
The Adventure of Arion

In a world where power is measured by one's mastery of magic and martial prowess, Arion, the young heir of an esteemed family, embarks on a journey of self-discovery and growth. Through trials and challenges, he unlocks the ancient power of Ki, a force that transcends the boundaries of conventional magic. Guided by his mother, Seraphina, and aided by a mysterious system, Arion learns to harness the potent energy of Ki, unlocking new abilities and unleashing his true potential. As Arion navigates the complexities of his world, he grapples with the legacy of his lineage and the expectations placed upon him as a member of the Tiered Families. With each revelation and encounter, he gains insight into his own strengths and weaknesses, forging bonds with allies and confronting adversaries along the way. Armed with his newfound power and determination, Arion embarks on a quest to uncover the secrets of his heritage and the truth behind his mother's enigmatic past. Along the way, he faces formidable challenges, from battling robotic opponents to exploring the depths of his own soul. Through moments of triumph and adversity, Arion learns that true strength comes not from the magic one wields or the bloodline one inherits, but from the courage to embrace one's destiny and forge their own path. With the power of Ki at his command, Arion stands poised to leave a mark on the world and carve out his own legacy amidst the tapestry of fate.

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20 Chs

New day

The next day dawned bright and clear, the sun casting a golden glow over the Ravenheart estate, illuminating the sprawling gardens and ancient stone structures with a warm, inviting light.

The guard and maids walked around chatting with each other like any other day, their laughter and banter echoing through the corridors, creating an atmosphere of camaraderie and familiarity within the estate's walls.

Arion had woken up early in his room feeling better than he ever had after absorbing the ki from the plants the other night. The energy coursing through him felt invigorating, like a warm current of power surging through his veins, revitalizing every fiber of his being and filling him with a renewed sense of vitality and purpose.

He had woken up early to visit his Father's blacksmithing room before heading out in the morning to the city.

As he traversed the halls, the soft patter of his footsteps echoed against the polished marble floors. The scent of fresh bread wafted from the kitchen, mingling with the aroma of blooming flowers from the nearby gardens. Arion paused for a moment to admire the intricate tapestries that adorned the walls, each telling a story of the Ravenheart family's illustrious history.

Passing by the training hall, he heard the clashing of swords and the grunts of exertion as the guards honed their skills. Despite the early hour, the estate was alive with activity, bustling with servants going about their daily chores.

Arion's anticipation grew with each step, his mind buzzing with thoughts of the day ahead. He was eager to explore the city, to discover new sights and sounds, and to uncover the mysteries of the Awakening Hall. But first, he wanted to pay a visit to his father's blacksmithing room, a place filled with memories of days spent learning the craft of forging.

Arion strolled leisurely towards his lesson, taking in the morning air and enjoying the peacefulness. As he made his through his attention was captivated by the sight of his father's workshop. 

The Workshop stood proudly. its intricate details and ornate design showcasing the craftsmanship of the modern era, he continued his walk through the walking path towards the door. Arion couldn't help but pause as he already heard banging coming from inside the building, signaling that his father was already hard at work with his favorite hobby.

 As Arion entered the room with a calm stride, and a smile on his face watching his father in his element, his gaze landed on the figure of his father, noticing something he hadn't noticed before. 

Ki. His father was utilizing Ki, which seemed to have almost perfect control. Each strike with his hammer was leaving a smidge residue of it on the equipment he was working on.

'He's using Ki for blacksmithing, but why? Is this another use for it or something I haven't heard of, maybe it's giving him a calm mind, keeping his body refreshed, not tired out from working all day.' Arion thought with a puzzled look on his face.

As he got close to his Thaddeus, Arion could almost the immense amount of ki radiating off his father making it almost palpable. He was now certain of it, Thaddeus was using Ki, and he had a lot of it. 

His only reference was his mother Seraphina, he felt hers directly when she used her ki to help awaken his Ki and even then it didn't feel this overwhelming. Was his father some secret master his parents never talked about.

