
The 8th Deadly Sin

Starr_Dakota · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs


"Alright whoever catches the biggest game wins!" Meliodas yelled as he, Isaac, Ban and King ran into the woods. After an hour they met up with their hauls. They were arguing about who won when they heard a roar from deeper in the forest.

"That wasn't a normal a bear." King told them.

"Let's check it out then." Isaac said and they began to make their way through the forest when they came across an area full of bodies.

"What happened?" Meliodas asked one of the only remaining survivors.

"The armored giant! He killed us all! The Roars of Dawn are after him." The soldier screamed out just before he died.

"An armored giant..." Isaac said as he put his hand to his chin.

"It has to be Gowther!" Meliodas yelled before they heard another roar. Neither of them said a word as they rushed towards the sounds of a fight.

"Gowther!" Meliodas yelled as the four of them landed in between him and the Roars of Dawn.

"Well if it isn't the legendary Seven Deadly Sins." Slater said as he looked at them.

"Whoever moves first loses." Meliodas said as they got ready for a fight. Gowther roared before trying to hit them. They jumped out of the way and the Roars of Dawn tried to attack Gowther from above. Before they could land any attacks Isaac and Meliodas knocked them away. Slater and Meliodas ran towards each other and Slater grabbed Meliodas by his head and slammed him into the ground. Isaac tried to help only for an arrow to barely miss him.

"Gowther scared." They heard him say before a guy with green hair and glasses walked in front of Gowther.

"What are you doing here?" The strange man asked them.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" Ban yelled. An arrow flew by them and they watched the guy with green hair catch the arrow.

"Wait a minute." Isaac said as he looked at the guy's chest, "That's the real Gowther!"

"Hello." Gowther told them before looking at the Roars of Dawn, "Would you mind not killing him?"

"We can't do that." Slater told him.

"Well a three way battle would end with several casualties." Gowther said before he cut the monster's head off and holding it out for Slater.

"Well I guess we'll be leaving then." Slater told them as he and the Roars of Dawn left the area.

"Uh guys its not dead." Isaac told them as the armor shattered and showed its chest. It had four mouths and a human man in the center.

"We have to take it down!" Meliodas yelled as he and Ban began to attack it. Isaac turned as they flew past him. He rushed the monster and jumped in the air preparing to kill it.

"Please don't do this." The human head in its chest said. Isaac froze up at that and was caught by its tongues. A light arrow hit the human in the chest and Ban pulled Isaac free.

"The human part of him is still in there." Isaac told them, "It spoke to me."

"Then we need to try and save him." Meliodas told him.

"No its far too late for that." Isaac said shaking his head, "We need to just end his suffering." Meliodas looked down before he nodded to Ban. He used Snatch and pulled its heart out allowing it to finally die. Suddenly it roared at them.

"No way, that thing's a demon?!" Ban yelled.

"Wait we know him!" Meliodas yelled, "That's Dale!"

"He had two kids didn't he?" Isaac asked him. The demon roared and rushed Isaac. He blocked the attack and flew back into the rock wall behind them.

"Dale snap out of it!" Meliodas yelled. Ban pushed him down and took the hit meant for Meliodas.

"The one who needs to snap out of it is you." Ban told Meliodas as he punched him in the face, "You're acting weak." Elizabeth showed up and threw a sword to Meliodas.

"Liz didn't give you that sword for you to kill! She gave it to you so you would live!" She yelled to him. Meliodas caught the sword and sliced the demon into several chunks.

~Later The Evening~

Everyone sat around a table drinking and laughing. They were celebrating Gowther's return when Gowther began to spill everyone's personal business.

"Isaac it seems you're in a lot of pain. You miss your parents as they left you in the care of the Captain." Gowther told everyone. Meliodas quickly grabbed Isaac as his eyes turned crimson. He stood up and Meliodas let him go. Isaac walked into the forest and disappeared from sight.

"I didn't mean to-" Meliodas cut Gowther off by hitting him in the face.

"You went too far this time Gowther." Meliodas told him angrily.

"I'll go talk to him." Elizabeth told everyone Meliodas shook his head at her.

"Let him have some time alone." He told her as he sat back down.

"We had no idea he was suffering so much." King told him.

~With Isaac~

Isaac yelled and let his magical power explode off of him. He punched the tree in front of him making it crash to the ground. He had tears running down his face and he returned to normal. He hit his knees and punched the ground. He stood back up and wiped his face before making his way back to the tavern.

~The Tavern~

Everyone watched Isaac come out of the forest and go straight to his room. Nobody said anything as he walked by. When he got to his room he laid on his bed and went to sleep immediately.