
The Adventure of Arion

In a world where power is measured by one's mastery of magic and martial prowess, Arion, the young heir of an esteemed family, embarks on a journey of self-discovery and growth. Through trials and challenges, he unlocks the ancient power of Ki, a force that transcends the boundaries of conventional magic. Guided by his mother, Seraphina, and aided by a mysterious system, Arion learns to harness the potent energy of Ki, unlocking new abilities and unleashing his true potential. As Arion navigates the complexities of his world, he grapples with the legacy of his lineage and the expectations placed upon him as a member of the Tiered Families. With each revelation and encounter, he gains insight into his own strengths and weaknesses, forging bonds with allies and confronting adversaries along the way. Armed with his newfound power and determination, Arion embarks on a quest to uncover the secrets of his heritage and the truth behind his mother's enigmatic past. Along the way, he faces formidable challenges, from battling robotic opponents to exploring the depths of his own soul. Through moments of triumph and adversity, Arion learns that true strength comes not from the magic one wields or the bloodline one inherits, but from the courage to embrace one's destiny and forge their own path. With the power of Ki at his command, Arion stands poised to leave a mark on the world and carve out his own legacy amidst the tapestry of fate.

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20 Chs


Arion Ravenheart stood at the threshold of the training room, his heart pounding in anticipation as he prepared to face his opponent.

Before him stood a formidable adversary: a humanoid robot, its metallic frame towering over him with an imposing presence. Its eyes glowed with an eerie blue light, and the whirring of its mechanical limbs filled the air with a sense of impending danger.

As Arion stepped into the arena, he felt a surge of adrenaline coursing through his veins. The training room was vast, with high ceilings and rows of torches lining the walls, casting flickering shadows across the polished stone floor.

In the center of the room, the arena lay waiting, a battleground where warriors and mages alike came to test their skills.

Arion's gaze locked onto the robot, his mind racing as he assessed his opponent. He knew that this would be no easy fight.

The robot was programmed to simulate real opponents, its movements fluid and precise as it responded to his every move.

But Arion was determined to prove himself, to show that he was worthy of the title of Blacksmith Apprentice.

With a deep breath, Arion focused his mana, feeling the familiar surge of energy coursing through his body.

He could sense the raw power at his fingertips, waiting to be unleashed in the heat of battle.

Drawing upon his training, he channeled the mana into his muscles, enhancing his strength and agility in preparation for the fight ahead.

As the battle commenced, Arion and the humanoid robot circled each other warily, each assessing the other's strengths and weaknesses.

The robot moved with mechanical precision, its movements calculated and efficient, while Arion stood poised and ready, his muscles tense with anticipation.

With a sudden burst of speed, the robot lunged forward, its fist aimed squarely at Arion's chest. Reacting on instinct, Arion sidestepped the blow, his movements fluid and graceful as he danced out of harm's way.

As the robot's fist whistled past him, Arion seized the opportunity to counter, delivering a swift kick to its exposed flank.

The blow landed with a resounding clang, sending vibrations rippling through the robot's metallic frame. But to Arion's surprise, the robot barely seemed to register the impact, its systems compensating effortlessly for the blow.

Undeterred, Arion pressed the attack, launching a flurry of strikes against the robot's defenses. With each blow, he poured mana into his limbs, enhancing his strength and speed to levels far beyond that of a normal human.

His fists blurred with speed as he rained blows upon the robot's unyielding exterior, each strike fueled by a burning determination to emerge victorious.

But despite his best efforts, the robot proved to be a formidable opponent, its defenses holding strong against Arion's onslaught.

Its movements were methodical and precise, its reactions lightning-fast as it parried each of Arion's blows with uncanny accuracy.

Realizing that brute force alone would not be enough to defeat his opponent, Arion shifted tactics, drawing upon his mastery of mana and aura to gain the upper hand.

With a whispered incantation, he channeled mana into his limbs, imbuing his strikes with elemental energy that crackled and sparked with each impact.

