
The adventures of Jackson rider

anonymous_writer0 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Intense Training

So the interaction was...awkward to say the least but after we resolved that I went to Kevin(the swordsman) and asked if he would train me. he laughed at first which hurt but he is a nice person so of course, he said yes.

luckily he had a wooden sword from back when he was in training. so once he got it out of his house he taught me the basics like how to stand and how to properly swing the sword I had the basics down in no time and he looked pretty impressed.

after that he had me hitting practice dummies. there were three dummies and he wanted me to hit them all in under 5 seconds which doesn't sound hard but there was at least a good 6 or 7 feet in between each of them. I started slowly by just hitting each of them individually with as much strength as possible.

I did this for the entire day until it was time to eat and bathe and I repeated this for the next week. after the first week, I started to try to hit all of them in quick succession I could, easily, however, it wasn't quick enough so I started doing it day and night sometimes forgetting to which I was kind of used to by now since I would sometimes go weeks barely getting anything to eat, sleep, or drink.

after about two weeks I was finally able to do it but just barely. Kevin said I was ready to move on to the next part of training which was even harder than the last one.

up until now, I had just been hitting dummies but now he wanted me to spar with him and see my skill. so we set up a sparring area and we started fighting we were not using fake swords so neither would get seriously hurt or anything but that didn't we didn't get left with a few bruises.

I was able to land a few hits on him but I still lost we were both practically covered in bruises and he was pretty impressed I had gotten this good in only three weeks but I still had long to go before I could start using a real sword and there were other things he couldn't teach until I had a real sword