
The Adventure of Arion

In a world where power is measured by one's mastery of magic and martial prowess, Arion, the young heir of an esteemed family, embarks on a journey of self-discovery and growth. Through trials and challenges, he unlocks the ancient power of Ki, a force that transcends the boundaries of conventional magic. Guided by his mother, Seraphina, and aided by a mysterious system, Arion learns to harness the potent energy of Ki, unlocking new abilities and unleashing his true potential. As Arion navigates the complexities of his world, he grapples with the legacy of his lineage and the expectations placed upon him as a member of the Tiered Families. With each revelation and encounter, he gains insight into his own strengths and weaknesses, forging bonds with allies and confronting adversaries along the way. Armed with his newfound power and determination, Arion embarks on a quest to uncover the secrets of his heritage and the truth behind his mother's enigmatic past. Along the way, he faces formidable challenges, from battling robotic opponents to exploring the depths of his own soul. Through moments of triumph and adversity, Arion learns that true strength comes not from the magic one wields or the bloodline one inherits, but from the courage to embrace one's destiny and forge their own path. With the power of Ki at his command, Arion stands poised to leave a mark on the world and carve out his own legacy amidst the tapestry of fate.

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20 Chs


"Feel my hand on your back, Arion," Seraphina said, her touch light yet firm as she placed her hand between his shoulder blades. "Let it be a guide, a conduit for the flow of Ki within you. Now, focus your mind on that energy, and allow it to gather beneath my hand."

Arion felt a tingling sensation spread through his body as he concentrated on the spot where Seraphina's hand rested. He could feel the energy gathering beneath her touch, a warm glow that pulsed with a life of its own. With each passing moment, the sensation grew stronger, until it felt as though a torrent of power was surging through him.

Now, release," Seraphina whispered, her voice a soothing melody in the darkness. "Let the Ki flow freely, shaping it with your will and intent. Embrace its power, and let it guide you."

With a surge of determination, Arion unleashed the Ki, sending it forth with a burst of energy that illuminated the training hall with its brilliance. He could feel the raw power coursing through him, a torrent of energy that danced and crackled with untamed fury. With a triumphant shout, he watched as the Ki surged outward, shaping itself into a swirling vortex of light and shadow.

Seraphina smiled, her eyes shining with pride as she watched her son harness the power of Ki for the first time. "Well done, Arion," she said, her voice filled with warmth and admiration. "You have taken your first step on the path of mastery. With Ki at your command, there is no limit to what you can achieve."

Arion grinned, a sense of exhilaration coursing through him as he basked in the glow of his newfound power.

[+10 points for unlocking Ki]

"And I got points for it."

"Now remember Arion Ki is a powerful tool and should not be used lightly it has many functions mainly used by others to increase their own strength. This power is what keeps the Tier 1-2 Families on top separated from the rest and should not be shared with just anyone."

Arion nodded his head listening to his Mother, even though it was hard to because he just got points from the system he could later. " Yes Mother, but does it feel so little inside me."

"Ki is like a flame inside similar to your Aura but much harder to train the growth of, so you must practice it diligently every day trying to grow that flame to make it more powerful and utilize it. Ki is simple to learn, but to control it and grow it is a whole other animal in itself."

With that being said Seraphine leaned in and kissed Arion on the top of his head before departing out of the training hall, before she reached the doors to open it she looked back at Arion and gave some parting words.

"Tomorrow we are going to the city to the Awakening Hall to see your affinities with the elements and which one we should be focusing on during your training for the next three years, because an old friend of mine has invited you to their youth camp from a Tier 2 Family and I can't have you embarrassing me."

Seraphina said smiling before leaving out the door.

Arion stood there for a few minutes in silence before deciding to head back to his room and contemplate about everything that just happened today.

It had been a long day for Arion, he had fought the robot and barely won at that still slightly injured from that encounter, learned about the Tiered Families, and awakened his Ki.

Arion opened the door to his room and headed to a comfortable-looking mat in the middle of his room to sit down on it

Arion sat cross-legged on top of the mat with his eyes closed focusing on his Ki and Rapid recovery to help heal his wounds. He didn't know if Ki would help, but his mom said it had many uses so he decided to see if it would help him. He got the idea when he first unlocked it and the feeling of his body felt completely refreshed when he learned how to wield it.

