
The 8th Deadly Sin

Starr_Dakota · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Vanya Village

"So is the crime you committed so bad that you can't put it into words?" Elizabeth asked them.

"Maybe?" Isaac told her before the tavern started to shake.

"Be careful." Meliodas told her with his face buried in her chest.

"Knock it off." Hawk told him bluntly while Isaac just sighed. They stepped outside and looked at the town they stopped at.

"Welcome to our next well of information, Vanya Village!" Meliodas told them before they made their way into town. They saw everyone gather around a sword in the ground.

"Is this a festival?" Meliodas asked one of the men.

"Does this look like a festival kid?!" He yelled, "A holy knight stabbed his sword into the ground and blocked the water we need for our vineyards!"

"If you can't get that sword out by dusk we're increasing your tax by 10%!" A knight sitting by the villagers yelled.

"Yeah for every night that it stays in there we'll increase it more! This stuff is gross!" The second knight yelled while drinking some ale. Meliodas and Isaac walked past them and took their mugs.

"If you can't tell what good ale is..." Meliodas started.

"Then you don't deserve to drink it." Isaac finished his sentence before they both downed the ale.

"Hey! You get back here!" One knight yelled to them as they both stood up. They took their swords out and ran at them. Isaac turned around with his hand outstretched and pushed them to the ground with raw magic power. Both knights got up and ran away.

"We can't get it out no matter how many of us there are!" One of the men yelled, "This is your fault Mead! If you could just behave this never would have happened!"

The boy he yelled as he ran away and Meliodas and Elizabeth followed him. Isaac looked at the rest of the villagers before the chief walked over to him.

"What happened here?" Isaac asked the older man.

"A Holy Knight came here and insulted our ale. We thought it was the best batch we ever made but he spit it on the ground. That young boy who just ran away threw a bug in his cup for it." He explained to Isaac who just looked at the sword. He glared at the villagers making some of them take a step back.

"You people are scolding a child for doing what all of you wanted to?!" He yelled at them. and they looked at the ground in shame, "It looks to me that you guys are just cowards and wouldn't stand up to a Knight like that kid did! He's braver than all of you combined!"

"You're right." One man told him while looking him in the eyes.

"Mead doesn't deserve how we've been treating him." A woman said looking at the rest of the villagers. They all agreed and began to feel terrible.

"Good." Isaac said, "NOW GET OFF YOUR ASSES AND PULL!"

"Yeah! Let's pull this sword out for Mead!" One of the men said before they began to tie a rope around it.

"What's going on?" Mead asked as he, Meliodas and Elizabeth walked to Isaac.

"Ask them." Isaac told him with a smile.

"Mead you're back!" One of the women yelled and they all started to apologize to him.

"Mead grab onto the rope! You're more of a man than any of us!" One of the bigger men told him. Mead nodded his head and they began to pull before they collapsed from exhaustion.

"You know you could have told them that they couldn't do it." Meliodas told Isaac.

"Yeah but this had better results." He said while smirking at him. Meliodas smiled before walking over and pulling the sword from the ground. Water shot out of the hole like a fountain. Everyone cheered and thanked Isaac and Meliodas for their help.

~Later That Evening~

"Isaac I'm going to talk to Elizabeth. She's been sitting outside by herself." Meliodas told him with a serious look. Isaac nodded knowing what he was really doing. It wasn't long before he felt the ground shake. He stepped outside as Meliodas threw a halberd into the distance.

"Well now they know we really are back." Isaac said as he looked back to Meliodas.

"Yeah we need to be ready at all times got it." Meliodas told him.

"I got it." Isaac said as he started walking back to the tavern. He smirked when his ears picked up the sound of bricks falling in the distance. "You hit your target Meliodas."