
The Alexius Chronicles

In a world full of Might and Magic, Empires rose, and Kingdoms fell. The Strong shall grow weak and the Weak shall grow strong. One Man will Triumph... (Hiatus)

Alleviate · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Kang's Determination

The breath of the wind is cold and yet it was warm as if it was a summer day, the Heavens have covered the pure light of the moon and yet it was bright as if the sun was in the sky.

Kang unleashes a barrage of flaming balls towards Alexius, but it was ineffective as they were dissipated before it could even reach him.

"What kind of person are you?" Kang said in frustration.

"A very strong one." Alexius replied with a smirk.

"I've had enough of your arrogance."

Kang stopped creating flaming projectiles and unsheathes his sword. He used his flames to make his sword burn. With one swift slash of the burning sword, a sharp arched flame came out of his sword towards Alexius. Alexius tried to dissipate it with the plank, but it wasn't effective. He barely dodged the flaming arch but when it hits the wall behind him, it was cleanly cut leaving flames on it.

"You almost got me there! but that won't be enough for you to win."

"Again, your damn arrogance. Who do you think you are? I will not tolerate this disrespect anymore." Kang furiously said.

With the built-up rage inside of him, Kang lunged towards Alexius and engaged him in close-quarters combat. With every slash of his sword, a flaming arch is generated. Alexius couldn't even parry his attacks. All he could do is dodge Kang's sword and flaming arches.

Due to Kang's attacks, the nearby surrounding is now engulfed in flames. This puts Alexius to a disadvantage since his moves are now restricted by the flames.

"This burning sensation, why is so familiar?" Alexius thought to himself.

"Not smiling anymore? Have you finally realized the danger of your situation?" Kang said.

Alexius thought deeply as to why the sensation was so familiar to him, but nothing comes to mind. It was as if he was alone in a calm sea with nothing in sight.

Seeing Alexius on a daze, Kang took this opportunity to launch a barrage of flaming arches towards him. But Alexius wasn't to be underestimated, seeing the multiple arches coming towards him, he jumped and layed his body horizontally midair to gracefully dodge the attacks. As soon as he landed, he ran towards Kang while dodging every attack by a mere inch.

"How? How is everything missing you? This is impossible" Kang shouted furiously.

"You're simple, you're predictable, and most of all, you rely on your power too much." Alexius said seriously.

With the distance closed between them, Alexius used the plank and tries to smash it into Kang's head, but Kang was prepared. He sliced the plank cleanly in half but before he could do anything. Alexius bent down and tried to sweep his legs, but Kang dodges it by jumping.

Seeing Alexius on the ground bent down full of openings, he winds up for a slash but before he could attack, he felt a powerful kick landing on his stomach. Alexius apparently used his hands and pushed the ground to propel himself to the ground to land this kick.

The kick was powerful enough to send Kang flying towards a burning building making it collapse and burying him under the flaming debris and rubble.

Arriving at the scene, was Edwards and his crew. They saw everything that transpired and was amazed on Alexius' fighting skills. Never did they imagine that one of the Five Swords can be beaten so easily.

Edwards also issued an order to his crew to get some water to douse the flames from the burning buildings.

"Alexius, I know that you were a great fighter, but I never knew that you are this amazing" Edwards said in awe.

"You ain't seen nothing yet Edwards, that is just a glimpse of what I can do. Ha-Ha-Ha" Alexius said as laughed loudly.

"That's the spirit Alexius, with you on our side we are unstoppable."


Alejandro was running swiftly; he has abandoned his stealth approach and just decided to take out anyone who goes against him. Every step he takes, a body falls down. He was unstoppable, the garrison had no way of dealing against him. All they could do was wait for death.

"I need to be faster; Kang won't survive that fight for long. I need to open those damn gates quickly" Alejandro thought to himself.

But soon he had to stop, he was faced with a group of fully armed soldiers defending the flank of the walls.

"Damn it, I can't stop here."

"You there! Stop and surrender or you shall be beheaded" The captain of the soldiers shouted.

