

I Rewrote this FF In Naruto : Reborn with Nen link : https://www.webnovel.com/book/in-naruto-reborn-with-nen_23397520005263705 Thank You

Novel_Guru · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Chapter 11 Vows & limitations (Part II)

Few months Later,

I am still in my hideout, I haven't gone out for a single day and I am doing My Nen Practising techniques 10 continuous Hours WHOLE 10 Hours, rest of time I still do seal and Inscription practice and My instinct sharpening training.

This is the only training I had fun practising, I have a separate room for this training which pitch dark with blindfold and i only use my senses to avoid obstacles, these obstacles are not life threatening like Kunai, shuriken or senbon, I made some bouncing ball which can bounce back up 93% of its original height, During my training I threw these bouncing balls towards walls in random direction all I have to do is Avoid getting hit by them and dodge them, Seems simple right?, maybe but what if you do this with 10, 40, 100 Bouncing balls and even more, this way dodging difficulty increases Exponentially.

Hmm my highest record is 4 minutes 32 seconds and 22 millisecond with 100 bouncing balls,

And Sometimes in Order to increase my senses to extremes, I mix higly poisoned ball among them. And since I am all alone in a hideout, if I get poisoned for over 1 hour, it's Game Over for me.

During this period I have already ignored Hashi Hyuga reverse Physic message. He already tried activating the cursed seal countless times and it felt like a bee stinging my forehead. I have already avoided all major tenketsu points which may really cause irreversible damage during the cursed seal ceremony.

In my original plan I would completely avoid 2nd Ninja war and fish in 3rd Ninja war, but who would have thought that I could kill Elite Jounin at just age 7, even if Hashi and Konoha only has information that I can kill Jounin but even that put me in spot,

"Sigh, someone really said this sentence correct 'Human proposes and Heaven opposes'"

I knew after this mission, I had to tag with Hashi in frontlines just to protect, and Current Hashi Hyuga is just arrogant Young master who don't realise cruel reality of war, Even more so now because most shinobi villages already know how powerful Hyuga is, and If they want Byagugan Then only chance they have is Immature Hashi Hyuga and because of his attitude I am pretty sure Some of Shadow will definitely die protecting him, and Maybe my real strength will be exposed And I absolutely don't want this result.

So what Do I do in such situation ,I simply run away from war and simply avoid NO need to show some heroic behaviour like confronting Jounins in war or Opposing Hyuga Clan who won't even declare me as traitor because of my potential of KILLING KAGE level Powerhouse in future, and even if konoha knew that one of hyuga shinobi defected then they would simply ignore me, because i am like Root Shinobi with No official record of me being Konoha shinobi, and if They send team to search for me , will they find me? Maybe if they get permission to dig 2000 km underground from Daimyo and if they know where my Hideout Is.

The worst thing that can happen to me, Is My Family going to frontline which i want form bottom of my heart.

"HAHA I am looking forward to seeing their faces when I loot the whole Hyuga clan, maybe I won't be seeing my family" Ren heaved a sad Sigh, acting dramatically while thinking of them. This is one of his few pastime behaviours.

Well anyways, In recent days , I have already completed sub ability of Mindscape, that is PARALLEL MIND

That's right, I have developed PARALLEL MINDSCAPE and its works like this,

I have made 10 sub Memories Library and linked those 10 libraries to another memory processor in my 4th Mindscape layer.

So I linked my clone to these 10 libraries, one for each library and whenever I want, I can change my clone thinking through libraries because the link also works in real time.

This way I don't have to fear using forbidden shadow clone technique. The only downside is I have to devote lot of time If I want over 20 clones, Because as number of clones Increases, The difficulty of making and managing memory libraries increases exponentially.

After waking up early in the morning next day, He came to his study room

Now comes the Vows and Limitations for my 4th ability:

– "I will complete making 10000 Nen shapes in single second, after 5 years from Now."

– "I Total Nen abilities will Not exceed More than 10, In my entire Lifespan."

– "I will not make More than 3 NeN abilities in a single World."

Ren uttered these Limitation of his 4th Nen ability One after another without taking break from his Mouth and ignored the abnormality in Nen, Chakra And his surroundings.

His Nen started flaring and His Aura started becoming Light purple and More denser and so polished that if You create pure Nen wall, a person can his own mirror image reflecting from Nen wall, His surrounding air also changed from the gloomy, murderous, creepy air he had from countless assassins and worries Ren felt for his future, replaced with air similar to MIT/IIT rank holder one, His presence changed to unapproachable and authoritative one.

(A/N : I didn't come up with appropriate phase in this para, comment if you have something better. )

"And My Final Vow to Myself to reach the Absolute imaginary Throne, If In Future I break Any limitations or Vows I CEASE TO EXIST".

With his Last Vow, many Drastic Changes happened,

His thought process became faster and faster until 1 second seemed like 1/1000 second ( for him 1 millisecond became second.. 1000 times faster though.), His aura became darker and darker until it finally settled to Dark Purple with a tint of black in his aura,

His chakra was also affected with this vow, the two lingering will of Kaguya Otsutsuki and Hagoromo Otsutsuki already disintegrated and he truly felt one with chakra, He felt he now had 6-7 times more control on chakra than previous state and His Chakra colour changed from Light Blue to Light Purple with tint of light blue colour mixed with it,

His Mutated Byakugan started to change from Light blue with Purple hue in middle to full Purple coloured eyes, it Looked like Ren awakened Purple Tenseigan but was still far away but NOw his telescopic range directly increased from 20 Km to 70 Km and many more changes happened

Also something else happened. A ripple started spreading with him as a centre to the whole world. It was like announcing Ren Presence to Everyone and alerting those who were unaware of this DARK Horse In Rank. Ren also had terrible premonitions, he knew something bad was going to happen if he did nothing.

Ren quickly used his 3rd Nen ability Deep Sleep On this Ripple,

Target : Phenomena, Ripple created during Ren vow

Condition: Ignore, to all those affected or knew about Target except Ren, the ripple creator.

Consumption : 20 Years Of ren Lifespan

Effect: All those who will come into contact will this ripple or know about this ripple will ignore this ripple for 100 years (5*Lifespan consumed).

The entire process happened in 0.0009 seconds. Just think how powerful Ren has become.

"Good thing I used ability as soon I felt bad and Thank god that I don't have mentality like 'even IF I knew future trouble this ripple will bring , I won't care for now and at that time I will already a very powerful powerhouse so this ripple doesn't effect me much.'"

"Hmm I really powered up pretty fast, Wow I am so impressed, In my previous life i read Fanfic where some life-changing vows will bring significant changes but i didn't know that i would suddenly become this powerful at age 7."