
The 8th Deadly Sin

Starr_Dakota · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

The Necropolis

"Alright our next plan of action is to make our way to the Necropolis." Meliodas told them.

"I thought you said Fatty was dead?" Ban asked looking at the ceiling.

"I don't think we can make decisions off of what a Holy Knight says." Isaac told them as he handed Ban a mug of ale.

"Makes sense I guess." Ban said as he closed his eyes and took a sip. After a while they stopped at a gloomy looking village. Isaac and Ban left as soon as Meliodas tried giving them jobs to do.

"This place is a dump." Ban told Isaac as they walked through the town.

"Yeah I think it's been abandoned for a while." Isaac said as he saw a little girl fall over. Both of them ran over to her and Ban tried to wake her up.

"Get away from her!" A young boy yelled as he stabbed Isaac with his pitchfork.

"Brother no! They were just trying to help!" The girl yelled as she grabbed his shirt.

"What have I done. How do I atone for my sin!" He asked as he let go of the pitchfork.

"What the hell are you on about?" Isaac asked him as he pulled the pitchfork from his chest.

"Listen kid. With real genuine sins no amount of repenting can fix them." Ban said just before a spear went through his chest.

"I'm glad you realize that Ban." The boy sitting on the spear told him. Isaac stood back and watched the show. Neither of them actually landed a full hit before Meliodas hit Ban on the head with mug.

"Bad Ban, do you think you can just skip out on your duties." Meliodas told him. Isaac laughed at him before Meliodas threw the mug at his face and he looked up at the boy.

"King!" Meliodas and Diane yelled at the boy in the air. Ban was in shock as King flew away.

"Isaac did you know that was King?!" Ban asked him grabbing his coat. Isaac just grinned and Ban sent him flying through a building.


"Share our precious memories huh?" Isaac asked as he and Ban walked into a open area. They both just stared blankly as they remembered the ones they lost. Ban had lost Elaine and Isaac lost his mother.

"Well this isn't your style." Diane said as everyone else walked into the field of flowers. Ban and Isaac didn't even bother moving as the flower petals spun around them.

"So this is the Necropolis huh?" Isaac asked looking around. Meliodas was stopped by Isaac as everyone else continued to walk.

"What is it?" Meliodas asked already knowing the answer.

"She's still alive right?" Isaac asked him with a serious tone.

"Yeah she is." He answered calmly.

"And my father?" Isaac asked him with sadness on his face.

"Yeah they're both still alive." Meliodas told him before patting his back, "Let's go buddy." Isaac nodded and followed him.

~Some Time Later~

"Meliodas let me handle this." Isaac told him, "I need to work something out."

"Ok. Everyone stay back." He told the group as Isaac's eyes turned from blue to crimson again and he charged Guila. She launched several explosive balls at him which he dodged through no problem. He punched her chest and sent her flying away.

"Snatch." Isaac calmly said as he pulled Guila back to him. He grabbed her and slammed her onto the ground.

"Uh Captain how'd he do that?" Ban asked Meliodas. Isaac shouldn't be able to use his magic.

"Isaac's magic ability," Meliodas began with a serious tone, "is Copy Cat. He can use any spell he's seen as long as it isn't race specific like Diane's or magic that specific weapons use like King's Spirit Spear."

Guila launched several more fire balls at Isaac but he just stood still. He pulled his sword out and used Full Counter. She looked on in shock before her attack exploded in her face.

They were all pulled back into the world of the living. Isaac returned to normal before anyone who didn't already know what he was noticed.

"Wow nice job! You beat her no problem!" Meliodas patted his back before they made their way to the tavern.

"Ok so our next step is to start getting our sacred treasures back. Apparently Diane's is in Vaizel and better yet the fighting festival is happening soon." Meliodas told them.

"Sounds like a plan to me." Ban said laughing and Meliodas watched Isaac walk outside. He followed him out and made sure they weren't being listened in on.

"Thinking of your parents?" Meliodas asked him as they both leaned on the rail.

"Yeah." Isaac told him, "I want to know why my mother had you take me."

"Because she wanted you to be free and not sealed away like they are." Meliodas explained to him.

"What about my father? What do you know of him?" Isaac asked him. Meliodas knew that question would eventually come up but he still didn't know how to answer it.

"He's extremely strong and cared for your mother a lot. He probably doesn't know about you but that isn't because he doesn't care. He's sealed away somewhere else and has been for a long time." Meliodas told him. Isaac nodded as he watched the stars. His mother never spoke of his father but he trusted that Meliodas was telling the truth.

"Well that's a relief. I'm going to sleep. I'll see you tomorrow." Isaac told him as he went inside and walked to his room.