
The adventures of Jackson rider

anonymous_writer0 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

The beginning

Hello, my name is Jackson gray and this week my life changed forever. Hi my name is Jackson and I am 25 and I'm also a scientist. this week my colleagues and I were experimenting with some unknown substances and it got out of control. originally we discovered it had a mind of its own and it could consume objects twice the size of it and it was already about the size of my hand. we discovered that it couldn't eat any thing made up of three or fewer compounds. which meant we had to contain it in some kind of ice and so we also had to contain it at 0 degrees Fahrenheit just to be safe. but a few days ago the cooler broke and the ice melted and it got out. it started to eat everything it could and eventually, it grew to be about the same size as a table at that time it started to eat the scientists. and eventually me as well. it was dark and cold until I eventually saw something again. I was in a forest and the sky was as blue as the ocean.