For the last five years, his mother was the one to train him on his mana, and aura control just teaching him the basics, and even teaching him for his combat training. Thaddeus was in charge of teaching him basic life skills like reading, math, history, and mainly how to be a blacksmith.

Thaddeus would give him pointers for his energy control but never went to have a whole lesson about it.

' Guess I wasn't familiar with his game' Arion chuckled to himself.

Arion stood there waiting for 20 minutes, his anticipation mounting with each passing second, as he watched his father, Thaddeus, at work. While waiting, he observed every movement his father made, his keen eyes taking in the precise motions and the graceful flow of mana and ki around Thaddeus's body. It was a mesmerizing display of skill and control, and Arion couldn't help but feel a surge of pride in his father's expertise.

As Thaddeus worked, the air seemed to hum with energy, the faint shimmer of mana and ki weaving around him like ethereal threads. Arion marveled at the seamless integration of magic and spiritual energy, realizing just how much he had yet to learn from his father's mastery.

After he finishes his work Thaddeus picks up the two pieces of daggers that he was working on and takes them to the back room where he keeps all his work at. 

After a few seconds, Thaddeus comes out of the room to greet his son.

"Enjoy the show." Thaddeus said with a smile

Arion was still staring at his father with amazement after witnessing his display of skill, he had never noticed it before, but it felt like his perception of the world had increased after unlocking his Ki and absorbing some from the garden the other night.

Arion's theory wasn't wrong his perception of the world had increased by significant margins, Ki had many uses, and a greater perception of the world and those around was one of its uses.

"Father what were you doing with your Ki just earlier." Arion asked.

" Ah yes your mother told me last night she taught you Ki, but I didn't think you would have unlocked the perception part of it till you started your training with her." Thaddeus replied "What I was doing was called implying 'intent' on the pieces of equipment, it allows me to add and control the effects certain equipment will have. only a few blacksmiths in the world can do it with purpose, although not impossible for others to do, they can't do it every time they make a piece of equipment."

"That's amazing, why haven't you mentioned it before to me during our training." Arion spoke acting giddy like a child when he found his new favorite toy.

Arion loved blacksmithing, just as much as he loved fighting and getting stronger. Arion knew that if he could make and repair his own equipment there wouldn't be much holding him back in the future, especially with the systems help.

Thaddeus shook his slightly at his child's antics who never acted like a child in the first place. " simply son you were not ready to know, I was a bit skeptical about your mother's decision to teach you Ki at such a young age, but after hearing about your fight with the robot I now understand her decision. I can also feel how much Ki you already have even though you just learned it less than 24 hours ago. you are truly special" Thaddeus smiled excited about his son's potential.

"I see, so when can you teach me." Arion questioned.

"With the current amount of Ki you have now I can teach you as soon as you come back, but it will have to be on the back burner since your mother's training will come first, and believe you won't have the energy after to wanna learn." Thaddeus replied, "your mother might find it as an insult if you do." Thaddeus shivered remembering when the guards had asked the famous hero to train them and they quit after two days.

"Anyway go find your mother, so you can head to the city."Thaddeus said before turning around to continue his work. "I have to work on a special project your mother wants me to make and be done for by tomorrow."

With that short but insightful interaction with Thaddeus, Arion left his father's Workshop and started heading back to the estate mansion to find his Seraphina. As he made his way through the meticulously maintained gardens, Arion couldn't shake the excitement bubbling within him. The revelation of his father's advanced Ki usage had ignited a newfound sense of determination in him, fueling his desire to unlock even more of his potential.

Arion had walked past many guards and maids on his way to his mother, and even though they would greet and acknowledge him, they would never bow or try not to call him young master, because he had told them and his parents not to because it made him feel uncomfortable. so the message had spread throughout the estate to treat him with respect, but not overwhelm him with courtesies.

As he passed by, he exchanged friendly nods and smiles with the staff, appreciating their adherence to his preferences. It was a small but meaningful gesture that reflected the mutual respect and understanding that existed within the Ravenheart estate.

Arion made his way to the room where his mother was almost always meditating, a serene space adorned with tapestries and cushions, where the faint scent of incense lingered in the air.