Arion moved with grace and precision, his movements a blur of speed as he dodged the robot's strikes. The robot lunged forward, its mechanical limbs whirring with deadly intent as it sought to overpower Arion with sheer force.

But Arion was ready, his reflexes honed by years of training as he deftly sidestepped each attack.

With a swift motion, Arion unleashed a barrage of blows upon the robot, his fists striking with the force of a battering ram.

He could feel the impact reverberating through his arms as he pummeled the robot relentlessly, each blow driving it back a step closer to defeat.

But the robot was no pushover, its defenses proving to be formidable as it weathered Arion's assault with stoic resilience.

With each passing moment, Arion could feel the strain of the battle taking its toll, his muscles burning with exertion as he fought to maintain the upper hand.

As the robot launched a counterattack, Arion felt a surge of panic rising within him. His aura flickered momentarily, the protective barrier wavering under the onslaught of blows.

Desperation clawed at his mind as he searched for a way to turn the tide of battle in his favor.

Then, with a sudden burst of inspiration, he remembered the new skill he had acquired.

With a whispered incantation, he activated the Dash skill, feeling the rush of adrenaline coursing through his veins as he surged forward with blinding speed.

Time seemed to slow as Arion darted around the robot, his movements a blur of motion as he delivered a series of lightning-fast strikes.

Each blow landed with deadly accuracy, chinks forming in the robot's armor with each successive hit.

But even as Arion fought with all his strength, he could feel doubt creeping into his mind. What if he wasn't strong enough?

What if he couldn't defeat the robot and prove himself worthy of his title?

The weight of expectation bore down on him, threatening to crush him under its oppressive weight.

But Arion refused to give in to despair. With a fierce determination burning in his heart, he pushed himself to the limit, pouring every ounce of his strength and skill into the fight.

He could feel the rhythm of battle coursing through his veins, his movements becoming more fluid and precise with each passing moment.

As the battle continued, the robot's relentless assault began to take its toll on Arion. Despite his best efforts, he found himself struggling to keep up with the machine's superior strength and speed.

Blow after blow rained down upon him, each strike sending shockwaves of pain coursing through his body.

As the minutes stretched on, Arion felt his strength beginning to wane. His muscles screamed with exertion, and he could feel the bruises and cuts starting to form beneath his skin.

But despite the pain and fatigue, he refused to give up, drawing upon his reserves of determination and grit to keep fighting.

With a roar of defiance, Arion launched himself back into the fray, redoubling his efforts to break through the robot's defenses.

He focused on his footwork, dodging and weaving with a dancer's grace to avoid the worst of the blows. And when the opportunity presented itself, he struck back with all the force he could muster, his blows fueled by sheer determination to emerge victorious.

But the robot was a relentless opponent, its programming allowing it to anticipate and counter every move Arion made.

It seemed to be toying with him, allowing him to come close to landing a decisive blow before sidestepping at the last moment and delivering a punishing counterattack.

Despite his best efforts, Arion found himself being pushed back, his energy flagging and his body beginning to falter.

With each passing moment, the robot seemed to grow stronger, its blows landing with ever-increasing force and precision.

"Damn how is this thing so strong, I'm clearly faster than it but it's reading my movement like a book. I'm ending this now."

Gathering the last bit of energy Arion focuses the rest of his mana to enhance his next strike and his aura to surround his body so he doesn't take as much damage if he fails his next attack"

With his Dash skill still active Arion Assessed his opponent charging at it at his normal speed ready to carry his final attack.

The robot without hesitation in its movements got into its stance ready to counter anything Arion threw at it.

Charging at his opponent with his fist cocked back ready to give his final blow, Arion charged the rest of his mana into his arm ready for his last strike.

With Arion's slower speed, the robot reached out to grab Arion to subdue him and end the fight his speed was a whole stage below him, even though he was a robot, the A.I couldn't believe how ridiculous this was.

At the moment of impact right before the robot could grab Arion, Arion used his dash skill to completely disappear from in front of the robot and appear behind him with his fist already connected to the back of the robot's spine creating a large bang on impact sending the robot flying out of the arena ending the fight.

