
The 8th Deadly Sin

Starr_Dakota · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Finding Diane

"So this is the Forest of White Dreams." Isaac said as they walked through the fog.

"Its kind of creepy." Hawk told them looking around. Isaac heard Elizabeth yelp and saw Meliodas grabbing her butt. He quickly knocked him upside his head before they kept walking. Suddenly there were a bunch of Elizabeths around them.

"Ooooh Meliodas!" One of them yelled. They watched as they all said they were the real Elizabeth.

"Ok if you're the real Elizabeth jump!" Meliodas told them. Only one of them didn't jump. Isaac and Meliodas quickly took out the ones in the air.

"How did you know which one was me?" She asked them.

"I took these." Meliodas said as he held up her panties. Isaac hit him again giving him a big lump.

"Idiot." Isaac told him as they followed the Hide-and-Seeks. They led them straight to Diane.

"Hey Diane its been a while." Meliodas said as she woke up. She looked at them before picking him up.

"Captain!" Diane yelled before she looked down at Isaac.

"Yo wha-" Was all he got out before he was sent flying through the forest. He got up and rubbed his head.

"She still doesn't like me after all these years." He jumped back as lightning struck the ground right in front of him. He could see a silhouette before a sword was swung at him. He quickly blocked it with his short sword before they started to dash around the forest slamming into each other.

"Something is wrong!" Meliodas yelled just before Isaac landed next to them. A man with pink hair walked out of the fog and trapped all of them in a lightning bind.

"Little Gil!" Meliodas said happily.

"My name is Gilthunder." He told them calmly. He was behind Meliodas in the blink of an eye.

"Do you know why the Holy Knights want you Sins dead?" He asked him.

"Not really." Meliodas answered him calmly.

"Half of them want revenge and the other wants to prove they can beat the legendary traitors." He explained.

"And which are you?" Meliodas asked him.

"Both, no I'm something even more. I want you dead to avenge my father and prove that I'm far stronger than him." Gilthunder told them coldly.

"Gilthunder please stop!" Elizabeth yelled to him.

"Princess Elizabeth the kingdom wants you to be brought back and put into protective custody. But I honestly don't care whether you live or die." He told her as he released her bonds, "Now leave."

"I won't let you hurt them!" She yelled at him as she jumped in front on the Sins. Hawk crawled up to Gilthunder and he kicked him away causing Elizabeth to chase after him.

"Now that she's gone I'm going to end your lives." He said as he put his sword to Meliodas' neck.

"You sure about that?" Isaac asked him nonchalantly.

"Yes I am. I have become far stronger than all of you." He told them with a calm but cold stare.

"Well I guess we can do this now." Meliodas said as the three of them broke their bonds.

"We could have escaped at anytime." Isaac told him as he stretched his arms above his head.

"You two stay out of this." Meliodas told Diane and Isaac.

"You get all the fun Captain." Diane protested. Isaac shrugged his shoulders before sitting against a tree. He watched as the two began to fight. They seemed to be equal in power before Gilthunder slashed his back.

"Can you at least tell me what happened to the rest of the Sins?" Meliodas asked him while on the ground. Gilthunder explained that Ban was in Baste Prison and King was dead.

"Sweet!" Meliodas said as he jumped up.

"I see you tricked me into giving you information. Too bad I won't let you live to use it." He told Meliodas.

"You sure about that?" Isaac asked Gilthunder. He looked up to see Diane right next to him. She picked him up and threw him far away. Elizabeth came back and they made their way back to the tavern.