After a few hours of meditation, while trying to learn how to control his Ki, Arion's body was completely healed and refreshed not an ounce of fatigue was felt in his body.

"I feel better than ever, seems like Ki can also help with my recovery time as well, I even felt my Ki Capacity grow a little bit."

During Arion's meditation, he was going over a few things his mom said and it posed a question in his mind and he wanted to know the answer

"System I have a question, if the other Tier Families are descendants of heroes and they are still inheriting their affinities and talents after so many generations. why didn't I gain anything from my mother?"

[1 point]

"Ugh fine at least I'll have an even ten points."

[The wasn't blessed with any talents coming from his Mom side, but was blessed with a supernatural affinity to mana, many elements, and a great constitution body that would allow the Host to store more Aura than Normal.]

[When the host created his first passive skills it put a lot of these effects in overdrive, combining them to be better than even the Hero Talent itself. Making the host one of the most talented people in the Human Domain.]

Arion listened to his system's words and contemplated some of its words feeling like there was off about what it said.

"Wait one of the the most talented. That can either mean I'm the most talented or there is still someone out there with even greater talent than me or more and just the Human Domain too so there are other races with someone better than me."

[Host must remember that he is being trained under one of the greatest heroes to have lived and has yet to leave his home to venture out and gain more points and experience, this is just the host's potential if he never leaves this estate in his lifetime.]

"Ok, I guess that makes sense. System can you also explain some of the uses of Ki now since I now know about it."

[Yes, since the Host now has access to Ki there be no system cost to explain its uses. I will explain it most common uses that people of this world use.]

[ By channeling Ki, individuals can enhance their physical strength, speed, agility, and endurance beyond normal human limits. This allows them to perform extraordinary feats past their natural abilities would allow]

[Ki can be used for healing purposes, accelerating the body's natural healing processes and promoting overall well-being. Practitioners can direct Ki energy to specific areas of the body to alleviate pain, reduce inflammation, and promote recovery from injuries or illnesses]

[Ki can manifest as an aura surrounding the practitioner, serving as a protective barrier against physical and spiritual harm. Advanced users can strengthen their aura to deflect attacks, block negative energy, and maintain inner balance.]

[By attuning themselves to the flow of Ki, individuals can heighten their senses and intuition, gaining insights into their surroundings and the intentions of others. This heightened awareness allows them to anticipate danger, perceive hidden threats, and navigate complex situations with clarity.]

[Ki training often emphasizes mental discipline, concentration, and mindfulness techniques to cultivate inner peace and harmony. Practitioners learn to quiet the mind, control their emotions, and maintain a state of balance and tranquility even in the midst of chaos.]

"Wow Ki seems to have many uses almost like combining mana and aura into one with its uses, but there must be a reason why most people don't solely use it if it was this broken."

[The host is correct in the reason for its limited use is because of how hard it is to increase your Ki Capacity making it unviable for prolonged fights, but great for short bursts of power.]

"Yeah that seems to make sense I can feel now if I was to only use ki during a fight it probably wouldn't even last for a minute. But I have a system there is no way I can be restrained by normal means"


"Unlike other people, I don't have to worry about cultivating my Mana or Aura, I should just focus on expanding my Ki and my control over it, and when I get enough points I can make a skill to passively collect Ki along with my mana and Aura."

"I'll save my 10 points for now and buy a skill related to increasing my Ki. I might as well see how much it will cost.''

After thinking for a little bit Arion actually thought of the perfect skill he could possibly buy with his system.

"system create a skill that allows me to absorb ki permanently in to increase my ki capacity from all living things. when absorbed the host will gain 0.1 of the total amount of ki and can only absorb from the same living thing once a week.

[10 points]


[skill being created...}

[ skill created]

[Please name skill]

"Ki absorption "

[Ki absorption skill created it is now in the abilities Tab]

"Nice the amount obtained is very little but if my hunch is correct I can exploit this skill by absorbing the Ki From plant life"

Arion nodded in satisfaction, pleased with the concept he had devised. Ki Absorption would provide him with a means to steadily augment his Ki reserves over time, granting him greater resilience and potential in battle.

With a sense of anticipation, Arion activated the skill, feeling the subtle shift in his perception as he attuned himself to the flow of Ki energy around him. He visualized the process of absorption, focusing his intent on drawing forth the life force of his surroundings and assimilating it into his own being.