"I'll murder you all if I have to! If you don't want to die, make a damn way!" Alejandro said in an agitated voice.

Hearing those words, the captain of the soldiers signaled the archers to shoot him. Dozens of arrows headed towards Alejandro, but he just stood there. Every arrow that was headed towards him just suddenly stopped midair and fell beneath his feet.

The soldiers were confused as to why the arrows just fell like that, Alejandro, taking advantage of the confusion suddenly charged in the middle of the soldiers and sent them all flying without touching them.

"He's a user of the elements, don't let him near the gates! Stop him at all costs!" the captain desperately shouted.

But it was too late, no one can stop him now. No one can even go near him without getting sent flying. Every projectile proved to be useless as they all fell down like the arrows earlier.

The gates were only of arms reach but commander Sun suddenly appeared and stopped him in his tracks.

"You, you are a user of the wind element, am I correct."

"Yes, what if I am? Are you confident that you can beat me?"

Commander Sun unsheathes his broadsword; he holds it with two hands and enters a proud stance. He rushes towards Alejandro.

"Old fool, you cannot break my wind barrier."

But he was proven to be wrong, Commander Sun broke his barrier effortlessly with one swift slash of his broadsword. Had Alejandro not dodged in the last second, his body would've been sliced in half.


In the street where Alexius and Kang fought, the burning buildings have been finally doused. Edwards and his crew are preparing to march to the walls to reinforce the garrison.

"Now that the flames are gone, we can finally wreak havoc" Leonardo said. "Let's go men! Tonight, we will finally have our vengeance."

A loud ear-piercing scream was heard by everyone. A torrent of flame suddenly appeared in the spot where Kang was buried. The flame was so intense and hot that it melted any metal that was near it.

"You stupid fool." Alexius said. "Edwards leave this to me, take your men and go to the walls quickly."

"You heard him everyone, go to the walls quickly. Take the route away from the flames" Leandro issued the order.

"I'll save some action for you later so come quick Ha-Ha-Ha" Edwards jokingly said.

"I appreciate it."

Minutes later, the flaming torrent has now passed, and Edwards' crew had already left for the walls. Kang finally rose from the rubble and was covered in flames.

"You do know that if you maintain that form, you'll die."

"I just have to kill you first before I die."

Unlike earlier, Kang was calm and collected. The flames covering his body formed into the shape of an armor, his hair was burning brightly and the flames in his hands formed sharp and long claws.

With one stroke of his hand, multiple flaming slashes came towards Alexius. They were faster, sharper, and more destructive than his flaming arches earlier. All Alexius could do was dodge and run away from his attacks.

"Has your arrogance finally gone?"

"You know, I really don't enjoy fighting a candle burning brightly."

Without saying any words, Kang just suddenly rushed towards Alexius. He was fighting as if he was a wild and savage lone wolf. All Alexius could do was dodge, but he couldn't keep up. He was scratched in different parts of his body and was viciously slashed in his left arm and quickly backed away from him. Fortunately, he backed on the spot where Kang was and found his sword on the ground.

He picked up Kang's sword and held it horizontally across his face as he gently caressed the blade with his left hand and examined it carefully. Despite the slash in his left arm, he still entered a sword stance beautifully.

Kang could only stand; he was a raging fire and yet he was frozen on the spot. Everything about Alexius changed.

"As soon as he entered that stance, every inch of my entire being is telling me to run." Kang thought to himself.

Ignoring his own instincts, he stroked his hand to launch multiple flaming slashes towards him but to his surprise, it was cut cleanly in half. Every slash he projected was cut.

"You know magic too?" Kang said in shock.

Alexius did not speak and instead rushed towards Kang. He was taken by surprise and was put on the defensive. He was struggling, his long flaming claws kept getting cut. It was a deadly situation for him since he will die if he keeps regenerating his flames.

With one swift and magnificent sword slash to Kang's body, Alexius put Kang to his knees as he slowly falls down to the ground unconscious.

The warmth of the summer day turned cold from the freezing winds and darkness approached as the sun falls down.

"In the end, the brighter the flame, the shorter it burns."