
Why Me?!

Kami yawned as he watched the fight with an impressive gaze. He could see the way Guyi utilized plasma in mathematical form and his metaphysical danced along the threads that connected himself to plasma. Kami was quite surprised by Lance who had Dark threads that seemingly danced with an unknown type of energy that countered Aether.

While this happened, he felt a shift in his vibrational field of 3 meters and from the corner of his eye took notice of a slight gleam from a small metal object moving towards him fast. Kami held his hand out with an open palm and the dart stopped just inches away from his palm via a small vibrational wave that was cut from a piece of his vibrational field.

Kami allowed the dart to harmlessly fall to the ground and jumped from the stand towards the battleground. The cloaked figure then revealed they self by jumping after him which Kami wanted them to do. Kami then swiftly turned around and sent out a longer wave of vibrational energy that slammed into the cloaked figure, blasting them back into the stand. The battle had become postponed as the crowd quickly began exiting the entire stadium which made Kami grin.

Landing on the ground with a skid, he glanced at the other two who watched the transaction between him and the cloaked figure but remained silent and unmoving. He then glanced back towards the cloaked figure who was now on the battlefield as well and a stream of fire threatened to wash over him. He waved his hand as a vibrational wave intersected with the wave of flames horizontally which made it disperse effortlessly.

"Divine sound: Amplified shockwave"

Kami spoke as he slammed his palms together, generating a powerful shockwave that travelled towards the cloaked figure, ripping away the ground as it did and kicking up massive amounts of dirt.

The cloaked figure sped to the side but was hit in the shoulder, causing them to flip and spin violently, slamming into the ground but recovering with a quick kick up. Kami dashed forward in a blur, slamming an open palm into the cloaked figure chest but felt an intense heat radiating from them. This made Kami snatch his hand back as the figure slammed a hook onto his chin.

The cloaked figure then followed up by grabbing Kami arm and spinning theyself into Kami and flipping him over their shoulder to which Kami responded by quickly recovering and landing on his feet and lashing out a back kick that was blocked by the cloaked figure. Kami sliced diagonally as a thin vibrational slash landed across the cloaked figure chest, squirting blood from the wound. Kami continued his assault with a 720 turning kick. Kami followed the momentum and slammed a back fist into the cloaked figure and finished with a vertical hand slice that sent a vibrational slash, cutting through their shoulder effortlessly.

Kami then rushed forward but in that moment he found himself right back where he was before he ran forward and noticed the cloaked figure take a knee, coughing up blood. Kami was confused on how he ended up back in his starting place but his question was soon answered as the most powerful man in history stepped forward, known as the time weaver. Kami was shocked to see his surrogant grandfather but it didn't last long as in that moment, Kami found himself in a dimension that was incomprehensible to his mind.

"Where the hell am I?!"

Kami yelled out as his voice was lost within the infinite swirling galaxies that seemed to intertwine in an incomprehensible way. This made Kami metaphysical soul work faster at deciphering the unknown energy, vibrations and frequencies and sending the information through the Aether threads which converts it into matter as any constructed form imagined.

Kami was suddenly hit with realization at the betrayal of his surrogate grandfather who he loved dearly. Kami wanted to know why he would do such a thing and was left to contemplate on what happened. Meanwhile on the outside, Guyi and Lanced watched as a member of the tournament fought against a cloaked figure then was sent to a different realm by the time weaver. Neither not wanting to anger the godlike being, they kneel in respect which made the time weaver grin.

The king that stood atop of the hierarchy coughed to clear his throat and spoke up.

"From here on today. Kami is considered a Existential threat with potential to wipe away the very universe. He is sealed from this layer of reality but if he manages to come back, he is to be killed on sight."

The king said as he simply spun around and walked away, snapping his finger to reverse the damage done to the entire stadium. He then vanished in an ethereal green smoke. Guyi and Lance stood there shocked at witnessing just a fraction of the time weaver ability and could feel the overwhelming Aether residual left from that simple action.

"Do we continue..?"

Asked Lance who stood with a confused expression. Looking towards the referee who gestured start. He rushed towards the distracted Guyi and appeared in front of him, zooming past and grabbing his face with a mighty grip then blurring with Guyi out of physical view, reappearing in front of the arena wall and smashing Guyi into it.

As the dust scattered around and began to clear up, Guyi was nowhere in sight and soon a vicious stream of electricity echoed the arena and three bolts of lightning that were combined to form a stream of electricity slammed into Lance. This began to harm his physical body which began tensing up from the stream of high voltage electricity. On the other hand his metaphysical Aether soul generated an accelerated burst of 'Anti-Aether'. This allowed Lance to push through the pain and counter the stream of electricity by spreading his Aether through his entire biological system which began to act as a ohm resistor, canceling the affect the electricity had on him.

Guyi was shocked but quickly regained his composure, dashing forward while placing his hand in the handle of his sword, quick drawing it and delivering an arching diagonal slash, pumping the sword with Plasma energy. Lance dropped and quickly rolled out the way and pointed his finger towards Guyi and in that moment, an invisible barrier slammed proportionally into Guyi.

Slamming into the wall, Guyi gritted his teeth and immediately tried to regain his breath.

