
The 8th Deadly Sin

Starr_Dakota · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

A Nice Change Of Pace

Isaac was walking around the kingdom. He didn't want to get drunk with the rest of them last night. He had his hands behind his head trying to find something to do.

"Hey Isaac how are you doing this morning?" He turned around and seen Gustaf.

"Oh hey what's up?" Isaac asked him nonchalantly.

"I wanted to thank you for saving Jericho." Gustaf explained as he walked closer.

"No problem." Isaac told him as he was about to turn and walk away.

"Do you have any plans today?" Gustaf asked him with a smile that Isaac didn't like.

"Not really why?" Isaac asked him. He was getting a weird feeling in his gut.

"I wanted to invite you to our house for lunch." Gustaf told him with a smile.

"I suppose I could eat." He told Gustaf and began to follow him.

~Gustaf and Jericho's home~

Isaac looked around the giant garden in front of him. The size of this place was ridiculous and the weird feeling returned. He followed Gustaf inside the giant house.

"It'll be a bit before the food is done so feel free to explore the property." Gustaf informed him. Isaac nodded his head and made his way back outside. He was walking along the property's lake when he saw Jericho sitting on a bench deep in thought. He made is way over to her and felt his heart rate begin to speed up.

'Strange.' He thought as he stopped next to her. He poked her shoulder and she jumped.

"What are you doing here?" Jericho asked him surprised that he, of all people, was at her home.

"I ran into your brother and he invited me over for lunch." He explained.

"Ok then why did you decide to bother me?" She asked him and he heard her heart begin to beat faster.

"You seemed troubled." He told her calmly.

"Yeah I am, about a few things actually." She explained to him. He sat down next to her and looked around the giant yard.

"Like what?" He asked her. He wasn't sure how well he could help her but he would at least listen.

"Like why did you bite me in Vaizel?" She asked him quietly.

"That's a good question. I'm not sure why, my body did it on it's own." He told her calmly.

"But you didn't drink any blood from me even though your eyes were crimson." She told him thinking about how it happened.

"Maybe my instincts decided to mark you." He said not entirely sure himself.

"What do you mean by mark me?" She asked him as she rubbed where he had bit her. Even though it was a while ago it didn't fade at all.

"Well it means you're mine." He explained while rubbing the back of his head.

"I'm yours?" She asked with her face becoming redder by the second.

"Kind of like if I were to give you a ring for marriage." He told her, "Why, do you have an issue with it?" Her face looked like a tomato it was so red.

"I suppose not but animals typically bite each other that way don't they?" She asked him.

"Yeah why?" He asked her just before she bit him above his collarbone. He flinched from the pain but he didn't say anything.

"That's why." She told him while smiling. He shook his head and smiled.

"Yeah turns out getting bit hurts." He told her as he rubbed his neck.

"No shit." She told him before she rested her head on his shoulder.

"You're a strange woman you know that?" He asked her.

"This coming from the demon and vampire hybrid." She told him while giggling.

"Fair enough. We should probably tell your brother about this." He told her as he stood up.

"Yeah and I'm pretty sure this was his plan." Jericho told him as she followed him back inside. They found Gustaf sitting at the dining room table.

"Hey Gustaf?" Jericho said quietly.

"What is it?" He asked her looking slightly confused.

"She bit me." Isaac told him before she could say anything.

"What?" Gustaf asked him, "Why did you bite him?" Jericho glared at Isaac and he just looked away from her smiling. She showed him the bite mark that Isaac gave her.

"It means we're basically married now." Isaac told him bluntly. Gustaf wasn't shocked when he told him that.

"That's good news!" Gustaf told him with a smile before his face turned serious, "I want you to fight me and prove you can protect her."

"Was killing a demon not enough?" Isaac asked him with a confused look.

"No it was but I want to test you myself since she's my younger sister." Gustaf explained.

"Well that works for me." Isaac told him while smirking, "I'm ready when you are."

"Let's go to the courtyard and do this now." Gustaf told him as pointed to their large yard.

"This is not going to end well." Jericho said as she followed them out.

"Jericho let us know when to start." Isaac told her and both of them got ready.

"Go!" Jericho yelled and Isaac watch Gustaf's hands begin to form ice in them.

"Blizzard Axel!" Gustaf yelled as he sent powerful blizzard at Isaac. Jericho's eyes widened when she watch Isaac be engulfed by the icy winds.

"Blizzard Axel!" Isaac yelled as another one formed and they canceled each other out.

"How did you do that?" Gustaf asked very surprised by the fact that he had just used his family's magic ability.

"My magical ability is Copy Cat." Isaac explained, "As long as the magic isn't race or weapon specific I can learn it."

"That's amazing!" Jericho told him with wide eyes.

"Send another at me." He told Gustaf. Gustaf listened to him and formed another Blizzard Axel.

"Perfect Cube." Isaac said as the Blizzard Axel was trapped inside of a barrier showing them that there was more than one way to use magic.

"Well you've more than proved to me that your good enough for my sister." Gustaf told him as he began to walk away. Jericho hugged Isaac and they made their way back to the tavern.

~The Tavern~

Isaac and Jericho walked in holding hands and the other Sins turned to them.

"Oh look who's got himself a girlfriend." Ban said mocking him.

"What?! You two are dating!" Diane yelled as she ran up to them.

"Its more like we're married." Jericho told them while turning her head away from them.

"WHAT?!" Everyone yelled out.

"Yep. Not in the human way though." Isaac told them as he showed the bite mark she gave him. Jericho showed hers as well.

"Wait how long has it been since that happened?" King asked them.

"She marked me earlier today but I marked her back in Vaizel. Granted I wasn't in control when I did it." Isaac explained.

"What do you mean you weren't in control?" Meliodas asked him.

"Well someone here thought I would be a good idea to make me lose control because they wanted to see and I quote those beautiful crimson eyes." Isaac told them while looking at Jericho.

"That was a bad idea." Meliodas told her with a serious tone.

"Yeah I realized that pretty fast." Jericho told them, "But I essentially got married because of it."

"Well anyways, Bartra wants to give us some awards for saving the kingdom." Meliodas told them.

"When?" Isaac asked him.

"Tomorrow morning." Meliodas told him, "Let's drink tonight in celebration."