
The Anarchy: Multi-Dimensional Chat Group

A typical Group Chat fanfic. Disclaimer: I don't own anyone besides the mc.

Mr_Judgement · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter 4: Members

[Do you wish to join Multi-Dimensional Chat Group?]

[Yes] / [No]

Staring at the transparent screen in front of him, floating.

Which made him surprised that he dropped his phone that landed on his chest with a shocked expression as he never thought this screen will change his life.

John takes a deep breath to calm himself from losing himself from the excitement he gett he quickly grabs his phone in his chest and types the message hurriedly as if his afraid Samuel will change his thoughts, and send it to Samuel.

[John: Damn! Is this real? because this is too good to be true.]

Samuel looked at his friend's reply with a smirk before typing and sending the message.

[Samuel: Yes it is but in this adventure you will be dragged on a certain mission if you don't read some fanfic about Dimensional Chat Group in Webnovel, and there is a possibility you needed to kill if you want to travel to another world or universe and to obtain something you want.]

After sending that, he hurriedly type and send another message.

[Samuel: Do you still accept the invitation?]

Reading the message sent by his friend John thinks seriously as this one will change his future and his mindset.

After several minutes of thinking which made Samuel thought that his friend, John will decline because of the killing going on when joining the Group Chat, and can risk his life.

John then sends the message as Samuel prepared for his message about declining the invitation but unexpectedly he accepts as he read the message.

[John: I know that there are no free in the world but I gladly take it as life quite boring and to accompany you because it's unfair you only getting the fun.]

Samuel smiled at his friend's message then suddenly a transparent screen appeared in front of him.

[Ding! Anime Enjoyer has joined Multi-Dimensional Chat Group!]

[Ding! Anime Enjoyer became Moderator of Multi-Dimensional Chat Group!]

Looked at the screen with surprise as he never thought his friend became Moderator then happy for his friend becoming it.

He then asked inwardly the system, 'System, can you delete our chat without tracing?'

After he asked that, the system answered with an emotionless, and mechanical voice that sounded in his head.


Hearing the system answer, Samuel sighed in relief as he know that there will be a possibility that the existence of a Multi-Dimensional Chat Group or the power to go through another world will be exposed in the eyes of the Government.

After a moment, the system said in his head.


With that, there are no worries, as he sends messages using his thoughts.

[Admin | The Anarchy: "John if you don't read some novel about system genre you should go to your inventory by saying its name, and you will see a gift, and to see all options just say in your head, Menu."]

[Moderator | Anime Enjoyer: "Thanks man!"]

After reading his friend Samuel's message, he hurriedly said inwardly with the tone of excitement in it, 'Inventory!'

Seemingly infinite slots appeared in front of John as he later then see a gift his friend talking about he hastily clicked on it as another screen popped out in front of him.

[Do you wish to open <Moderator Gift Packs>?]

[Yes] / [Close]

Without further ado, John clicked [Yes] as another screen appeared in front of him, stacking all the screens he open before.

[Ding! Congratulations you obtained <Rank S | Quirk: One For All (Improved Version)>!]


[Rank: S | Quirk: One For All (Improved Version)]

[Description: One For All also allows the user to stockpile an enormous amount of raw power, allowing them to significantly enhance all of their physical abilities to a superhuman level. This results in unbelievable levels of strength, speed, agility, and durability.

The user can focus the stockpiled power on a single body part, or spread the power evenly throughout their body, although, focusing the power puts a greater strain on the part of the body where the power is focused. The user is also able to control the percentage of the power that they activate. One For All can even grant the user an exceptional strength boost to their given Quirk if they have one.]

[Additional Abilities:

> Fa Jin: This Quirk allows the user to build up and store kinetic energy as they move, this energy can then be released as an explosive burst of speed and power.

> Danger Sense: This Quirk allows the user to detect nearby threats.

> Black whip: This Quirk allows the user to produce tendrils of dark energy which are useful for long-range grappling and increasing the user's mobility.

> Smokescreen: This Quirk allows the user to generate thick clouds of smoke from their body, which can obscure people's vision.

> Float: This Quirk allows the user to levitate.]

[Note: The user ability lifespan is not affected by using the quirk and having it, and there is no need to have corresponding emotion to activate the additional ability.]


Reading the note made him sigh in relief as he was quite worried his lifespan will be affected, and now his worries are solved, and especially he doesn't need corresponding emotion to activate the additional quirk from One For All.

[Admin | The Anarchy: "What did you get?"]

Samuel's message curiously.

[Moderator | Anime Enjoyer: "I obtained my favorite quirk in My Hero Academia."]

John makes his message suspenseful.

[Moderator | Anime Enjoyer: " It was One For All!".]

[Admin | The Anarchy: "Well, congrats getting your favorite, and anyways let's invite some members for the Chat Group as you finish opening your gifts as I'm quite curious what member will we get."]

[Moderator | Anime Enjoyer: "Same."]

After sending the message, Samuel opened the inventory by saying inwardly, 'Inventory'

As seemingly infinite slots appeared as he immediately clicked the golden ticket that occupied one slot.

In the next moment, a golden ticket appeared in his palm as he command the system in his head.

'System, use the item <5x Random Invitation Ticket>'

After that, an emotionless, and mechanical voice rang inside of his head.

[Do you wish to proceed to use the item <5x Random Invitation Ticket>?]


Samuel replied inwardly.

Right in the next moment as various transparent screens pop up in front of him along with the bell that rang inside of his head.

[Ding! Queen of Thorns has joined Multi-Dimensional Chat Group!]

[Ding! Sect Leader of Yan Huang Sect has joined Multi-Dimensional Chat Group!]

[Ding! Advocates of Gender Equality has joined Multi-Dimensional Chat Group!]

[Ding! Sadist Swordswoman has joined Multi-Dimensional Chat Group!]

[Ding! Strongest in the World has joined Multi-Dimensional Chat Group!]