As the dust settled in the aftermath of the intense battle, Arion Ravenheart stood amidst the wreckage of the training room, his chest heaving with exertion and his muscles trembling with fatigue.

Around him, the air was thick with the acrid scent of burnt metal and ozone, a testament to the intensity of the fight that had just taken place.

The once imposing humanoid robot lay embedded in the wall at Arion's feet, its metallic frame partially submerged in the stone, creating a jagged tear in the structure. Its eyes, once glowing with malevolent intent, now flickered and dimmed, the light fading from them as its systems shut down one by one.

But it was not just the robot that bore the scars of battle. Arion himself was bruised and battered, his clothes torn and singed from the heat of combat.

Blood trickled from a gash on his forehead, matting his dark hair and staining his skin with crimson.

Despite the pain and exhaustion that threatened to overwhelm him, Arion couldn't help but feel a surge of triumph coursing through his veins. He had faced down an opponent far more powerful than himself, and emerged victorious against all odds.

It was a victory that he would carry with him for the rest of his days, a testament to his strength, courage, and determination.

But as he surveyed the wreckage around him, Arion couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at the edges of his mind. The training room lay in ruins, its walls shattered and its floors littered with debris. And in the center of it all stood Arion himself, a solitary figure amidst the chaos he had wrought.

With a sense of relief, Arion watched as the cracks in the wall began to mend themselves, the stone knitting back together as if by some unseen hand. Slowly but surely, the damage began to fade, until all that remained was a faint outline of where the robot had been embedded in the wall.

It was a testament to the ingenuity of the builders who had designed the training room, and a reminder of the resilience of the estate itself.

No matter how fierce the battles that raged within its walls, the training room would always stand strong, ready to withstand whatever challenges came its way.

As Arion caught his breath, a familiar figure stepped into the training room, her presence commanding attention. It was Seraphina, Arion's mother, her expression a mix of pride and concern as she approached her son amidst the aftermath of the intense battle.

"Arion," Seraphina's voice was filled with admiration as she surveyed the scene before her. "I heard about your victory. Congratulations on defeating the robot."

Arion met his mother's gaze, a sense of pride swelling within him at her words. "Thank you, Mother," he replied, a hint of exhaustion creeping into his voice. "It was a tough fight, but I managed to pull through in the end."

Seraphina nodded, her eyes flickering with a mixture of pride and concern. "You fought well, Arion, but you mustn't push yourself too hard," she admonished gently. "You're still young, and there will be many more battles ahead. It's important to pace yourself and conserve your strength for when you truly need it."

Arion nodded, understanding the wisdom of his mother's words. "I'll keep that in mind, Mother," he promised, a sense of determination burning within him. "I won't let you down."

Seraphina smiled, her expression softening with maternal affection. "I know you won't, Arion," she said, placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "You have a bright future ahead of you, and I have every confidence that you'll make the most of it."

"Now there is something I want to teach you that can make you even stronger, I wasn't sure if you were ready to learn it but after watching you beat the robot I'm sure teaching you now won't be a problem on your body."

Arion looked at his mother with immense intrigue, his eye sparkling waiting as he looked at her waiting on the next few words she was gonna say that could help get stronger. Arion was standing completely fine at this point ignoring the pain his body was feeling.

Luckily he has the passive skill Rapid Recovery which heals his wounds and restores his mana and Aura at a faster pace.


Seraphina commanded at the guards and maids who were training inside the the training hall. They didn't even think for a second and immediately left the hall within seconds of hearing Seraphina shout.

They all respected the people they served, they didn't mistreat them gave them a place to live, and allowed them to use some of their home amenities like the training hall.

"Arion listen closely to what I'm about to tell you. What I'm teaching you is a secret kept from the general public only tier 1 and 2 families know along with the royal family. This technique or new energy I'm going to show you is called Ki."

[+1 point for coming into contact with a new type of energy]

"Ki is a powerful energy that flows through all living beings," Seraphina continued, her voice low and solemn. "It is the essence of life itself, a force that can be harnessed to enhance one's strength, speed, and agility beyond what is normally possible."

