

After being bitten by a radioactive Spider, and the death of his parents, a young man goes around the world, trains his mind, body, and spirit to become a hero his city needs.

Larry_Moore_9883 · Anime & Comics
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87 Chs


Peter tries to gain his composure, wiping his tears away.

"What's going on?" Peter asks.

"Allow me to show you. I warn you, this might be a little- off putting." Xavier says.

Niles then uses his psychic abilities to show Peter exactly what happened.

"A few months ago, a girl was taken to the hospital after being found on the street. Her name is Ace Maximoff, a MetaMutant that was taken and trained by a secret organization since she could walk. While in the hospital, she decided to use her abilities to change the world in her image. No sickness, no wars, no pain." Xavier says.

"Me and Xavier were the only ones to remember the world before this happened. When we tried to confront the child, she easily defeated us. We need your help to put the world back."

Peter gets a serious look on his face, clenching his fists out of anger. At that moment, he hears familiar voices coming upstairs.

"Dad!" Richie yells running into the room.

"Mom and Grandma are lighting your candles on your cake! Who are they?" Richie.

Peter looks at his son, having all sorts of memories of this little boy that aren't even real. That the life he has always wanted, isn't real. Peter forces a smile on his face, holding back his emotions, kneeling down and putting his hands on his shoulders.

"They're- friends. I'll be down in a minute, body. Ok?" Peter says.

Richie nods while smiling, causing Peter to hug him tightly. He slowly let's go, watching Richie running out of the room. Peter let's out a heartbroken sigh, then turns to Strange Fate and Xavier with a cold stare.

"Give me a minute." Peter says.

Moments later, Peter(wearing his Spider-Bat suit without the mask) stands outside of the mansion, staring through the window at his perfect life, wanting so bad to stay. But he knows he can't, because with great power, comes great responsibility. The hero then puts on his mask and swings away, not looking back at his perfect life.

He soon lands in a building, where Xavier told him to go telepathically. When he lands, he sees Strangefate and Xavier along with Clark and Diana.

"I see they found you both too." Peter says.

Diana and Clark both look at their friend with sadness, immediately hugging him.

"How are you?" Diana asks.

Peter doesn't answer for a moment.

"I'll be better when we put things back. Where's the girl." Peter says, avoiding the question.

"Not far, but she'll know we're coming. She sees everything that happens in this new world."

Peter scowls

"Then how do we change things back to the way they were?" Peter asks.

"That's where I come in." A voice says.

Peter, Diana and Clark turn around and see Amanda Fury standing behind him.

"It's you. The woman from that day."

"Amanda Waller Fury. Born in St. Louis, road scholar, PHD in political science, served in intelligence under three administrations. Disappeared from public life four years ago." Peter says.

Both Clark and Diana are shocked.

"Fury?" Diana asks.

"Nick Fury's Ex wife." Peter replies.

"I kept the name." Amanda says.

"How is she going to help us with Ace?" Clark asks.

A silence passes between them.

"You were the ones who experimented on her. A child."

"We were training Ace to control her powers, so something like this wouldn't have happened. Unfortunately we probably trained her too well. She escaped, then a few days later the world was like this. Now I'm here with a way to turn it back." Amanda replies.

She then pulls out a device

"Cadmus isn't around anymore, but luckily I had this lying around." Amanda says.

"What is it?" Doctor Strangefate asks.

"It's a device that will kill Ace." A shocked Niles says.

"We don't know what exactly she is capable of, the damage she can cause with her powers could be catastrophic." Amanda says.

"So you want to kill a child for something you caused in the first place." Clark says.

Peter walks up to her without saying a word, taking the device and walking away. Everyone is shocked, even Amanda Fury.

"Let's get this done." Peter says, web swinging away.

Both Clark and Diana look at each other for a moment, before flying behind him.

"Niles, is he really going to use that device?" Strangefate asks.

Niles is quiet for a moment

"I'm not sure." Niles says.

"You're not sure?"

"I can't read his mind, he's blocking me out somehow."

"I didn't even know that was possible." Strangefate says.

"Neither did I." Niles replies.

Later on, as they slowly approach a small house in a nice neighborhood, Clark puts his hand on Peter's shoulder.

"You aren't really going to use that thing, are you?" Clark asks.

Peter doesn't even turn to his friend.

"Look, I know you're angry about what you had to give up, but-"

Before Clark can finish he is tackled by a giant mutant with super strength, the two going crashing through a building.

"Captain!" Diana yells

At that moment a fire blasts comes at her but Dr. Strangefate puts up a shield that blocks it. They look over and see three other mutants, all with different abilities.

