
The 8th Deadly Sin

Starr_Dakota · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

A Wandering Rust Knight?

"Isaac! Get up already!" Meliodas yelled up the stairs. Isaac sat up and sighed as he got out of bed. He got dressed and looked at the mirror in his room and ran in his hand through his messy black hair. He had stopped trying to fix it a long time ago and decided that he liked it better that way. He always wondered why it never grew but eventually stopped caring about that as well.

"Why do you always yell?" Isaac asked him as he walked behind the counter and Meliodas hit him with a mug he was cleaning.

"Because you don't listen unless I do." Meliodas told him with a grin. He grabbed a meat pie and brought it to a table with three men. Isaac shook his head as the three men spit it out. Meliodas snapped his fingers and Hawk came out and ate the food from the floor. Isaac and Meliodas looked at the door when a man charged through it. After Isaac managed to calm him down he led the man to a table.

"I swear that I saw it. The Wandering Rust Knight." He told everyone. Meliodas and Isaac looked at each other before the door swung open again. Someone in rusted armor walked through and all of the patrons ran out screaming about the Seven Deadly Sins. The person collapsed to the ground and their helmet popped off.

"Its a girl." Isaac said as he kneeled down next to her, "We should put her in one of the beds upstairs."

"Yeah." Meliodas told him as he picked her up.

After a short wait she woke up and Meliodas was squeezing her breast.

"What are you doing?" She asked him.

"Checking your heart rate." Meliodas told her as Isaac walked in. Isaac quickly punched him on the top of his head.

"So what's your name?" Meliodas asked her with a large lump on his head.

"Its Elizabeth." She told them as she looked at the bed, "I'm looking for the Seven Deadly Sins."

"Why are you looking for a group of criminals?" Isaac asked her. He and Meliodas locked eyes for a second before looking back at her.

"Something terrible is happening in the kingdom and I need their help." Elizabeth explained to them.

"Well let's go downstairs and get you some food." Meliodas told her as he and Isaac left the room. Elizabeth followed them down and saw Isaac talking to Hawk.

"Oh a talking piggy!" Elizabeth exclaimed as she began to hug Hawk.

"Hi my name is Hawk." Hawk told her as Meliodas put out a plate of food for her. She sat down at the counter and looked at them.

"I don't know how to thank you." Elizabeth told them.

"You might wanna taste that first." Hawk told her. Suddenly someone started banging on the door.

"They must be here for her." Isaac told them, "Elizabeth go to the back and wait for them to go away." She nodded her head and did as she was told.

"Hello?" Meliodas asked the knights.

"Where's the owner kid?" One of them asked.

"He is the owner." Isaac told them from behind the counter.

"Bring out the Wandering Rust Knight! I know he's in there!" The same knight demanded.

"If you say so." Meliodas told them as he snapped his fingers. Hawk walked out with the rusty armor on.

"Hello I am Sir Hawk, leader of the order of scraps disposal." Hawk told them.

"There is no such order!" The knight said before he grabbed Meliodas by his shirt, "You have a lot of guts to make fun of knights."

Isaac turned around quickly when he heard the back door shut. He made his way out the back when he heard the knights chase Elizabeth.

"Meliodas let's go!" Isaac yelled as he ran in the same direction.

"Right!" Meliodas said as he followed Isaac.

~Time Skip~

"That earring. You're Princess Elizabeth!" Twigo said as he took his hand off of his chin.

"Princess?" Isaac asked as he looked at her.

"My orders are to bring you back alive but I will not recount my tally. I'll simply say that you were caught up in the fight." Twigo told her.

"Wait I'll come back with you! Just please don't hurt them." Elizabeth pleaded with him. Twigo swiped his sword and every tree in the area got cut down.

"You ok Elizabeth?" Meliodas asked her.

"Yes thank you." She said as she looked over his shoulder at Isaac. She saw that his shirt had been blown off protecting her long enough for Meliodas to get her to the ground.

"It would seem I misjudged my aim." Twigo said as he looked at Meliodas and Isaac. His eyes widened when he saw their tattoos. Meliodas had a dragon on his arm while Isaac had a bat on his chest.

"You two belong to the Seven Deadly Sins!" He yelled at them.

"Hey Meliodas why does everyone still say seven?" Isaac asked him with an annoyed look.

"I guess because that was our team name before you joined." He explained, "Let's continue this later."

"I shall take your heads!" Twigo yelled as he sent another attack at them.

"FULL COUNTER!" Both of them yelled reflecting Twigo's attack back at him. They watched him fly off the cliff and turned back to Elizabeth.

"Well Elizabeth looks like you found your first two Sins." Meliodas told her with a smile.

"As for the other six we've been looking for them as well." Isaac told her grinning.

"Wait other six?" Elizabeth asked them with a confused look.

"Yeah there's actually eight of us." Meliodas explained.

"He's the Dragon Sin of Wraith and I'm the Bat Sin of Hatred." Isaac explained pointing to their tattoos.

"So how about it Elizabeth wanna join us?" Meliodas asked her with a big grin.

"Yes!" She yelled as Hawk's mom landed next to them.

"Well let's go guys we have some Sins to find!" Meliodas said as he picked up Elizabeth and grabbed the latter.