
The Advent of True Magic

A girl dies and weeps at her gravestone hoping for an escape to the reality she was forced to accept. Who would've known that her cries would be heard...... Join her as she becomes something the Wizarding world can't handle. And maybe other worlds too..... I ain't good with sypnosises so sorry lol BTW although I say gradually op my definition of gradual can vary. I'm hoping I do this right but if not then I am extremely sorry. Another thing. DO NOT POST COMMENTS THAT ARE DISRESPECTFUL. THEY WILL BE DELETED I PROMISE YOU THAT. CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM IS FINE BUT SAYING IT'S TRASH AND THAT YOUR DROPPING IT ON THE FIRST DAMN CHAPTER IS PROHIBITED. I AINT TAKING THE DISRESPECT. ALTHOUGH SOME OF YOU MAY HATE IT FWR BUT OTHERS MAY LIKE IT. DON'T RUIN THE DAMN VIBE BECAUSE YOU'RE HAVING A BAD DAY.

ALiVe · Movies
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14 Chs

Gotta put the work in

I woke up disoriented.

I opened my eyes to see two people arguing. A handsome man that seemed disgusted at his surroundings and a beautiful woman that seemed to desperately want her life to be normal again.

Two feelings I know all too well.

I decided to listen in more. The woman spoke.

'' John I'm trying my best to keep this family together! I just gave birth a month ago and I'm already working! What the hell else do you want me to do! We still have a daughter to take care of all because you didn't want to put a damn condom on! Don't you blame this all on me, cause while I am partially at fault, the fault burns brighter leaning towards you. ''

And as I listened more and more I began to understand the situation.

Apparently I was never planned.

My family is currently poor and my Father is currently in the process of leaving me and my mom with the excuse that I'm not his child even though the blood test results came back showing him as my biological father.

My mom wants to keep us together in hopes that we can be a happy family and that I can grow up happy.

' I'm guessing that my mom becoming rich will happen later on. Most probably in a year or so due to how hard she's gonna be working as a single mom. This will likely be a problem because my father will probably try to come back to us on the account that he's my father. Considering what my mom has been saying I'm one hundred percent sure of this fact. He doesn't want to help make ends meet. He doesn't even want to pay for me and my development ' Unfortunately my inner monolgue was interrupted by my biological father's yelling.

'' Amelia I don't give a fuck! Look at this place! We're broke! And you just had to go and give birth to a child? I bet with how slutty you look you probably f*cked somebody else and want me to take care of her! This bitch isn't my child and I'm not taking responsibility for it. ''

' Ok I get that we are in rather unfortunate conditions right now but...WTF IS WRONG WITH THIS MAN. THE RESULTS CAME BACK POSITIVE! WHAT THE FUCK IS HE DOING?'

My mom wasn't letting up though. She walked in front of the door. And said, '' I've already given you the results. I am done with your shenanigans. If I can't keep this family together then that's fine. Child support is still a thing. I'm sure you're ready to pay since you're so insistent on leaving. Now get the f*ck out of my house. '' She said it so calm that It scared me.

But it made my father angry instead. He didn't speak he just left, Slamming the door behind him.

My mom stood there staring into space, before dropping on her knees and grabbing her face with both hands, and she stayed there completely dropping her facade and crying her eyes out. It really broke my heart. I couldn't help myself and started crying to.

But the moment I did she noticed me and got up to walk over to me, tears still dripping down her face. She picked me up and kissed me on the cheek. '' My baby....don't worry... I'm gonna take care of you all on my own. No matter what.. I will always protect you. I promise Sherry.''

Her words reminded me of dying. Sitting at my grave and crying dry tears. Hoping for a release.

' I guess we're kindred spirits huh.'

Eventually we both fell asleep with each other. Her wrapping her arms around me and me doing the same....well the best I could.

' Tomorrow will be a better day. I'm gonna start practicing using my new cheats. And I'm gonna make sure my new mother is happy! '