Mystical Palm Technique ( A Rank) : allows user to send chakra to tenketsu to increase natural healing

"Technique is 2nd important to me but information about tenketsu will really me help when developing my own ninjutsu" Ren looked at this thick scroll, it was really a surprise to him when he knew that Rise knows and uses this jutsu.

11→ Gentle fist ( Hyuga technique ): compresses chakra on hands and delivers damage to tenketsu points to block natural chakra flow and has info about chakra pressure point uses. "Really nice Technique. It will need a lot of experiments to excel in this art. I should make connections to BLACK MARKET so that they can send me regular supplies of kidnapped ninjas. Well rest of scrolls are useless to me"

Ren nearly an hour later with all things back to their original place leaves Haruto rooms comes to his room and sat crossed legged and meditated for about 30 min as the time passed Ren became more calm and focused and suddenly he activated his Vision ability and he Laughed Hard like this was his happiest day of his life.

"HAHA i am really lucky transmigrator who have such bug like ability MAN it would be nice if this ability was permanent, this ability only last 3days and 5 hours, luckily i bypassed cursed seal it would only cause slight pain on my forehead but not much to do brain damage or enough for me lose my sanity. HAHA i should try more and more simulations since after a few days i will just miss this ability badly."

After saying this Ren madly started his vision ability and practised many times avoiding cursed seals until he thought he couldn't bypass any more restrictions and went to sleep.