
The Advent of True Magic

A girl dies and weeps at her gravestone hoping for an escape to the reality she was forced to accept. Who would've known that her cries would be heard...... Join her as she becomes something the Wizarding world can't handle. And maybe other worlds too..... I ain't good with sypnosises so sorry lol BTW although I say gradually op my definition of gradual can vary. I'm hoping I do this right but if not then I am extremely sorry. Another thing. DO NOT POST COMMENTS THAT ARE DISRESPECTFUL. THEY WILL BE DELETED I PROMISE YOU THAT. CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM IS FINE BUT SAYING IT'S TRASH AND THAT YOUR DROPPING IT ON THE FIRST DAMN CHAPTER IS PROHIBITED. I AINT TAKING THE DISRESPECT. ALTHOUGH SOME OF YOU MAY HATE IT FWR BUT OTHERS MAY LIKE IT. DON'T RUIN THE DAMN VIBE BECAUSE YOU'RE HAVING A BAD DAY.

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Reaching Hogwarts Part 1: Apologies and bonds

Eventually we reached the stop where Hagrid stood.

He told us to hurry and get off of the train and to follow him as we did.

Through doing so we reached the lake the surrounded hogwarts. We were assigned boats with other students and I happened to be with Hermione, Harry, and Ron.

They looked at me hesitantly before deciding to just get on. Though, not wanting to start an argument they ignored me and took to their own devices.

I looked at them and contemplated my course of action for my apologies. I don't try to be mean I just don't have much social interactions these days. It's taken a toll on my anxiety and socially involved reactions.

' If I don't apologize now I know that I never will. I already have enough issues with social anxiety. If I don't get it together now I'm gonna be socially incapable all my life..... '

I look towards the group and open my mouth to speak. After I said the first word it just flowed.

'' Hi. I'm sorry for my previous.....attitude. I haven't gotten out much so I don't have much experience in social interactions. I wanted to apologize and also introduce myself. My name is Sherry Fields. I was raised in the muggle world unlike most here ''

They looked at me in surprise at my sudden desire to speak with them along with the fact that I seemed to kind of do my introduction backwards.

We sat there in complete awkwardness before Hermione decided to speak.

'' The birds....they aren't around you anymore.....they were so beautiful....do they only appear when your at your best emotionally? ''

' The birds? Beautiful? is she talking about what I think she is? Oh fucking Merlin






She's talking about the rukh. '

'' The birds? You must mean the rukh. They are little birds made of light that follow me. Sometimes they even can provide me power. ''

I said that with my eyes closed while tilting my head. This was to give off a mysterious vibe.

They looked at me in awe and surprise before barging me with questions like '' Where do.you find them?'' and '' How do.you get them?''

Though it was annoying at first, I found myself able to enjoy it.

This moment sadly ended as we reached the castle.

We all looked at in awe as Hagrid spoke.

'' Welcome to Hogwarts Fellas''