
A God?!

Kami vision was disoriented and he could hear whispers and mumbles but as he regained his sense of equilibrium, the voices became clear.

"Ah your awake, good. Nice to meet you Kami. My name is Leo…but I go famously by Gaia."

The newly introduced Leo said as Kami focused on him. The amount of Aether this man possessed was overwhelming and made Kami sweat a bit.

"Yeah…why am I here."

Kami said blankly, skipping past the civil chat. Leo chuckled and slapped Kami who was dazed by the sheer strength of the slap though to Leo it wasn't even half his power. Kami began to vibrate his body down to his subatomic components and free himself from the restrains. Now noticing his headphones were over his ears, he dashed forward and constructed a spear of solidified sound waves and attempted to stab the nature god in the chest. Leo sighed and held his finger tip out, stopping the blade and cutting its momentum completely. Kami stepped back and aimed at his face but then Leo stopped it once again but then time, thick roots began to crawl up Kami leg who noticed this and attempted to move but he found himself stuck.

Leo grinned evilly as he stalked forward.m towards Kami. Kami despite the situation he found himself in, remained calm and awaited for an opening, gambling his life. Unbeknownst to Leo, Kami observed the metaphysical energetic properties inside the thick roots, calculating the frequency within his mind and sending the information into his Aether threads. This in return, allowed Kami to match frequency and replicate the energy, steching it into a wave and manifest into the physical world as a sonic boom, launching Leo through the wall and outside in the open field, surrounded by trees and mountains in the distance. Kami dashed forward and immediately ran towards the forest, looking for an exit. Leo grinned evilly as he slowly walked towards the forest, raising one hand into the air as he entered and began his hunt.

Kami senses rung like crazy. Alerting him of danger everywhere around him and in that split second, Kami ducked just in time to avoid a thin wooden needle. The needle slammed into a nearby tree and split right through it, landing a few meters away. The small and medium sized chunks of sharp wood flew towards Kami who backflipped three times, avoiding the sharp wood chunks.

After standing up right, Kami calmed his breathing and closed his eyes, feeling the vibrations within his spatial frame and in a split second, lifted his finger to generated a small hexagon shaped barrier that floated above his finger, blocking another sharp needle. As it slammed against the barrier, a small shockwave rushed out, blowing the leaves off some of the trees then dropping to the ground harmlessly.

Kami glanced around and pointed his finger towards an empty tree branch, launching a wave of compressed sound which slammed into the thick tree branch, breaking it apart effortlessly. Kami wiped a small sweat droplet from his forehead and lifted his arm, blocking Leo forearm. The strength of it launched Kami towards a tree but he quickly recovered and landed sideways on the tree, launching himself back towards Leo who side stepped and watched Kami fly past him.

Kami flipped forward and landed once again with a slight skid and vanished, rushing towards Leo again who side stepped once again but this time Kami didn't go as far and rushed back towards him, getting faster each time. Leo kept up with the speed, demonstrating his agility and reflexes that was seemingly unparalleled. Leo then slipped one of Kami punches and swiftly grabbed Kami wrist, slamming the back of his free hand into Kami face. Kami flew through the air and landed with a bounce and thud before skidding to a stop.

"Do you not know?. You are within my domain…a place where I have absolute control."

Leo said as he watched Kami stand up, dusting himself off and vanishing. Kami appeared in front of Leo and attempted to knee him in the chin but Leo swiftly spun out the way but before he could counter attack, Kami spun himself and attempted a horizontal roundhouse kick. Leo lifted his forearm and blocked it, stepping back as Kami landed.


Leo said as he was in front of Kami with a thundering boom. Kami eyes widened as Leo generated a thin needle made of wood and shot it through Kami chest, hitting his heart. Kami fell dropped with a thud and Leo stood there with a wicked smile.

"Wielded a mighty thread yet fell to a simple one."

Leo said with a sigh as he began walking off. Kami eyes shot open and he stood up swift. His eye's was glazed over, almost like he wasn't in control of himself. Leo stopped and turned around with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh, so your still ali-"

Leo was cut off as Kami appeared in front of him smoothly and landed a spinning top kick top kick into his chin. Leo stumbled back as Kami generated a solid bolt of lightning and threw it. Leo slid one hand in the ground as a wall of thick trees bloomed, launching Kami into the air.

Whilst airborne Kami inhaled deeply and yelled out, increasing the frequency of his sound wave to an intense level, destroying a wide portion of the forest. Kami landed just outside the large hole and glanced around once again, knowing that Leo managed to dodge the attack.

Kami pinpointed Leo location via his vibrational field and swiped his finger in the air, slicing a wide arch of trees that reached for miles. Leo appeared and various trees regrew upon his presence and a small branch began to wrap around Kami leg. Kami ripped it from his leg and sent a sphere of compacted sound towards Leo at supersonic speed, though Leo was just as fast.

Leo flipped out the way just in time but slid into a split as he avoided it once again then into a backward sommer sault, avoiding it as it smashed into the spot he was previously in. Leo quickly stood up just to bend backwards from a thin but powerfully long vibrational slash. Kami dashed off swiftly and Leo followed suit, effortlessly flipping and jumping over obstacles such as boulders, tree's, vines etc. Leo swiped the air as 3 thick roots shot up from Kami's left, right and from under him.

Kami grinned as a bendable whip of solid sound whipped around him, slamming into the 3 roots and destroying them, allowing for Kami to continue his escape. Kami finally exited the Forest and now nearby the mountains and right behind him was Leo who lifted his pointer and middle finger, pressing them together and in that moment a massive thick tree shot up, lifting Kami and a good portion of the ground up into the sky.


Leo said as the tree had burst into a full blown flower, shooting out a dangerous gas. Kami covered his nose as he jumped down from the flower, firing 4 spheres of compressed sound towards Leo who effortlessly dodged and ran towards the falling boy. Kami body crackled with electricity and as he lifted his hand, a current traveled up to his palm and with a quick flick, the electricity was shot towards Leo.

Leo gathered a thick stack of roots to block the electricity, setting the wood on fire in the process. Leo gritted his teeth and his expression changed to that of an annoyed one. In that instant, Kami found himself parrying, dodging and doing his best to defend against the onslaught attack by Leo. Leo grabbed Kami shirt and pulled him in and headbutted him, tossing him to the side after.

Kami flipped himself and recovered, launching a thin vertically linear beam of compacted sound towards Leo chest. Leo tilted his body back and watched as it harmlessly flew past. Kami sighed as he finally came to the realization he wasn't going to escape this man and that he was stronger than him by a ton. Kami had already died once and by luck came back with a power enhance but he wasn't planning on dying again.

"Divine sound: Harmonic Reasonance of Chaos"

Kami said as his body begun to emit a sound that was only heard by those in higher frequencies. Leo groaned as he covered his ears, which began to bleed. The clouds began to darken as electricity traveled through them with intensity, sounding like a thousand wasp gathered in one spot.

Leo stumbled, distorted by the sound and attempted to walk towards Kami but Kami stepped back and in a flash of a bright light, Leo was struck with a brilliant stream of electricity. Kami grinned as the attack ended and the dust settled but grew angry at seeing a ball of wood in the place Leo stood.

In a fashion so quick that it made Kami shocked, roots and vines wrapped around him and restricted his movements. Leo regained his equilibrium and unraveled the ball of wood with a pissed off expression.