

After being bitten by a radioactive Spider, and the death of his parents, a young man goes around the world, trains his mind, body, and spirit to become a hero his city needs.

Larry_Moore_9883 · Anime & Comics
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87 Chs


One morning, Peter slowly wakes up with a big smile on his face, taking a deep breath and looking out of the window, a female hand is wrested on his chest. He looks over and sees his wife, Gwen Stacy.

"Good morning, handsome." Gwen says.

Peter holds Gwen's hand, staring deeply into her eyes.


The two share a kiss and a smile.

"Happy Birthday." Gwen says.

As Peter smile gets bigger, a little boy with blonde hair runs into their room, jumping onto them in the bed, causing Gwen and Peter to laugh.

"Hey, where did you come from?" Peter jokingly says, picking up his son, Richard Parker the second, also known as Richie.

"Happy Birthday, Dad." The boy says with a smile.

Peter ruffles his hair.

"Thanks, buddy." Peter says.

At that moment, Ben comes in, holding a cake, along with Peter's parents, Richard and Mary Parker.

"Happy Birthday!" All three of them say.

Peter takes the Spider-Bat themed cake, laughing to himself.

"Wow, nice choice in cake." Peter jokingly says.

"Make a wish, son." Richard says.

Peter closes his eyes but doesn't make a wish because he already has everything he wanted. He blows out the candles as everyone claps.

Later, as Gwen, Richie, and Peter's Parents all sit together eating breakfast that was made by Ben, Peter comes downstairs wearing his work suit.

"I gotta go, guys. There's a board meeting at Parker Corp." Peter says.

Richard chuckles.

"I remember those days. Glad I'm retired." He says.

Mary Parker leans over, resting her head on her husbands chest.

"So am I." She says.

Peter smiles at his parents being happy, but has a suspicion that Somethings wrong. Gwen notices this, grabbing him by the hand.

"Everything ok?" Gwen asks.

Peter quickly snaps out of it and smiles.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Anyway, I'm gonna head out." Peter says.

He kisses his wife, hugs his parents, pats Ben on the shoulder, and kisses his son on his head.

"See you all tonight." Peter says, leaving the mansion.

At Parker Corp, the merged Company Of Parker Industries and Oscorp, Peter walks into a room where he sees his assistant slash tech advisor, Jill Stacy.

"Hey, Boss. Happy Birthday." Jill says.

Peter smiles.

"Thank you, Jill. Is Harry here yet?" Peter asks.

At that moment, an arm is wrapped around Peter. He turns around, seeing his bestfriend and business partner Harry Osborne.

"There he is, the man of the hour. Happy Birthday, Pete."

"Thanks, Harry. Is the board here yet?" Peter asks.

"Yeah, they're waiting downstairs. Looks like this'll be the first board meeting that Peter Parker is actually on time for." Harry says.

At that moment; Peter's crime alert on his watch goes off.

"Guess I spoke too soon." Harry says

"So close." Jill also adds.

Peter smirks.

"Very funny, both of you. Cover for me?" Peter asks.

"I always got your back. I'll just get Octavius to help out in the meeting."Harry says.

Peter nod, walking away while loosening his tie and unbuttoning his shirt to reveal his Spider-Bat suit.

Spider-Bat jumps out of the window after three men wearing ski masks. Peter lands infront of the men, causing them to sigh.

"What's it gonna be, boys?" Spider-Bat asks.

After a short pause, the three robbers put down their guns and drops to his knees.

"Good call."

At that moment, Detective Bullock, and Commissioner Montoya appear to arrest the criminals.

"Looks like you beat us to it again, Mr. Parker." Montoya says, shaking Peter's han

Peter smiles.

"Well I can avoid the traffic. Now, if you two will excuse me, I have a meeting to get to." Peter says.

The hero then web swings away, back to Parker Corp. As he swings through the city, he gets another feeling of uneasiness he had earlier, that something isn't entirely right, but just like before he puts it to the back of his mind.

Later that night, Peter and his father come back home from eating steaks at a fancy restaurant. Before Peter can walk in, his father grabs him by the shoulder.

"Before we go inside, into the surprise party we both know you know about. I just wanted to say... I'm proud of you, son."

Peter looks at his father, as tears start to form in Richard's eyes.

"The man that you've become, the good things you've done, the lives that you've saved... your mother and I couldn't be any prouder of you, Peter."

Peter smirks, tears forming in his eyes as well.

"With great power comes great responsibility, right?"

Richard smiles, and the two share a hug.

"I love you, son." Richard says.

"I love you too, dad."

After the two finish hugging, Peter unlocks the door and walks inside. After a few seconds, the lights come on and everyone of Peter's loved ones, including civilians he's saved, uninformed officers, firefighters, nurses and doctors all yell surprise at the hero. Peter tries to act surprised, genuinely smiling through it all.

"Happy Birthday, buddy." Harry says.

"Happy Birthday, Peter." George Stacy says.

As Peter smiles and nods, he gets approached by a young man he helped off the street and put through college, Jason Kaine.

"Happy Birthday Pete."

"Hey, thanks Jason. I'm glad you could make it." Peter says.

Peter then gets a kiss by his wife and a hug from his son.

"Happy Birthday, sweetheart."

"Happy Birthday, dad." Richie says.

Peter smiles at his family, embracing them.

"I am such a lucky man." Peter says.

At that moment he is approached by a familiar face.

"Happy Birthday, Parker."

He turns around, with his eyes widen, seeing Norman Osborne offering his hand. Peter is stunned, but he doesn't know why, sweat dripping from his face, hair standing up on his body.

"Peter? Are you ok?" Gwen asks.

"Sweetheart?" Mary says.

"Dad?" Richie says.

At that moment, Peter's true memories come flooding back. He remembers what happened to Harry, Jason, Norman, Jill, Gwen, and his parents... He finally realizes that this world- isn't real.

Gwen tries to reach out, but Peter pulls away while clutching his head.

"I just.... I need a minute." Peter says, walking upstairs.

When gets upstairs, he walks into a room, locks the door, and drops to his knees. Memories in his head changes, from seeing his parents dead in an alley, to failing to save Gwen, Harry becoming Two-face, to Norman Osborne becoming the Goblin. As he sees reality for what it is, he cries.

"Please.... it can't be true... please God, no I don't want this....Oh God!" Peter yells.

"I see you have already seen the truth for yourself." A voice says.

Peter looks over and sees one man in a wheelchair and a man wearing a golden helmet.

"Hello Peter Parker, my name is Dr. Niles Xavier. This is Dr. Strangefate. And we need your help to rectify reality."