
The Anarchy: Multi-Dimensional Chat Group

A typical Group Chat fanfic. Disclaimer: I don't own anyone besides the mc.

Mr_Judgement · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter 2: Items & Stats

Notice: This chapter is just an information dump well mostly.

[Rank: F | Transformable Growth Weapon]

[Description: A weapon made by an unknown blacksmith and mechanic that can transform into any type of weapon and grow along with the user.]

[Function 1: Transform into Cold Weapon, Heat Weapon & Energy Weapon (Sealed due to the user's low level).]

[Function 2: Growth]

[Function 3: Skill generated that are ideal for specific weapons (Currently 1 skill due to the user's low level).]

[Function 4: The weapon will regenerate if it's destroyed over time by consuming the user's Mana.]

[Function 5: Return]

Looking at the item description, especially the function made him excited as this is the most ideal weapon for him as he always gets bored with one thing, and he always wants to touch guns but unfortunately can't due to being minor and law itself.

"Umu!" He nodded as he smiled, full of happiness.

He takes a deep breath and clears his messy thoughts as he imagined a kitchen knife in his mind, and muttered under his breath, "Knife Form".

In the next moment, the small black box that is in his palm turned into particles that are spread in his palms, and later formed into a kitchen knife that is neither long nor short appeared in his palm.

He looked at the kitchen knife and muttered in his mind, 'Analysis'

After that, a transparent screen shows up that shows the kitchen knife form description and its function.

[Rank: F | Transformable Growth Weapon | Knife Form]

[Description: A weapon formed by the item called Transformable Growth Weapon.]

[Skill 1: [Rank: F | Knifemanship - A skill that allows users to master the art of knifemanship | 5% Weakness Damage Increased]

Looking at the skill the item gained made him nod in satisfaction as this is the most practical skill he needed the most even though he was quite good at holding a knife when he especially spin it casually if his bored.

He then made the knife form back into a small black box that fit into his palm by saying, "Deactivate"

Even though he can just say in his mind he still wanna do it as his, not in the battle, and to act cool if allowed to do so.

With that, he returns the item into his inventory by shoving it in the seemingly infinite slots in front of him that are not closed.

Then, he went to the third item he received as he clicked on the golden ticket shining brightly that looked like it bless by God itself.

After that, a golden ticket appeared in his palm as he looked at it before saying under his breath, "Analysis"

[Rank: EX | (5x) Random Invitation Ticket]

[Description: A item that allows the user to randomly invite someone in a Multi-Dimensional Chat Group.]

[Function 1: Random Invitation]

Looking at the description, and its function made him tempted to directly use the item as he is quite curious about what members will be invited.

But later stop that thought as it was midnight currently, and he didn't want to disturb someone's sleep if the time is different from him, and his quite tired it was just his excitement that forced him not to sleep.

Especially, he wants to experience being Beyonder as he hastily grabbed the black card in his pocket that he placed before as he muttered in a tone of excitement in it, "System, use the item [The Anarchy Inheritance]?"

After he said that, a transparent screen appeared in front of him.

[Do you proceed to use the item <Rank: EX | The Anarchy Inheritance>?]

Without hesitation, he directly said with a tone of anticipation in it along with excitement, "Yes"

After that, energy flowed through his body as he feel warm as he thought he will experience pain due to being Beyonder as Pathway of Justiciar boost physical in an early sequence.

As several screens appeared in front of him along with a bell sound that rang in his head.

[Ding! Congratulations you successfully become Sequence 9 Beyonder of Justiciar Pathway!]

[Ding! Congratulations you gained <Rank: F |Adaptability: A ability that allows the user to have outstanding combat ability that can deal with the unexpected.>!]

[Ding! Congratulations you gained <Rank: F | Charismatic: A ability that allows the user has a convincing charm and considerable authority, causing people to be more likely to believe and obey them.>!]

[Ding! Congratulations you successfully become Sequence 9 Beyonder of the Black Emperor Pathway!]

[Ding! Congratulations you gained <Rank F | Exploit: A ability that allows the user skilled at finding and taking advantage of loopholes within rules and laws, as well as the weakness of enemies]

[Ding! Congratulations you gained <Rank: F | Brainwash: A ability that allows the user have abilities in the areas of eloquence or persuasion, distorting or guiding their target's thinking to a certain degree, through methods like making one feel very close to them, or willing to trust them.>!]

The warm energy that flowed inside his body disappeared, and his temperament has a huge change as it can subconsciously make others obey and trust him without hesitation.

He clenches his palm into a fist as he feels power through it.

He then went to his stats to see how much changed by muttered, "Status"

A transparent screen appeared in front of him.


[Name: Samuel Lopez]

[Age: 17]

[Level 0] (0/100 EXP)

[HP: 200]

[Mana: 100]

[Mental: 100]


[Strength: 20]

[Agility: 25]

[Perception: 20]

[Endurance: 20]

[Vitality: 18]

[Magic: 10]

[Intelligence: 10]

[Note: Normal people have the stats of 10]

[Remark: Quite suspicious why agility is higher than most stats]
