
The Anarchy: Multi-Dimensional Chat Group

A typical Group Chat fanfic. Disclaimer: I don't own anyone besides the mc.

Mr_Judgement · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter 3: Bestofriendo

[Name: Samuel Lopez]

[Age: 17]

[Title: Admin & Blessed]

[Level 0] (0/100 EXP)

[HP: 200] (18 HP/5 mins)

[MP: 100] (10 MP/2 mins 30 secs)

[Mental: 80] - Mentally Exhausted


[Strength: 20]

[Agility: 23]

[Perception: 20]

[Endurance: 20]

[Vitality: 18]

[Magic: 10]

[Intelligence: 10]

[Note: Normal people have the stats of 10]

[Remark: Quite suspicious why agility is higher than most stats]


Staring at his stats as he knows how much he changed before he became Beyonder of both Pathways made him nod in satisfaction.

He then close all screen that was constantly stacked when he went to option to another option with thought.

At that moment, all screens disappeared.

After that, he then went to his bed, lay down then close his eye, and went to sleep shortly afterward.


Afternoon, 12:28 PM.

Samuel woke up as he yawned, and stretch his body a bit before went outside of his room, and directly going to the bathroom to wash his face he turned on the lights and crouched before a plastic bucket full of water in it.

After washing his face, he stand up then moved in front of the toilet, and pull down his pants along with underwear then take a piss.

After a few seconds, he pull up his pants along with his underwear, and went outside of the bathroom before he turn off the lights, and close the door with his right foot.

Then he went to take a mug and spoon in the kitchen to drink some energized drinks as he pull out something on top of the refrigerator.

What he pulled out is a Milo, a good energized drink for youngsters.

He sat down at the table before noticing food covered in a transparent white container enough for a plate to fit in.

On the plate is food consisting of scramble eggs, ham, and a hotdog.

Knowing his parents still save some food for an owl person-like made him extremely happy as he doesn't need to cook other food.

But before he eats, he must drink first to get rid of his tiredness as he pulls a hot water plastic container on the right side of the table.

After that, he cut the edge of Milo then pour it into his mug, and stand up from his seat as he went to the upper left cabinet by dragging his seat due to how long it is.

He then open the cabinet and a plastic container that stored brown sugar appeared before him and grabbed it with his hands.

After grabbing the brown sugar container, he close the cabinet before he leap onto the seat, dragged it to the table, and place it in front of the table as he sat on it.

Then, he open the brown sugar container, took brown sugar by his spoon then pour it onto his mug, and do it again before he close it.

After that, he opens the hot water container which a white fog released after opening it due to how hot it is, and pours it down on his mug for a second before stopping as his mug is nearly full.

He closes the container that stores hot water as he shakes his mug using his spoon for a few seconds.

Before stopping the Milo, and brown sugar are properly blended, and takes a sip from his spoon.

Samuel then said inwardly, 'Stats'

Right after he said that a transparent screen appeared in front of him as he sip from time to time as stared at it.

[Name: Samuel Lopez]

[Age: 17]

[Title: Admin & Blessed]

[Level 0] (0/100 EXP)

[HP: 200] (18 HP/5 mins)

[MP: 100] (10 MP/2 mins 30 secs)

[Mental: 80] - Mentally Exhausted


[Strength: 20]

[Agility: 23]

[Perception: 20]

[Endurance: 20]

[Vitality: 18]

[Magic: 10]

[Intelligence: 10]

[Note: Normal people have the stats of 10]

[Remark: Quite suspicious why agility is higher than most stats]


As he stare at his stats he noticed something that caught his attention.

He clicked on the title with his thoughts as the screen showed.

[Title: Blessed]

[Description: This title will be obtained after receiving g blessing from Heaven.]

[Effect 1: 2x Increase all stats when battling an evil entity, demon, and invader from another reality.]

[Effect 2: You can see people's karmas by your eye.]

[Effect 3: Angel Form (Currently Sealed due to low strength).]

[Title: Admin]

[Description: This title will be obtained after becoming Admin in Multi-Dimensional Chat Group.]

[Effect 1: 30% Discount from most options.]

[Effect 2: 2x Rewards after completing group missions.]

[Effect 3: Personal Quest.]

[Effect 4: Can invite someone from the title owner world(one time).]

Reading his two titles' description and its effect made him shocked beyond words especially since he can invite someone into his world as he feels sometimes want a companion that has been familiar with him for many years, and want to share with that person.

He pondered what friends will he invite as he stop sipping from his mug.

After pondering for several minutes, he grabs his phone in his pants and then turns on it by clicking a certain button on the edge upper right side.

Then directly went to messenger, and search his friend's account he never chatted with him as his friend don't use social media either he just read some novel on his phone, and watched animes.

After searching for his friend's name which is John Michael, he clicked on it, type with both of his hands then send the message.

[Samuel: Bro? If you are online right now, can you answer some questions?]

Unexpected his friend John just online not long ago, and send Samuel a reply.

[John: What question?]

Samuel took a deep breath before typing and sending it.

[Samuel: If you have a chance to go to the anime world especially your favorite My Hero Academia, and have quirks like them would you agree?]

Not long ago his friend replied.

[John: Of course, I would love to but sadly it's just an anime, not a real world even though it's real I can't travel across worlds like those isekai.]

[Samuel: Don't worry because right now a Multi-Dimensional Chat Group appeared in front of me that can allow me to invite someone from my world but I know this is ridiculous, this is true just wait a moment...]

John read the message sent by Samuel while laying in his bed with his phone as he was about to type as he suppresses his laugh suddenly a transparent screen appeared in front of him which surprised him his phone dropped as he looked at it with his jaw dropped.

[Do you wish to join Multi-Dimensional Chat Group?]

[Yes] / [No]