
Aether Tournament pt.2

"Next up, Guyi vs Lance"

The announcer spoke as the two entered the arena battlefield. Guyi was always labeled as the 'Wierd' kid due to his fascination in plasma while others were into video games, social media, etc. This isolated him from the others and allowed him to do his own thing. The day he developed his Thread, he became known as a prodigy. Understanding and building onto his Thread that allowed him to manipulate plasma.

Lance on the other hand was self taught in everything he did. He was the only person born with a thread that counters other threads, being fought over by various clans to get him to join their clan. Lance refused though and kept to himself, taking bounty missions until a family took him in and enrolled him into the Academy.

"I have something to prove today man, so show off"

Lance said to Guyi who nodded, reaching towards his sword as the crowd was silent. The announcer began the fight and Lance ran towards Guyi who stepped forward and crouched a bit, pushing himself forward in a blur, clocking at 76 mph. As both fighters met in the middle, Guyi initiated the first attack with an effortlessly upward one handed slash. Lance stepped his momentum and swiftly stepped back to narrowly avoid the blade but Guyi was already prepared another attack, spinning around Lance to deliver a clean horizontal slice towards Lance neck. Lance ducked and slammed both his feet into Guyi stomach, causing him to be thrown back a bit.

Lance then flipped his way upright and readied himself. Guyi once again dashed forward but this time, he stabbed his sword into the ground and closed the distance, lashing out with a swift vertical punch towards Lance chest. Lance caught Guyi wrist at the last second and spun into Guyi with his back facing Guyi front and Guyi arm being held over Lance shoulder. Lance then flipped Guyi over on his back but Guyi swiftly stood back up and snatched his arm out of Lance grasp, engaging him in combat once again. This time as Guyi sent out three horizontal fist strikes, he enhanced his fists with immense plasma and as it leaves out any part of the body, it becomes electrified.

Lance parried each one as he nullified the plasma surrounding Guyi fist. He then grab the extended arm and swiftly pulled Guyi forward but Guyi followed with the momentum and delivered spinning helicopter kick that Lance stepped back from, allowing Guyi to flip back up and land upright. Lance then dashed forward and grabbed Guyi by the shoulders and pulling him down, kneeing him in the chest and pushing him back. As Guyi stumbled back to catch his breath, Lance delivered a smooth low kick into a roundhouse kick connecting with Guyi jaw which instantly stunned him.

Lance grinned as Guyi recovered quicked and stood back into his stance. Both dashed forward and clashed fist to fist rapidly but Guyi slipped a jab and delivered a swift low kick which Lance quickly stepped back from but it was followed with a 360 Turning Kick that nearly landed on Lance temple.

Both Weavers stared at each other and Guyi slid his foot forward and launched his arm out punching the air and in that instant an insanely quick swirl of Oxygen Plasma swirled into a singular point and a blast of the Oxygen Plasma scattered towards Lance who mocking did the same thing which resulted in a blast of highly condensed air, causing the collision to produce a lightning devastinging lightning storm that struck in random directions, causing the referee's to weave a barrier around the people to protect them from the lightning strikes that were shooting horizontally.

Guyi dashed forward through the storm with ease and double kicked Lance who crossed his arms to block the attack and slide back. Lance then engaged and lashed out two swift kicks toward his leg and stomach, landing the combo but Guyi grabbed Lance face and slammed it into the ground, releasing a massive burst of Oxygen Plasma.

As everything cleared and the lightning dispersed, it revealed a ruined arena but Lance was still standing there unharmed and with slam towards a ground from Lance with his open palm, Guyi was sent to the ground by an invisible pressure slamming directly proportionally above him. This pressure restrained him as Lance prepared his next attack.

Three floating spheres of Aether levitated in a semi-circle around him as he released the pressure restraining Guyi. Immediately a bolt of lightning raced towards Lance who used the first sphere of Aether to take the attack which absorbed it and grew in size. This shocked Guyi who realized it was basic Aether manipulation. Guyi then raced forward while generating two spheres of plasma on both sides of Lance. On the other hand, Lance shot both spheres of Aether towards the spheres of plasma and reshaped the last sphere into a staff, engaging Guyi once again.

The crowd began to cheer loudly witnessing the battle take place. They were impressed by the hand to hand combat but were a bit bored not seeing the use of threads but they were in for a surprise.

The four spheres had clashed and cancelled each other out with a brilliant flash but that did not deter the two fighters who continued. Lance began expertly charging forward and swinging his Aether constructed staff in precise motion. Guyi went on the defensive and weaved the rapid strikes and spun around Lance, generating a thin line of oxygen plasma that zoomed near Lance neck in an attempt to slice it off.

Lance quickly halted his motion and tilted his head, narrowly being nicked by the thin attack. Guyi pushed off of Lance and sent a thread of plasma towards him that bent in an attempt to wrap around his leg. Lance was quick in his feet as he dashed forward but to the side diagonally and did the same thing but to the other side, effectively dodging the thread.

Guyi sent three more bolts of horizontal lightning that Lance blocked by weaving together a shield of Aether. Guyi then took three steps forward and generated a sphere of plasma off to the side of Lance that shot out three more bolts of horizontal lightning that forced Lance to backpedal. Guyi then dashed forward and closed the distance between them quick in a electrical discharge and swiped his hand across Lance throat, generating a steady flow of plasma that was shaped into a sharp edge to slice open Lance neck.

Lance fell backward as the swipe harmlessly flew past him and following his momentum, sent his leg up as his feet nearly connected with Guyi chin but he moved back. Lance then preformed a backflip to gain distance and both fighters stared each other down.

"Initiating plan A."

Whispered a cloaked figure as they dashed forward in the crowd, expertly slipping past people until they reached Kami, shooting a dart towards his neck.