
The 8th Deadly Sin

Starr_Dakota · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Freeing Ban

"So we're going to Baste Prison right?" Isaac asked sitting on the rail of the tavern's balcony.

"Its closer so yeah." Meliodas told them.

"Wait Sir Meliodas! We need to let you heal first!" Elizabeth said as she walked over to him.

"Its fine. All I need is a little sleep and I'll be good to go!" He told her as he made his way into the tavern.

"I should go check on him." Elizabeth told them as she walked towards his room. After he was sure she couldn't hear them he looked at Diane.

"Diane you need to quit being so rude to Elizabeth." Isaac told her with a stern voice.

"Why should I?! She's hogging the Captain like she is the only one who can." Diane told him. She hated when he told her what to do, even if he was the second in command.

"We both know that's not true." He told her. She could tell he was serious when she felt his magic power rise up.

"SIR MELIODAS!" Elizabeth screamed. Isaac sprinted through the tavern and saw that Meliodas had collapsed before he reached his bed.

~In Town~

They finally found a doctor for Meliodas and Diane explained why she was being so rude to Elizabeth.

"Diane do you see that?" Isaac asked as he saw a swarm of poisonous insect fly towards the town.

"Yeah. Elizabeth get inside now!" Diane told her as they got prepared to fight the bugs. Diane freaked out before slamming her hands on the ground. Giant stone pillars shot up and killed the bugs. Isaac jumped on her shoulder and they made their way to the prison.

~Small Time Skip~

Isaac opened his eyes to see Diane and Meliodas fighting. Last thing he remembered was Diane throwing him into a cliff. It wasn't like normal though, something was off. He could hear ringing in his ears.

"Dammit she gave me a concussion." He told himself as he climbed out of the cliff. He heard a bell and he realized what had happened to Diane and Meliodas.

"So they got hypnotized by that bell. If it weren't for this concussion I would be in the same boat but it won't be long before I am." He said while he tried to figure out a way around it. He slapped both of his ears hard and busted his ear drums. Blood started to leak out and it hurt like hell but now he wouldn't get tricked. He scanned the area to find the source of the ringing. He saw Elizabeth standing next a Holy Knight that had a staff with a bell on it. He launched towards them and slammed into the Knight.

"Sir Isaac what are you doing?! That's just a child!" She yelled to him before she saw the blood coming out of his ears. She looked at the young boy and saw the bell on his staff. She realized what was happening and ran towards them. It was clear Isaac was at a disadvantage with his hearing gone. She quickly snatched the bell off of the staff while the Knight wasn't looking. He turned around to hit her but Meliodas knocked him away. She looked back to where Isaac was but he was no longer there.

~Baste Prison~

"Hey Isaac how's it been!" Ban yelled as he seen Isaac walk up to him. He saw his ears and pointed to the Holy Knight he had just killed. Isaac's eyes turned from blue to a bright crimson and they had slits for pupils. Jericho watched in horror as he slammed his teeth through the Knight's armor and began to drink his blood. He stood up and looked at Jericho who was trying to crawl away from him. Ban put his hand on his shoulder and stopped him.

"Snap out of it buddy." Ban told him. Isaac's eyes returned to normal and they walked away from her.

"Thanks Ban." Isaac told him as they saw Meliodas run towards them.

"Captain!" Ban yelled as he slammed in Meliodas. The whole Prison began to shake before it collapsed on top of them.

"Could you two for once not destroy something?" Isaac asked them as they climbed out of the rubble.

"Nope!" They told him at the same time. He sighed and they all made their way to Hawk's mom.