Arion's eyes widened with excitement as he absorbed his mother's words. The prospect of unlocking a new source of power filled him with a sense of exhilaration, his mind racing with the possibilities that lay ahead.

"But be warned, Arion," Seraphina cautioned, her tone grave. "The path of Ki is not an easy one. It requires discipline, focus, and unwavering dedication to master. You must learn to control your emotions, to channel your energy with precision and clarity."

Arion nodded, his determination unwavering as he made a silent vow to himself. He would do whatever it took to master this new energy, to unlock the full extent of his potential, and become the strongest warrior he could be.

"Wait what a Tier 2 and 1 Family." Arion asked his mother a puzzled look on his face

Seraphina sighed realizing his Father hadn't taken the time to tell their son about the place they live, instead of focusing his time on teaching the son how to be a blacksmith.

"Ok let me put it in simple terms by explaining all the tiers, first there are the Tier-less Families whose strength could be that of nothing or have the strength to rival 5 to 6-stage mana cores individuals. Even if they are that strong they have very little influence in the human domain."

"Second is the 5-6 Tier Families who are usually knights of the Royal Army who have had enough Merit to become nobles but are nothing of note in terms of power."

"Third is Tier 3-4 Tier Families, these families usually come into power because in the past they had an individual with immense power and talent who helped change the world. These Families usually have special abilities that are passed down through the next generation to keep them in power. They are very dangerous because of their unique abilities and shouldn't be taken lightly."

"Lastly are the Tier 1-2 Families These families are the strongest in the human domain, they are descendants of the royal family and past heroes who have started a family. I shouldn't have to explain how they are the cream of the crop, but the ones from the royal family have all of the nation's secrets to become stronger and bring in talented individuals from outside their Family to stay on top."

"The hero descendants are definitely the most dangerous out of all of them because they inherit the past hero's affinity with the elements and sometimes one of their talents besides the Hero's talent of course."

Arion took in all this information like an info dump, pondering about the different families realizing he might have actual competition when he starts going to an academy.

Of course, there had to be an academy this was a fantasy world and he had a system he had to make friends and create rivals of course.

"So what kind of Family are we." Arion asks his mother.

"We are a Tier 2 Family because of my status as a hero and would probably be considered Tier 1 because of your father's Influence on the world because of his skills and how sought after he is. He is the only Vulcan that people can get in contact with the other 4 are hidden around the world not wanting to be bothered and looking for rare materials to keep blacksmithing. We are also one of the only few families tier families without branches in their family having to rely on guards we hire to keep the estate somewhat safe making our total power pretty low but our influence is still pretty high compared to other tier 1 and 2 families we just choose to stay out of the kingdom affairs. Now back to why I'm here I'm going to flow my Ki inside of you so u can get a feeling for it."

"Arion," Seraphina began, her voice low and intense, "Ki is a form of energy that resides within all living beings. It is the essence of life itself, flowing through every fiber of our being. With Ki, one can tap into an unlimited wellspring of power, unlocking abilities and strength beyond imagination."

Arion listened intently, his eyes wide with curiosity and excitement.

"Close your eyes, Arion," Seraphina instructed, her voice gentle yet commanding. "Feel the energy of the world around you, the pulse of life that courses through every living thing. Now, focus on the center of your being, the core of your existence."

Arion obeyed, shutting out the world around him as he delved deep into his innermost self. He could sense the faint hum of energy within him, a subtle vibration that resonated with the very core of his being. With each breath, he drew in the essence of Ki, letting it fill him with a sense of strength and vitality.

"Feel my hand on your back, Arion," Seraphina said, her touch light yet firm as she placed her hand between his shoulder blades. "Let it be a guide, a conduit for the flow of Ki within you. Now, focus your mind on that energy, and allow it to gather beneath my hand."

Arion felt a tingling sensation spread through his body as he concentrated on the spot where Seraphina's hand rested. He could feel the energy gathering beneath her touch, a warm glow that pulsed with a life of its own. With each passing moment, the sensation grew stronger, until it felt as though a torrent of power was surging through him.