
The Advent of True Magic

A girl dies and weeps at her gravestone hoping for an escape to the reality she was forced to accept. Who would've known that her cries would be heard...... Join her as she becomes something the Wizarding world can't handle. And maybe other worlds too..... I ain't good with sypnosises so sorry lol BTW although I say gradually op my definition of gradual can vary. I'm hoping I do this right but if not then I am extremely sorry. Another thing. DO NOT POST COMMENTS THAT ARE DISRESPECTFUL. THEY WILL BE DELETED I PROMISE YOU THAT. CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM IS FINE BUT SAYING IT'S TRASH AND THAT YOUR DROPPING IT ON THE FIRST DAMN CHAPTER IS PROHIBITED. I AINT TAKING THE DISRESPECT. ALTHOUGH SOME OF YOU MAY HATE IT FWR BUT OTHERS MAY LIKE IT. DON'T RUIN THE DAMN VIBE BECAUSE YOU'RE HAVING A BAD DAY.

ALiVe · Movies
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14 Chs

I'm gonna rock this world

A girl that looked to be the age of 14 was standing at her grave...yes, she's dead.

Her funeral had ended a few hours ago. Now she's just standing waiting for something, ANYTHING to happen. Hoping that this nightmare would end. Though deep down, she knows her life is over, completely and utterly whiffed out like a candle. Only that this candle will never be relit. Or so she thought.

Eventually giving up she sat there and cried dry tears as she no longer had a body to capacitate that function.

She eventually calmed down and looked up only to find that she is now in a void. This void seems to encompass all of existence

???" Hi kid. I am the Primoenior. A being who is first or to be more precise created and existed before all things. I am giving you 5 wishes along with world of choice, appearance, race, and background so choose now.'' The being that spoke had the shape of a human man but his skin was practically galaxies and stars. The absolute definition of an anomaly.

I was stunned.

Happy, but stunned.

I got used to it after 15 minutes of contemplating. I noticed the being seemed to be mumbling something about wasting time. So to not anger it I decided to get this over with now.

Amaria-'' Ok well I want to be reborn into the world of Harry potter. And I

1. Want to have infinite talents in everything I do. This also means that i have infinite comprehensive levels along with my body having infinite potential for growth, adaptability and such. Along with this I should somewhat have eidetic memory considering my brain will have been altered to fit my infinite potential and talent.

2. I want a library dimension filled with infinite amounts of knowledge. All able to be used of course along with a few modifications similar to the library of heavens path to help me find my books easier.

3. I want to have infinite magical energy with it having the highest density possible.

4. I want absolute control over my magical energy.

5. I want a space connected to my library that can be used for any form of crafting such as Blacksmithing, Alchemy, Transmutation, Sewing, and so on. This space should also have infinite materials from all throughout existence (including fictional and non-fiction. Even ones she doesn't know of) available to me for my uses. Of course these can be taken out of my space. Also this place should also serve as a living quarters''

The being was quiet for a moment but that was just it, a moment. After so he decided to speak.

''These are some amazing wishes for development. Anyways now that you have made your wishes tell me your gender, appearance, race and general background so that I can send you on your way. ''

I thought about what I want to look like along with my race, and background as for me gender is non-negotiable.

'The looks and gender parts are easy. I'm gonna look like lady scheherazade from magi. Of course i will grow in height and maturity with age compared to her. The problem is my race and background. Considering the fact that I can choose my race and he didn't set boundaries means that races outside of Harry potter are allowed as well. I personally don't want any high bloodline as I am already gonna be overpowered in time with my wishes. Asking for more would be too much. Though this is the case tho, I still need to look at my flaws. Normally I would choose a physical oriented race in order to balance out my magic but I can get over that with my infinite talents which grants an adaptable physique. So technically any flaws that would've been there are axed out with my wishes. Meaning that I've covered my self well. So to make this easy I'm going to go with just making myself a muggle witch.

Now onto background. Since I am gonna be a muggle witch I already set a family background in the Wizarding world perspective. The status of my family is far more important. I think in order to allow myself to grow i have to choose a background that will allow me the most freedom. So for that I'm gonna choose to live with a single parent who is rich but works all the time. This will allow me a comfortable life until hogwarts along with space for my training.'

I looked up at the being and was about to speak before I was interrupted

''Granted. You have truly thought this out. I find this good enough. And yes, I can read your mind.''

I sat there baffled and slightly annoyed that he's been reading my mind. But contemplating on what I can do about that I gave up on being angry. After all this is the being who created existence. I'm not tryna be erased from that existence. So I decided modesty and appreciation is the best way for me, which to be honest was something that I do...well DID on the regular.

'' Thank you Mr. Primoenior.''

He gave a slight nod at my modesty and waved his galaxy looking hands to which I passed out silently.