
The Advent of True Magic

A girl dies and weeps at her gravestone hoping for an escape to the reality she was forced to accept. Who would've known that her cries would be heard...... Join her as she becomes something the Wizarding world can't handle. And maybe other worlds too..... I ain't good with sypnosises so sorry lol BTW although I say gradually op my definition of gradual can vary. I'm hoping I do this right but if not then I am extremely sorry. Another thing. DO NOT POST COMMENTS THAT ARE DISRESPECTFUL. THEY WILL BE DELETED I PROMISE YOU THAT. CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM IS FINE BUT SAYING IT'S TRASH AND THAT YOUR DROPPING IT ON THE FIRST DAMN CHAPTER IS PROHIBITED. I AINT TAKING THE DISRESPECT. ALTHOUGH SOME OF YOU MAY HATE IT FWR BUT OTHERS MAY LIKE IT. DON'T RUIN THE DAMN VIBE BECAUSE YOU'RE HAVING A BAD DAY.

ALiVe · Movies
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14 Chs

Social Interactions

I got on the train albeit slightly reluctant at the thought of not being with the mother who has taken care of me these last 11 years.

Though this is the case, I decide to sit down and just wait.

Who would've known the place I sat in would be the place that Harry Potter, the protagonist of This world would enter.

He looked at me, most likely mesmerized by how long my hair is. Along with the shine and silky look of it.

I looked at him. But I didn't speak or communicate to him in any way.

' I haven't had much time to talk to others besides my caretakers and mom. So this is new to me and I have no idea on what to do so I might as well just stay quiet.'

This causes an awkward silence eventually causing Harry to try to talk to me. All to no avail.

This remained the case until I heard somebody running towards our area.

Eventually getting here the door opening revealed a freckled child with ginger hair. This ginger haired kid sat down loudly and started trying to communicate with us. Though his annoying voice honestly made me want to communicate less.

' Ugh Ron Weasley. He's one of my most hated characters not gonna lie.'

I looked at him and decided to quiet him down.

'' Can you come in more quietly? There's no need to run or to make a ruckus. Sit down and be quieter or go somewhere else. ''

This surprised Ron and kinda frightened him. Afraid of me going off on him, He sat down in a seat and quietly stared out of the window. This honestly surprised me, as i didn't want to scare him, i just wanted to quiet him down.

' Did i accidentally release my magical energies when telling him to shut up? Or did my words come out harsher than expected?....Yeah most definitely the second one.....i should apologize








but i won't. '

Denying him his right to an apology i looked out of the window and enjoyed the view.

Though my apparent enjoyment was interrupted by more running and eventual barging into the seating area.

This was a girl with brown long curly hair and a cute face. She looked to be in a rush and looked around as if looking for something.

' Hermione. This girl is just disrespectful. My Merlin. I really do have to shape this group up when we get to hogwarts. I don't like the way they move. '

I looked at her with eyes that screamed annoyance and coldness.

'' What do you want. And why in the hell did you barge in here without knocking? ''

She looked at me surprised be looking me up and down. Specifically my face that screamed ethereal and hair that reaches below my ankles.

'' Ummm. Have you seen a frog here? I'm trying to find one ''

I looked at her with eyes that showed confusion.

'' The name? ''

She looked at me confused by my words. '' What do you mean? ''

' Isn't she supposed to be smart?'

I looked at her dumbfounded. '' I mean what's the name of the frog. ''

She had a moment of revelation before telling me it.

I then raised my hand and my eyes glowed.


The frog then reappeared In my hands. I give it to her and then looked back at the window. Completely and utterly uninterested in her thanks.

~POV change: Hermione~

When I walked into the next seating room I noticed three people in there. Two boys and one girl.

The girl looked at me with eyes that screamed annoyance and coldness. This kinda scared me to be utterly honest.

Though I was too busy being mesmerized by the girl. Her ethereal face and beautiful hair graced the earth. The most eye catching thing was these beautiful tiny little birds of light that encircled her existence. Though she seemed to be unaware of them entirely. Thankfully I wasn't the only one to notice as the two boys with her seemed to be looking at them too. Though too afraid to talk and disturb the silence that plagues the room.

My staring and barging caused the girl to speak in annoyance as to why I'm here and what I want. Even going as far as to critique my manners.

I told her the situation. She asked me questions that left me dazed as to why but I answered them anyway.

And the next thing that happened raised my love for magic.

She raised her hand and it started glowing gold along with her eyes following suit. And then she recited latin words with her heavenly voice.


And the frog appeared in her hands. She raised her hands to me. I dumbfoundedly took the frog and and walked out of the room. I was going to close it, but the girl without even looking at me waved her hands at the door, causing it to close abruptly.

~POV back to regular ~

' Wtf is wrong with me. I am being too mean. I should apologize to all of them on the way to hogwarts once leaving the train. My social interaction need WORK. '