
The Alexius Chronicles

In a world full of Might and Magic, Empires rose, and Kingdoms fell. The Strong shall grow weak and the Weak shall grow strong. One Man will Triumph... (Hiatus)

Alleviate · Fantasy
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12 Chs

The Fall

The defeaning sounds of the gruesome and merciless cannons that turns the majestic walls into pieces of rubble, rends the flesh of every man it touches. The touch of death, as the soldiers described it.

Despite the very threat of these cannons, two people were unfazed and were on a completely different world.

The soldiers near them could only stand and watch. Interfering in their battle would only make them easy targets for Alejandro and will put an unnecessary burden to Commander Sun. They can only stand there regretfully and contemplate on how weak they are.

"Looks like your soldiers are smart after all." Alejandro mockingly said.

"That's why you'll fail to pillage this town. After I behead you, I'm coming for your captain."

"I don't take it kindly when someone threatens my captain."

Alejandro unsheathes his sword with his right hand and on his left hand he was gripping on something but there was nothing. This made Commander Sun wary as he took on a defensive stance.

The two of them stood still in their positions not moving a single inch forward. To the soldiers' point of view, they were just standing but what really was happening was a series of mental battles.

Based on the miniscule movements of the two, they try to read and predict each other's moves. Simply moving their arm, foot, hands, or any other body part would become a series of mental battles as they attempt to finally attack or hesitate at the last second.

The surrounding area was loud but in their state all they could hear was the metallic sound of their blades, their heavy breaths, and the whistling of the humid air of the coast. All of their senses were only focused on the enemy in front of them. Nothing matters, only the enemy.

Finally making a move, Alejandro rushed towards Commander Sun trying to slash his torso in half but was met with a beautiful parry that forced his sword to bounce back leaving his whole body open.

Commander Sun seizing the opportunity quickly aimed at his waist to cut it cleanly but as soon he attacks, he hit nothing. Alejandro dodged his attack by bending his whole upper body beneath the broadsword.

With the unnatural form of his bent down body, he launches an unexpected attack with his left hand and aims for the Commander's heart, but he failed, the commander reacted quickly guarding his chest by swaying his body backwards enough for the attack to not reach him.

Feeling a little bit panicked, Alejandro quickly kicked his body to back away from him.

"How did you know?" Alejandro asked.

"I'm no fool, the way you're gripping that blade made of air gave it away." Commander sun said. "You possess the element of the wind and yet you do not know how to use it."

"Shut up! don't teach me how to use my magic."

Alejandro used his magic to enhance the speed of his movements. In less than a few seconds, he suddenly appeared in front of commander Sun's face. This took the commander by surprise, before he could even raise his broadsword to defend, he already got slashed in the torso. Alejandro didn't stop there and aimed at every part of his body that was defenseless. His arms and legs were all slashed to but fortunately enough it wasn't as deep as the wound on his torso.

Commander Sun tanked these minor slashes and went in for the killing strike. He swiftly slashed Alejandro's body, but the latter reacted in time to dodge the full force of the attack. He wasn't without damage though; he might've saved himself from death but the wound he had suffered was worse than the wound he gave to the commander.

Alejandro was apparently weakened, his breathing got heavy, and his stance was a mess. Seeing him in that state, the soldiers who were guarding the fight cheered loudly.

Commander Sun only stood proudly but this was only a facade. He could've rushed him but the damage he received made him unable to make any moves.

"What's the matter? Can't finish me?" Alejandro said as he breathed heavily.

Commander Sun stayed silent and just focused on stopping the bleeding and recovering a bit of his strength back.


Outside the Stone Dragon Walls, Captain William is just casually sitting on a crate of ammunition patiently waiting for Alejandro to open the gates. A crew member came up to him to deliver the reports of the battle and asked a question.

"Captain, why are we attacking the walls instead of the gates?" the soldier asked. "They look vulnerable and weak."

Without speaking a word, the captain stood up and unsheathes his sword. With one beautiful swift stroke, a powerful and fast water slash appeared and hits the wooden gate. A sound louder than the cannon fire resonated throughout the whole coast. Everyone momentarily stopped what they were doing to see what that sound was.

Despite the powerful attack of Captain William, the gate received no damage, dent, or even a scratch. It only glowed a radiant light as soon as the attack hits but disappears quickly after.

"Those damn gates are probably the hardest part of the walls" Captain William said in frustration. "It's protected by ancient magic."

"Also, we have received word from our scouts a boat with two people in it are seen coming towards here."

Captain William's expression lightened up, his frustration with the walls and this siege disappeared as soon as he heard the news.

"Finally! some damn good news." Captain William shouted. "Listen men! in a few minutes the walls will crumble, and we shall finally bathe in the riches of this accursed port."

Hearing these words, the men shouted in excitement, adrenaline coursing through their veins, their morale probably higher than Mt. Olympus, the tallest peak in Parthemisia.


The battle of Alejandro and Commander Sun is nearing its end. Due to the wounds they received from each other, made it difficult for them to exert any strenuous movements.

The two locked eyes as if they knew what the other is thinking about.

"Shall we end this with one final move?" Alejandro said.

"Let us do so."

The two took on their own offensive stances, the focus they showed now was even more intense than earlier. It was such a suffocating pressure, even the soldiers around them found it extremely difficult to breathe.

There were no mental battles happening here, no predictions, and no more hesitations. Just one swift strike and everything will end.

Sweat falls down on their faces, their breathing controlled in a steady pace, their arms and legs completely frozen. Alas, the two of them lunged at on another, it was so fast that eyes of the soldiers couldn't even keep up.

As the two met each other in the middle, Commander Sun used a double handed slash to completely cut Alejandro in half, but it was a mistake. Alejandro anticipated this, he dodged the sword gracefully and went past Commander Sun. he never really aimed to cut Commander Sun. His only aim was to get past him and open the gates.

Using his wind magic, he unleashes an insanely powerful force that blew everyone and everything away from him.

"This gate may be the most protected part of the wall, but you guys sure did laze out on opening it from the inside.

Alejandro casually opened the gates, as soon as it was opened, the cannon firing from the Hellswords have stopped.

"What have you done?" Commander Sun said in a grim expression.

As the gates have been fully opened, the sight of every Hellswords pirate holding a blade and a flintlock with their bloodlust at its peak were an intimidating sight to see.

Entering the port town, Captain William Dult casually walks and praises Alejandro for his magnificent work. An arrow was fired towards Captain William, but it was stopped by a small wall of water.

"Captain, we must hurry and give Kang backup" Alejandro reported. "He may have already fallen in the hands of that Alexius. He is someone we must not underestimate."

"Very well then, gather the men you can muster and bring Kang back."


In the coastal waters of Xuanhai, the sea was tranquil and silent. Only a beautiful melody of the flute comparable to those of the enchanting voices of the sirens can be heard. Various schools of fish were swimming and even dolphins were jumping out of the water.

Basking under the brilliance of the innocent light of the moon, a small and simple wooden boat was moving causing small ripples in the calm waters. In it was two people, the one playing the flute is a male person of short stature with a black, short and messy hair and a long vertical scar on his right cheek that reaches to his neck. while the other person was covered in a pitch-black cloak and is gently rowing the boat.

"It seems that we will be a bit late" the flautist stopped playing and calmly said.