
The adventures of Jackson rider

anonymous_writer0 · Fantasy
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the village

once the adventures left me at the village I got a chance to freshen up and clean my self off. once I did I finally got a chance to see myself, I-I was younger for some reason. I didn't know how or why I was here and why I was younger but before I got the chance to think to much about it the village chief asked me to come out and introduce my self.

the village wasn't the biggest but it had a fair amount of people in it. the only people who introduced themselves to me was the most important people like the treasurer, the chief, the head soldier/swordsman, and the head farmer.

the chiefs name was david, the farmer and treasurer were both girls, and the head swordsmans name is Kevin.

after the introduction they showed me where I could stay. it was a house that was in pretty good condition. I kind of felt bad that they were giving this to me. I mean dont get me wrong I was happy but it looked like they already had enough things to handle on their own.

after they gave me the house I went in to take a look around the house and it had a nice interior and and it was pretty large as well. even though the house looked like it was in pretty good condition on the outside the inside was really dirty. they offered to clean it for me but I politely declined because I really dont want to take up much more of their time.

once I got settled in the house I decided to clean it up a bit. after a few hours the house was almost all cleaned up. after that I took a little break from cleaning to go get something to eat since dinner was ready. it really surprised how good the food was even in these what seemed like medieval times. after I got done eating I went to sleep in my new house and the bed was surprisingly comfy. once I woke up I finished cleaning up and went to go take a bath at the chiefs house since their wasn't one in my house. I went over their and asked him if I could take a bath there since I just woke up. he said yes but that I'd have to wait a little because someone was already taking a bath.

while I was waiting I asked him what was going on in this village. he had told me that the village was only a few years old and that there was a village west of here that was much bigger than this and had a lot of people living in it. I asked him if it was a capital. he said it wasn't even close to the size a our country capital. after talking to the chief the bath was finally ready for me to use since they had to refill the water. once I got to the bathroom I had a chance to relax and question what was going on around here and what happened to me.