
The Advent of True Magic

A girl dies and weeps at her gravestone hoping for an escape to the reality she was forced to accept. Who would've known that her cries would be heard...... Join her as she becomes something the Wizarding world can't handle. And maybe other worlds too..... I ain't good with sypnosises so sorry lol BTW although I say gradually op my definition of gradual can vary. I'm hoping I do this right but if not then I am extremely sorry. Another thing. DO NOT POST COMMENTS THAT ARE DISRESPECTFUL. THEY WILL BE DELETED I PROMISE YOU THAT. CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM IS FINE BUT SAYING IT'S TRASH AND THAT YOUR DROPPING IT ON THE FIRST DAMN CHAPTER IS PROHIBITED. I AINT TAKING THE DISRESPECT. ALTHOUGH SOME OF YOU MAY HATE IT FWR BUT OTHERS MAY LIKE IT. DON'T RUIN THE DAMN VIBE BECAUSE YOU'RE HAVING A BAD DAY.

ALiVe · Movies
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14 Chs


The next morning I woke up with a stomach that was aching. This quickly gave me the realization. that I was starving bad. Like to the point of cannibalism bad.

I did a little bit of crying to wake up my mother next to me, of which she did in an absolute panic. I thought when she realized that I was just hungry and it was nothing TOO serious she would calm down.

I was wrong.

When she realized I was hungry she started crying and repirmanding herself. She hurriedly started breastfeeding me to which I obliged due to my hunger.

'' I can't believe I only fed her once yesterday! I was so damn busy arguing with that fucking bastard that I left her hungry....! I'm so sorry baby. Mama's bad at this...but I'll get better.''

I was stunned by what I just had heard.


I sat there dumbfounded while drinking my milk.

Eventually I got over it, and like this five years went by.

~Five years later~

It's been five years and I'm now five years old. So many things has happened since the day I came into this world.

~year 1 ~

During this year My mom decided to start investing. With a little bit of persuasive puppy eyes I was eventually able to get her to put an ENORMUS AMOUNT of money saved up into bitcoin. She would've become rich regardless but I wanted to be of some use.

Along with this she started her own fashion companies and brands that successfully signified her success as a businesswoman. Note that this is in the 1900's so woman weren't as popular and dominant. Due to this my mom became a popular icon. This is pretty much it from my family life.

So now it's time to get to my training over this past year.

My library has INFINITE KNOWLEDGE about everything in existence. This includes all types of magic wether it's from the world of Harry potter or the world of The originals. Also including all martial arts, theoretical knowledge and so on.

But I decided that I should learn the knowledge and magic of Harry potter first in order to get it out of the way.

I decided to skip occlumency, this is due to the fact that apparently my magical energy is able to fend of any mind arts completely due to it's density.

Which honestly saved me time.

So I immediately went to learn all theoretical knowledge of all arts. Then I would practice them after learning all the theoretical knowledge possible. This would help me so I don't go in blind.

But there was one problem.

I severely underestimated how INFINITE my talent, comprehension, and adaptability was.

In less than one week I was able to read all of the books and comprehend them completely. I was able to read to fast due to my eyes adapting to how fast the pages were moving when I flipped them fast.

I genuinely didn't know my adaptability applied to this too.

But I didn't dwell over it.

After this I started working on the all of the categories of magic.

~year 2 ~

I was able to master Broomology, Wandlore (This will be useful later), And due to my infinite talent I was also able to master and use divination.

When I say master I mean at levels nobody could question me on my prowess with.

~year 3 ~

I mastered charms, arithmtology, Transfiguration, and herbiology.

These were hard to get through but I was able to adapt to the amount of info I was trying to ingest at once.

~year 4 ~

I mastered Alchemy, dark magic, and Healing magic.

I got into dark magic as well since although it's against moral codes, it's still is a branch of magic which means that it has theoretical and applicable knowledge that could be helpful to me.

~year 5 ~

I mastered all other magics I deemed worthy of my time.

~current time ~

I am now training on all craftsmanship arts so that I can, when the time comes, make my own wand/staff.

The staff im planning on making will be both a staff and wand.

It's gonna look like a pristine white wand with inlaid gold in of course wand form, and when in staff from it's gonna look like lady scheherazade's staff.

I'm tryna get the whole outfit. I mean, it would be a waste if you have her body but not the outfit right?










That's my progress as of right now. So now I am thinking about my life here so far.

' So many things have happened and I've accomplished a lot in my 5 years here. I genuinely can't wait till I get to hogwarts. '

And with that I fell asleep.