
The Alexius Chronicles

In a world full of Might and Magic, Empires rose, and Kingdoms fell. The Strong shall grow weak and the Weak shall grow strong. One Man will Triumph... (Hiatus)

Alleviate · Fantasy
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12 Chs

A Wooden Plank Against Magic  

The sun that illuminates everything below has fallen and finally gives rise to the moon. It was time to initiate the plan. Every pirate in the command of Captain William has formed their ranks in front of the Stone Dragon Walls. It was an intimidating view, even the town guard felt shivers down their spines.

"It is time now my men, tonight, we take down one of the famous ports of the Jinrive Empire. A feat that has never been done before. But tonight, we'll make the impossible possible. Tonight, we'll swim with the riches of this town and tomorrow, we leave not a single penny behind."

As the captain has made his speech, ear busting shouts were heard throughout the docks of Xuanhai. It was as if they fear nothing at all, not even death. These shouts have made the town guard wary, confused, and afraid.

Captain William made the first move, using his magic, he formed multiple massive spheres of water up in the air. He raised his right hand up in the air and as soon as pointed it at the walls, all the water spheres that he formed quickly went into that direction.

The attack was so strong that cracks instantaneously appeared. This worried Commander Sun ordered his men to defend that part of the wall preparing for a full-frontal attack should the walls fall.

Seeing this, Captain William signaled his men to fire every cannon that they have on that spot of the wall. It was night but the cannons firing every second had illuminated the docks so brightly that it looked like the sun was shining on it.

In an isolated part of the wall, taking advantage of the chaos happening in the front lines was Alejandro and Kang. In their black robes, they easily climbed over the wall without getting spotted. There were a few soldiers patrolling the area but thanks to their skill they were not spotted.

"Why can't we just kill them and go on?" Kang whispered to Alejandro.

"We shouldn't kill unless it's necessary. Even if we hide the body, sooner or later they will find out one of them is missing. That might not lead to our identities but the fact that there are spies who have infiltrated them will be revealed."

"You should've brought along that little bastard, Jay. I'm not suited for this covert stuff."

"If this was an assassination, I would've waited for him, but he's not here right now and our mission is to open those gates. The reason that I brought you along is that if we face a problem you can power through it."

"So, you're saying that you aren't confident to do this alone and have brought me in case you make a mistake?"

"No, I am simply wary of our situation. Complacency is a more terrifying enemy than the guards here."

The two continued to infiltrate the walls hiding from every soldier they see with the sole purpose of opening the gate.


Outside of the Krakenwrath Tavern, Alexius and Edwards are walking together side by side with their arms on each other's shoulders. They were singing a jolly song about the delicious fish in the sea. But their singing stopped due to the loud blast of Captain William's cannon fire on the walls.

"It must be him, the Hellswords have finally made their move" Edwards alerted Alexius.

"Then let's hurry, I want to fight all of them with their full strength."

"It seems that I really can't stop you. You go there first and assist the town guard while I call up my men."

"Very well, let's meet up at the walls."

"Before I leave, if you get stopped by the town guard. Tell them that you are my friend, and I will be coming to assist them."

"You got it and be quick, I don't wanna hog all the action."

The two then went on their separate ways.

Alexius ran as quickly as he can to get to the walls as fast as possible. All he could think of is that over those walls, there is someone who could give him the thrill of battle that he has been longing for.

Meanwhile, Edwards ran towards a dark and extremely dirty alley. Beyond that was a street full of bright red lights. The Red-Light Street, most of the front of the buildings in the street have wooden cage like jails and inside them were beautifully dressed women of different ethnicities.

The women were wearing raunchy clothing, their chest was slightly exposed to catch the attention of the men. Their hair was done masterfully with different styles for every woman, their makeup enhanced their already beautiful faces in which the men found hard to resist.

The women would usually do seductive movements and when a man comes near them, they pull them near themselves and tease them until they give in.

Edwards eventually reached an establishment; it was decorated with serpent statues in honor of the legendary serpent lurking near the waters of Xuanhai. It was very well lit with wooden lamp posts to light the stone paths towards the entrance.

He found his men in a large banquet hall having the time of their lives eating different kinds of delicacies and were accompanied by beautiful and well-dressed women.

"Listen you fools, enough partying! we finally have a date with the Hellswords and it wouldn't be nice of us if we stood them up" Edwards shouted.

Hearing the words of Edwards, the men shouted with high spirits. In fact, they were more excited of the news rather than the food and women.

"It's finally time captain. We can finally have our vengeance." Edwards' right-hand man said.

"Yes, Leonardo, you can finally avenge the loss of your brother."

Everyone packed up all their stuff quickly and prepared to go to war with the Hellswords. Edwards' men filled the small roads of the Red-Light Street. Everyone who was in their path gave way to them not wanting to be involved.


Alexius kept on running towards the walls, the streets were quiet since the people had already left there since the news of the arrival of the Hellswords.

"I do hope I get to fight someone really strong." Alexius thought to himself.

Suddenly, a bright and hot light illuminated a small area and a group of five men were sent flying in front of Alexius. Raging flames followed the men, seeing this, Alexius quickly reacted and pushed the five men away from the flames. Unfortunately, he took a little bit of damage but was not burned.

"Who the hell are you?" Kang said in an intimidating voice.

"I'm Alexius, nice to meet you."

"So, you're the little bastard who destroyed Veltro"

"Be careful Kang, don't underestimate him" Alejandro said.

Alexius grabbed a wooden plank on the street and pointed it at Kang and Alejandro taunting them to come fight him two against one.

Veins appeared on Kang's forehead, without thinking, he unleashed a powerful flaming torrent towards Alexius. The attack was so powerful and bright that it lit up a huge area of Xuanhai.

With one powerful swing of the plank, Alexius generated so much wind that he dissipated the raging flames towards him leaving his two enemies speechless.

"Alejandro, we might not be able to take this guy even with the two of us." Kang said in a worried voice.

"I know, let's not take this fight and focus on the mission."

"Are you dumb? I'll stay here and keep him occupied, you go and open the gates."

"Hold him long enough for reinforcements to arrive, don't die now you dumbass."

Alejandro quickly ran away from the area, Alexius tried to cut him off, but he was stopped by Kang's flames.

"I really thought that the two of you would team up to fight me" Alexius said in disappointment.

"You arrogant bastard! I'll burn you to ash."

The two then engaged in a fight.


At the Stone Dragon Walls, the siege continued non-stop. Both sides were already facing casualties, but none were willing to give an inch to the enemy.

"I feel uneasy, they haven't used the power of the elements" Commander Sun said. "Everyone, stay alert and double all guards. We need to hold this wall till reinforcements from the capital arrive."

Bright lights illuminated an area of Xuanhai, it was bright enough to momentarily stop the non-stop firing of the cannons.

Seeing this light, Captain William can only think of this as Kang's work. He wasn't worried but he felt an uneasiness crawling under his skin.

Commander Sun ordered his men to find out what the source of the light was.

"Could it be the work of the five swords?" Commander Sun thought to himself.

Commander Sun worried if they could last the night. The Stone Dragon Walls have stood for centuries but apparently time has caught on. They weren't strong as they used to. With one cannon ball, a piece of the wall falls. It's only a matter of time before it falls down.