Seraphina sat cross-legged on a plush cushion at the center of the room, her posture tall and graceful, emanating an aura of tranquility and inner strength. Her long, flowing hair cascaded down her back in waves of midnight black, framing her delicate features with a soft, ethereal glow. Her eyes, closed in deep concentration, were a mesmerizing shade of azure, reflecting the calm serenity of her mind.

Dressed in flowing robes of deep indigo, adorned with intricate patterns of silver thread that shimmered in the soft light filtering through the windows, she seemed to blend seamlessly with the tranquil surroundings. Her slender fingers were clasped together in a gentle mudra, her palms facing upward in a gesture of openness and receptivity to the energies around her.

Despite her serene appearance, there was a quiet intensity about Seraphina, a sense of purpose that resonated in the air around her. Each breath she took seemed to ripple through the room, carrying with it a sense of profound stillness and clarity.

As Arion entered the room, the atmosphere shifted subtly, as if responding to his presence. Seraphina's eyes fluttered open, and a warm smile graced her lips as she turned to greet her son, her gaze radiant with love and affection.

"Are you ready to...." Seraphina's words paused as she assessed her son. "HAHAHA that's my boy I can already sense how much your Ki has grown overnight, did you even sleep."

Arion rubbed the back of his head smiling sheepishly. knowing he had messed up again with how fast he was growing. Noting in his head to make a Ki concealment skill or ask his parents to teach him if possible. "Yes Mother I trained most of the night, but I did get some sleep."

"Hmm, good job. We are bout to head out of the estate. So do you want to take the teleporter, if we do we will be back by Noon at the latest, or we can travel by horse and be back by late night, but because we will have to go through the forest for the most part to hit the main roads we will come across magical beast along the way. you will have nothing to worry about that though because their highest strength is around Late Tier 1 mana core strength." Seraphina informed Arion already knowing what choice he was going to make.

'hmm the teleporter would be the fastest way, but if we can encounter some magical beast I can earn some points. I remember when the system introduced itself it said I can earn some from killing foes.' Arion thought

"let's take the second choice, I want to test myself against the beast if we encounter any". Arion told his mother.

Satisfied with Arion's decision, Seraphina nodded her head, stood up, and started walking towards Arion placing her hand on his shoulder.

Arion felt his mother's hand touch his shoulder, and in the blink of an eye, they had moved instantly to in front of the horses waiting for them near the gate of the estate.

Arion was confused about if his mother had just used teleportation."Did you just teleport us?" Arion questions Seraphina.

"No that was simply my speed" Seraphina stated nonchalantly, as if it didn't just break Arion's perspective of his parent's prowess being beyond what he thought.

The two guards holding the horses, who were waiting for them, came to greet their masters with a respectful nod and a smile. Their expressions were stoic yet warm, a reflection of the loyalty and dedication they held towards the Ravenheart family. As Arion and Seraphina approached, the guards stepped forward to assist them with mounting their horses, their movements precise and efficient.

"Good morning, Lady Seraphina, Master Arion," one of the guards greeted them, his voice deep and resonant. "Are you ready for your journey to the city?"

"We are indeed, thank you," Seraphina replied with a nod, her tone gracious yet composed. "Please, prepare the horses. We shall depart shortly."

With practiced ease, the guards quickly adjusted the saddles and reins, ensuring that everything was in order for the journey ahead. Arion watched in admiration as they worked, impressed by their skill and professionalism. It was moments like these that reminded him of the dedication of the estate's staff, each member playing a vital role in maintaining its smooth operation.

As the horses were prepared, Arion exchanged a few words with the guards, asking about their duties and any news from the city. The guards responded politely, sharing tidbits of information about recent events and developments in the surrounding area. It was a brief yet pleasant exchange, a moment of camaraderie between comrades embarking on a shared adventure.

With the horses ready and their belongings secured, Arion and Seraphina mounted their steeds, ready to begin their journey to the city. As they set off towards the gates of the estate, Arion couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement building within him.