Within the fourth Dimension…

Kami sighed as he glanced around, gathering and processing the information provided by the realm of time. Kami then stood up and held his out with an open palm and in a split second, a massive wave of compressed sound waves shot forward. This responded negatively within the realm and the attack came to a standstill. Kami groaned as he sat down crisscrossed and began to meditate. He began to enter a trance as he sat there for an unknown amount of time, playing with his Aether threads.

Kami plucked one Aether string and watched as it match the frequency of the realm and with Harmonic resonance, his entire Aether threads began generating massive amounts of power. This produced an expanding and ongoing wave of harmonic music that rattled the realm, distorting and glitching his frozen attack. Kami plucked again, then again, then again till he felt his body refresh itself.

Kami stood up and blurred out of physical view as he dashed forward and with a mighty punch that was coated with sound energy, the dimension rumbled. Kami nods with satisfaction as he pulled his arm back and shot it forward again, resulting in a miniature crack. In a rapid succession, Kami cracked the realm more until he shattered an exit that created a rift in the middle of the arena.

The Arena…

In a release of theoretical shards, Kami burst through the rift that warped the space around it, watching as it healed itself and closed back, separating itself from the third dimension they resided in. Both fighters looked at him and he grew angry at the fact no one even decided to help him and from there, a new thought entered Kami head and it was not good.

Dashing forward, Kami appeared in front of Lance, landing a solid knee to his stomach. Kami then slammed his hand down as a sound wave slammed directly above Lance who slammed into the ground. He then turned to Guyi who had recovered and began his attack towards Kami. Kami vanished and reappeared near Guyi, grabbing his face and speeding towards a wall. A stream of electricity slammed into Kami, freezing him in place. Guyi then recovered by backflipping and landing with a skid, stopping his momentum.

'Damn. This guy is fast as hell.'

Guyi said within his mind as he suddenly saw Kami in front of him, delivering a double roundhouse kick. The first kick connected with his thigh which made him kneel a bit but he brung up his forearms to block the next kick that sent him skidding to the side. Guyi recovered by using his arms to catch himself into a cartwheel, standing up right.

Guyi connected 4 metaphysical Aether threads and extended them towards Kami and channeled oxygen plasma through. In that instant, a burst of light blue flames shot towards Kami in a blitz. Kami narrowly dodged by constructing a shield of compacted sound. He then deconstructed the shield as the attack died down and went on the offensive. Kami reached out two hands and two boulder sized chunks of rocks shot up from the ground. Shooting both hands out forward, the two boulder's zoomed towards Guyi who dashed forward, unsheathing his sword and launching himself further forward narrowly dodging the two boulders which slammed into each other, sending out projectile shards of rocks.

Guyi continued his vertical-linear path. Kami quickly slid into his stance as Guyi closed the distance, slicing diagonally across Kami chest. Kami reinforced his forearm in a thin but stacked layer of compressed sound, deflecting the blade and quickly reusing it to generate a small but powerful sphere of compressed sound and shooting it forward from his palm that was aimed towards the top of Guyi head.

Guyi quickly dropped on his knee and bent back, sliding forward with the acceleration he gained from his initial burst speed. The attack narrowly missed and slammed into the ground. Guyi then used his arm to turn his body, abiding centripetal force whilst holding his sword and as he stood up right, Guyi attempted to ram the blade straight through Kami stomach. Kami did the same thing but with his knuckles this time, deflecting and changing the trajectory of the blade.

Kami then pointed out his pointer and middle finger, shaping the compacted sound into a sphere that floated above his two fingers. The sphere launched forward and ripped through Guyi shoulder, who dropped his sword and held his hand over the wound and quickly dashed backward.

Kami grinned but was knee'd in the face by Lance who had recovered from the earlier attack. Kami flew off slamming across the ground before skidding to a stop, standing up and dusting his clothes off. Kami then reached in his jacket and pulled out a pair of headphones with lightning bolts embedded in the sides. Lance and Guyi was confused along with the crowd who was still spectating the fight. Kami slipped them on and in that instant, 4 lines of solidified sound sliced through the ground towards Lance and Guyi at immense speed, destroying the ground and leaving deep claw like marks in the process.

Lance covered his ears as the attack produced an intense screeching sound that disorientated both opponents. Lance recovered as his Anti-Aether threads vibrated and released its energy to counter the sound, producing a counter-wave. Lance uncovered his ears and swiftly held out his palm. The line that came towards Lance, slammed into the swirl of Anti-Aether that distorted space in the front of his Palm, effectively dispersing the attack.

Guyi generated a wall of electricity and dashed backwards once again, mentally controlling the lightning as it bent front the sonic attack. Guyi enveloped it with the lightning and compacted both into a singular sphere and launched it back towards Kami. The highly energetic sphere vibrated at an extremely high frequency, allowing Kami to predict its trajectory path and swiftly dodge.

All three opponents stared each other down, as the anticipation was high in the air. The intense silence was broken by the referee who entered the middle of the stare down and raised a red flag.

"Kami, you are disqualified from the tournament"

The referee said but Kami ignored him and turned to walk away, exiting the arena and leaving the stadium. On his way out the last exit, he was met with a fist to his face and everything went blank.