[0 Ki absorb]

"Thought so there no living being in here, I just wanted to test the skill and it seems the range is about 5 feet away from my body meaning I don't have to touch the target."

Arion stepped out of his room, the cool breeze of the evening greeting him as he made his way toward the garden of his estate. The moon hung low in the sky, casting a silvery glow over the sprawling grounds, bathing everything in an ethereal light.

As he walked, Arion's mind was preoccupied with thoughts of his newly acquired skill, Ki Absorption. He couldn't wait to put it to the test, to see firsthand how it would enhance his abilities and further his mastery of Ki energy.

Reaching the garden, Arion found himself surrounded by a lush tapestry of flora and fauna, the air heavy with the scent of blooming flowers and the gentle rustle of leaves. It was a tranquil oasis, a sanctuary away from the hustle and bustle of daily life.

With a sense of anticipation, Arion closed his eyes and focused his mind, reaching out with his senses to detect the subtle currents of Ki energy pulsating within the living beings around him. He could feel the vibrant life force of the plants and animals, each one a reservoir of untapped potential waiting to be harnessed.

Drawing upon the teachings of his mother and the guidance of his system, Arion began to channel the energy of Ki Absorption, envisioning himself as a conduit for the flow of life force. With a deep breath, he opened himself up to the essence of the garden, allowing the Ki energy to wash over him like a gentle tide.

Slowly, he felt the energy begin to coalesce around him, swirling and dancing in intricate patterns as it responded to his command. With a focused intent, he directed the flow of Ki towards himself, absorbing it into his being with a sense of reverence and gratitude.

As the energy flowed into him, Arion felt a surge of vitality coursing through his veins, his senses sharpening and his awareness expanding with newfound clarity. It was as though he had tapped into the very essence of life itself, drawing sustenance from the natural world around him.

[0.1 Ki absorbed]

[0.1 Ki absorbed]

[0.1 Ki absorbed]

[0.1 Ki absorbed]

[0.1 Ki absorbed]

[0.1 Ki absorbed]

[0.1 Ki absorbed]

[0.1 Ki absorbed]

[0.1 Ki absorbed]

[0.1 Ki absorbed]

[0.1 Ki absorbed]

[0.1 Ki absorbed]

[0.1 Ki absorbed]

[0.1 Ki absorbed]

[0.1 Ki absorbed]


With each absorption, Arion could feel his Ki capacity growing stronger, his connection to the garden deepening with each passing moment. It was a symbiotic exchange, a harmonious dance between giver and receiver, as he reveled in the beauty and abundance of the world around him.

As he basked in the glow of his newfound power, Arion couldn't help but smile, knowing that he had taken another step forward on his journey toward mastery. With Ki Absorption at his command, there was no limit to what he could achieve, no obstacle too great to overcome. For in the garden of his estate, amidst the whispers of nature, Arion had found a source of strength unlike any other.

Arion had gotten over hundreds of notifications from the system and had extracted ki from every plant in the garden. Unfortunately upon closer inspection arion could see some of the plants losing a little bit of their luster and didn't know if they would recover but he didn't care right now he was on cloud nine.

After absorbing the Ki from the garden, Arion felt invigorated and revitalized, as if he had tapped into a wellspring of boundless energy. The sensation was unlike anything he had ever experienced before, a rush of power that surged through his veins and filled him with a sense of vitality and strength.

Physically, he felt as though every fiber of his being had been rejuvenated, his muscles tingling with newfound vigor and his senses heightened to a level of acute awareness. It was as if he had unlocked a reservoir of potential within himself, tapping into a well of energy that pulsed with life and vitality.

Emotionally, Arion felt a profound sense of connection to the natural world around him, as if he had become one with the garden itself. The beauty and abundance of the plants and animals filled him with a deep sense of awe and gratitude, and he felt a renewed sense of purpose and determination coursing through his veins.

Mentally, Arion felt clear-headed and focused, his mind sharp and his thoughts lucid as he contemplated the significance of his newfound power. He knew that with Ki Absorption at his command, there was no limit to what he could achieve, and he was eager to explore the full extent of his abilities.

After a long day Arion decided to go to sleep knowing tomorrow would probably be just as eventful as today was.