
The adventures of Jackson rider

anonymous_writer0 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

A new world

when I woke up I immediately got up and looked around to see where I was. I was in a forest. there was nothing to be seen except trees. I started to get up and walk until I found something. after walking around a bit I had discovered a pond filled with fish. I decided to set up camp around the pond for water and food. once I got everything set up it was already night time so I decided to get some rest.

once I got up I heard footsteps and got up to look around. once I got up I saw that it was still night time and could barely see a thing. once I realized I got a stick and lit it on fire with the fire I made to keep me warm. once I started to look around I saw multiple people to be what looked like gathering resources like food and sticks. I wanted to get a better look but unfortunately they heard me walking around. they had swords which confused and now that I think about I never questioned where I was. but now wasn't the time to think about that kind of stuff.

the people approached with swords in hand and were obviously very experienced with sword fighting and I'd like to stay out of trouble. once they approached me they had me what my name was so I told them my name but they were still very suspicious of me and they had every right to be even if I dont know what's going on here they obviously do. since they still had there swords out I tried to stay calm and tried not to panic. I had asked them what they were doing and seemed to get more angry."the real question is what are you doing here. we've been in this forest many times and we've never seen such a young lad around here." said the older one that in the front of them. "I'm just a wandering adventurer and got lost in the forest so if you could help me get out that would be great."i said. hoping that that would make them trust me more. "maybe we could just settle down and get some and after we can discuss this in the morning" i said. after I said that they lowered there sword but were clearly still weary of me. but at least they calmed down a little. after that predicament we all set up some beds and went to sleep or at least I did I'm not to sure about the other people did though.

after we all got some rest they started questioning me again and I didn't quite know how to answer. then finally one of the younger ones butted in an told them to cool off. after that they took me to the nearest village and the people there were very nice. once there they had asked me how ended up getting lost in the forest. once again I didn't know what to say since I myself dont know either. so once again I just lied to them. I had told them I was with my guardians and we had to go in the forest to look for mushrooms and herbs for healing purposes. since I dont know if there is magic and/or potions in this world I can't just go and say stuff like that. but once I answered them they left and left me under the care of the village people.