"I'm guessing the kid knows we're here." Peter says.

One of the mutants fires a blast at Peter but he easily dodges and runs off. Doctor Strangefate quickly says a spell that knocks the fire mutant back. A female mutant turns her hand into a whip and wraps it around Diana's neck but she easily gets out of it and kicks her away.

Meanwhile as the giant repeatedly punches Clark in the face, the Captain slowly starts to be unaffected by the attacks. He then catches a punch, then knocks him back with his shield and tackles him into a car.

Another mutant with blades for hands charges at Peter, swinging them at him. While he avoids the blades easily, he notices a little girl walking to the backyard. Peter quickly kicks one of the blades into the ground, knocks him out with a punch, then runs to the backyard.

"Spider-Bat, wait!" Captain Krypton yells, but getting hit by a fire blast.

Peter makes it the back yard, amazed at how giant and beautiful it is. He then looks over and sees Ace swinging on the swing set.

"Spider-Bat." Ace says.

"You must be Ace." Peter says.

"We met before, remember?" Ace asks.

"I do. A few months ago, you were on the street, cold, unconscious, alone, surrounded by pictures of me. I took you to the hospital. They said there was a chance you wouldn't wake up."

Ace smiled.

"You gave me a kiss on the forehead and told me sweat dreams. That was the best moment of my life. You were my favorite hero. I always dreamed of meeting you and maybe being your partner."

Peter smiles.

"I'm flattered." Peter replies.

She then stops swinging, having a remorseful look on her face.

"You're mad at the changes I made, aren't you?" Ace asks.

Peter doesn't answer for a moment, before letting out a sigh.

"I was, at first. But know why you did it. And it wasn't just for me." Peter says, referring to her parents that abandoned her, standing in the house."

Ace stays silent for a moment.

"Ever since I was a kid, Cadmus has been training me. Turning me into a weapon, for justice they said. They got their weapon, I got cheated out of a normal life." Ace says.

"I know what that's like." Peter says.

"You do, don't you?"

Peter stays silent.

"You don't have to answer, I read your mind. That's how I knew you weren't going to use Mrs. Fury's weapon on me."

Peter takes the device out and drops it to the ground.

"No, I wasn't."

"You're going to try to talk me into fixing what I've changed."

"I was." Peter answers.

"Why? Why would you want things to go back to the way things were? You have everything you ever wanted here, you can be happy here." Ace says.

Peter smiles, sitting in the swing next to her.

"I woke up this morning, the happiest man in the world. This is everything I ever wanted in a life. But I got responsibilities. This world is a perfect one, but it's not real." Peter says.

Ace looks up at him with tears in her eyes.

"I'm sorry." Ace says.

Peter holds the young child's hand

"It's ok." Peter says.

Moments later, as the fight with the mutants continue, they turn back to normal and fall to the ground as the world is brought back to normal. Everyone then looks over and sees Peter walking out, holding an unconscious Ace in his arms. Captain Krypton and Ms. Wonder quickly fly over to Spider-Bat.

"Is she-" Clark asks.

"Just sleeping. Her powers took a lot out of her today."

They let out a sigh of relief and smile.

"Thank the God's." Diana says.

Niles and Strangefate soon approaches them.

"Now what should we do with the child?" Strangefate asks.

"I can take in the girl. Teach her how to properly use her powers." Niles says.

At that moment, multiple military trucks starts to surround the heroes. Amanda Fury soon approaches them along with multiple Cadmus soldiers.

"We'll take it from here. Ace belongs to us." Amanda says.

Peter glares at them.

"No." Peter says.

Amanda glares back.

"You need to stand down." She says.

"Not gonna happen. Ace is staying with us." Peter replies.

The two stare each other down


As she says this, the soldiers aim their guns at the heroes. Clark, Diana, and Strangefate step forward, ready to fight. Peter then smirks at Amanda.

"Mine are bigger than yours." Peter says.

Amanda stares at Peter for a moment.

"Stand down." She orders her team.

"She's free to go with you. For now." Amanda says.

Amanda and the rest of the Cadmus soldiers leave the area. As they leave, Ace holds Peter close.

"Thank you." Ace whispers, making Peter smile.

Later that night, Peter walks up stairs and slowly lies down in the bed. Andrea rolls over, cuddling Peter. The hero then thinks about the perfect life that he had, admitting to himself that it was hard to give up. But as he kisses Andrea's forehead and watches her smile, he realizes that this is the life he was meant to live.