
The 8th Deadly Sin

Starr_Dakota · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

To Lioness!

"We need to get my sword back." Meliodas told them, "It's a part of the key for the seal on the demon race."

"Those sorry bastards again?" Ban asked as he looked out the window.

"What do the Holy Knights want with it?" King asked.

"To start a holy war with the demons of course." A woman that appeared behind Elizabeth said.

"Get away from her!" Meliodas yelled before the woman and Elizabeth teleported away. "NOOOO!"

"Diane throw us to the kingdom!" Isaac yelled as he, Meliodas, Ban and Gowther got picked up by her. She threw them as hard as she could and watched them disappear in the distance. They landed in front of an army of Holy Knights.

"We don't have time for this! Break through however you can!" Meliodas yelled as he ran through them.

"Let me handle this. Sacred Treasure Double Bow Harlit. Now rewrite light." Gowther launched out several arrows of light hitting every knight. The knights ran to them and began to hug them.

"I rewrote their memories to make them think we are long lost loved ones. They also won't remember ever being under a spell." Gowther explained.

"DON'T YOU EVER USE THAT ON US!" All three of them yelled.

"Understood." Gowther told them.

~Time Skip~

"That's Ground Gladius." Isaac told them.

"She might need our help." Meliodas said as he felt Diane's power rise.

"I'll assist her you three go find Elizabeth." Gowther told them. They nodded their heads and took off in different directions.

~With Isaac~

'I don't even know where to begin to look.' He thought as he jumped on top of a building. He heard Jericho beg to be killed and he rushed towards her. When he saw her he noticed she was in the same state Dale was in the forest. He dashed forward and caught the man she was about to kill.

"Hang in there." Isaac told him.

"Please save my sister." He told Isaac as he fell unconscious. Isaac turned around and walked towards her.

"Isaac please kill me!" She cried out.

"FOX HUNT!" He yelled as he slammed his hand on her chest and pulled out the demon larva. She fell into his arms and he crushed the demon larva. He took his coat off and put it on her before he flew towards Hendrickson's increasing magical power.

When he reached the fight he saw him knock Meliodas through a wall. Isaac pulled his sword out and sliced Hendrickson's arm off. He smirked at Isaac as he pulled it back. He kicked Isaac in the stomach and sent him rolling. Both Isaac and Meliodas stood up and yelled unleashing their darkness. He, Ban and Meliodas all charged him at the same time. As soon as Hendrickson knocked one of them away another would attack him. Suddenly Diane hit him with Gideon before King knocked him down the cliff side. Every Sin landed in front of him.

"Well if it isn't the Seven Deadly Sins." Hendrickson laughed at them. His laughter was cut short by Isaac kicking him in the face. He flew towards Meliodas who sent him flying straight towards Ban and knocked Ban through a wall. Ban saw the red demon he killed in the Fairy King's Forest and his eyes widened in surprise.

"Hey you want to explain to me where you got that?" Ban asked Hendrickson with a smile while pointing at the wall he went through.

"Excuse me?" Hendrickson asked him.

"I SAID WHERE DID YOU GET THE DAMN THING!" Ban yelled as he beat the hell out of him sending Hendrickson flying back into a wall.


"Speaking of power look at this hole." Meliodas said as they looked down the hole Ban had made.

"I feel a slight breeze coming from down there." Gowther told them, "This must lead to a cave."

"Then let's go and Diane you stay here and keep watch." Meliodas told her and they jumped down the hole and landed in the pitch black.

"Well I can't see anything." Meliodas told them.

"Well I can see fine." Isaac said while laughing.

"You're a damn vampire so shut the hell up." Ban told him.

"Fair enough." Isaac said as King used his spirit spear to create some light for everyone and they followed a trail of blood. They found Hendrickson beside a gray demon.

"Let's see if my body can handle its blood." He told them as he put a needle in it.

"Don't do it!" Isaac yelled as Hendrickson injected the blood into his arm, "Dammit!"

"No don't do it!" Meliodas yelled as Isaac and Ban jumped towards Hendrickson. He blew the top half of Ban away and punched Isaac in his stomach and made him crash into the cave wall. Isaac's vision faded and he passed out.

~Time Skip~

Isaac woke up to the sound of explosions. He realized that Meliodas was going for his revenge counter and he stood up to make his way out of the cave.

~At The Fight~

"REVENGE COUNTER!" Meliodas yelled as he released all of the built up magical energy from the attacks he had taken. Everyone's eyes widened as they watched the attack barely miss. Time moved in slow motion as they realized that they were doomed. Isaac shot out of the ground behind Hendrickson.

"FULL COUNTER!" Isaac screamed as he reflected the attack back to Hendrickson with double the power. Hendrickson's eyes widened as the attack hit him. Everyone cheered as Hendrickson was finally defeated.

"Sir Meliodas, Sir Isaac are you two okay?!" Elizabeth yelled as she ran over to them. They smiled at her before they both collapsed.

"Why did Isaac pass out?" King asked Gowther.

"He wasn't in range of Elizabeth's healing ability and he tried to reflect the Captain's Revenge Counter. He had a 87% chance of dying." Gowther explained, "It was foolish but if he hadn't we would have lost."

"Princess if you're done with the Captain, Isaac is on death's door." Merlin told her. She rushed over to Isaac and began to heal him. He slowly stood up and looked around.

"Thank you Elizabeth." He told her with a smile. Everyone gathered around Meliodas and Isaac and started cheering for them.

"Didn't you do most of the work?" Isaac asked Meliodas.

"If you hadn't shown up then it would have been over for us. Honestly you're the reason we won." Meliodas told him pointing his fist at him. Isaac smiled and fist bumped Meliodas.