
The adventures of Jackson rider

anonymous_writer0 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

My First Sword

After the sparring match, he had properly evaluated my strength and set up training that would help me improve. So, he set up the training dummies again and he wanted me to cut through them with a sword. There only made of hay and cloth stood up by a stick however real swords are a lot heavier than the training swords I've been using up until now. 

The sword he wanted me to use was really heavy. It was durable, shiny, and was big. It was almost big enough to go from my feet to my waist. It was hard to get used to but after a few hours or so, I got comfortable with it. It was still hard to get used to swinging it around but I started to leave a mark on the dummies and after that started to get the hang of it. 

After about a day and a half of trying to hit the dummies just anywhere trying to get through, I had finally found a weak spot. The spot was located at about right in between the stomach and the chest. Stabbing it was effective but easy so I started going at it again and finally got through one of the dummies however the only way I got through it was by hacking away at it like a tree. 

Don't get me wrong it was still an accomplishment however, I still wanted to get through with one slash. After going three nights without sleeping or bathing I finally took my well-deserved break. After about a week's break, I got back to my training and was able to finally cut through with one clean slash. After that Kevin started my next part of training which was going out in the woods and hunting with him. 

It seemed like it was going to be hard but these were not normal animals they looked like they had been mutated and they were abnormally strong. Somehow I was able to kill one of them however I was also pretty beat up myself so after going back to the village and getting treated I decided to take a break from sword practice and decided to work more on my speed and overall strength.