
The adventures of Jackson rider

anonymous_writer0 · Fantasy
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6 Chs


after a few days of getting accustomed to everything happening around here, I started doing some training in the woods on my own. after a few minutes of walking through the forest, I realized I was more muscular than I expected to be, I mean don't get me wrong I'm not super buff or anything but I was pretty strong so I decided to get a big stick and wing it around a few times to get a feel since it's one of the things I was happy about since being in this world.

after swinging it around a bit I got a good handle on how to handle it, of course, I knew that a sword would be plenty different than a stick it was nice to have a slight feeling of what it would be like. after what I thought was just around 30 minutes it was already dark so I started to go back to the village. once I started to go there I heard something hit rustling through the leaves...luckily it was just one of the villagers coming to check up on me since I had been gone for quite some time.

after I got back it seemed like everyone looked so relieved to see if guess they thought I wasn't going to come back to the village. after dinner, I went back to my house to relax on my bed for a few however before I knew it I was already asleep. the next day I went back out into the forest to "train" some more. after a few hours, I decided to go back and bring some firewood with me this time since it seemed like we were running out.

after I got back I decided to take a bath since I had worked up a sweat. once I got out of the bath I dried myself off and decided to check myself out which don't usually do often. once I did take look at my body I realized I had more muscle than I thought. after about two minutes somebody walked in and saw me once I looked over I saw who it was I was hoping it was the chief checking up on me but no, of course, it had to be Elaine the head treasurer.