
The 12 eyes Within The Cultivation World

Everyone knows of the 6 eyes, powerful eyes which turn one mind into a super computer, giving them a nearly unlimited amount of energy due to how little energy they waste compared to the amount of energy they regain, the power to be pretty much all-seeing, and the list goes on... so the fuck is the 12 eyes? well, its my creations.

itachi1010 · Anime & Comics
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65 Chs

The Evil Father

Hell. thats the only word Nalan Yanran could say to describe the torture Ling Han put her through, from tempering her body to her soul, it was the most painful thing she had ever been through. yet through it all, she endured. As Ling Han expected, the woman was strong and was capable of withstanding all of it.

"Alright, it's time to go to the capital, and get dressed," I said calmly while looking at the pond in front of me. with pond was empty for a moment, but once my words fell, the water began to shake before it split apart, making way for a goddess.

Nalan Yanran stood butt-naked, with a figure that could only be described as perfection. her pupils had changed, no longer the black color they were, but a dark blue. She gave off a powerful aura, a dragon aura which made it so that those who looked at her not dare to have any ill thoughts.

She looked at me, expecting to see some eyeing her, yet she couldn't help but feel disappointed. although I was looking at her, even through the blindfold she felt things, but she felt like her eyes were not focused on her.

She had noticed that Ling Han seemed to be distracted, before he played around, almost childish at times. but as the day neared for the sect games, she found him being lost in his thoughts, ignoring everything else.

"... let's go," I said softly, to which she nodded and quickly put her clothing on. To say the least, at first, when I started helping her get stronger she was nervous about being naked around me, but she still went through it, and was displeased with how I didn't care for a beauty like herself being butt naked before me. So, she grew bolder, until you see what's happening here. her standing without a care that she was naked

We quickly left, joining the other sect disciples, who were going to join the sect games. there were 3 parts to the games, outer, inner, and core sect disciples. the best of these 3 regions of the sect would be taking part within the sect.

level 1 to 4 Houtain were Outer sect disciples, Level 5 to 8 were Inner sect Disciples, meanwhile, Core disciples were 9 to 10. Elders ranged from Half-step Xiantian to level 3 Xiantian, with the sect master at level 3 Xiantian, and nearing a breakthrough to level 4 Xiantian thanks to my help.

Of course, other sects would have bigger requirements, such as having to be at level 4 or higher to be an outer sect disciple or something.

the best of each sect's disciples were picked, among them being Xiao Yan who would be taking part in the outer sect disciple games, Nalan Yanran and Shi Yinn who would be taking part in the Inner sect disciples games, and I who would be taking part in the core sect disciples came.

The Fire Kingdom rule was large, ruling over 100,000 km. That alone made this kingdom the size of Earth. from these Fire Kingdom was just one of many other kingdoms, which all added up to fall under the Great Jing Empire, ruled by the Jing Emperor.

Anyways, they soon arrived at the capital, and throughout, Shi Ying was looking at Ling Han. She knew Ling Han pretty well now, and this was the first time she saw them without a smile and looked so seriously.

'It seems like he loved her,' She thought while getting off the flying ship they were on. Indeed, Ling Han loved the princess. before his talent was made known to him or his clan, he and the princess were childhood friends, and as they grew up they were close. the betrayer came out of nowhere, it felt like a dream, and everything was just too hard to recall. what made things worse was after joining the sect, Ling Han found that the Ling Han had been destroyed, and every member was slaughtered due to them scheming for the thrown.

Ling Han wasn't feeling sad or anything like this, He was angry. boiling in rage, but he wanted to know everything first. how did the princess get her hands on that technique? How did his clan fall in one night without them putting up a fight? 

So, they entered and went to find a hotel to stay in, which was harder said than done, they were not like those powerful sects that were a special guest of the kingdom and had places ready for them for this event or any other events.

But Ling Han had already thought of this and had the old woman good a hotel for everyone months ago. He had her scare the hotel owner, just increase some young master would come and try and kick them out. but before we could go and relax, we needed to sign up for the game, after which we waited a week before the game was ready.

Above the city, a huge projection of a man appeared, looking all over the city before he went on to speak.

"Welcome all to the sect games, this year set a new record for the most people taking part in the games. As you know, those few who managed to win the game can move on to the tournament, where they would fight... but this year is special, the winner would be getting the chance to marry the princess herself, Princess Luo Qing." He said shocking the whole city, Luo Qing was one whom many knew and felt pity for.

about 5 years ago, she was married to Ling Han, button their wedding night Ling Han tried to kill her and used that chance to kill many others within the royal family. Luckily the royal family managed to stop him, and even slaughter all of the Ling Clan for daring to try something like this. but Princess Luo Qing was broken, her heart shattered by her childhood friend's betrayer and she locked herself away for 9 months, it was only until her little sister stepped in, helping her heal and start living that she stepped outside...

"But marriage isn't the only reward, you shall even have the chance to bath in the fire pond, a pond that could cultivate one body. that along with many resources and the ability to request the kingdom anything you wish..." He said before going on to speak about the game.

the game was simple, there were a total of 32 tokens hidden within the forest, and the outer sect disciples were to set out, and find these tokens. everyone had 1 week to find at least one of them and turn them in, to enter the tournament,

fro the Inner sect disciples, they had 64 tokens hidden without another forest, they too had 1 week to find one and turn it in to enter the tournament.

for the core sect disciples, they had 128 tokens hidden without another forest. they had 1 week to find one and return it to enter the tournament.

the games were dangerous, and there were many beasts within each forest. everyone was warned of the risk of death when signing up. everyone was also told that there was a chance a beast could have destroyed a token, dropping the numbers down. although, everyone in the city bought unique crystals which allowed them to catch the happening, and between person to person within the tournament. so everyone was warned as they were being watched at all times.

With that said, a countdown began from 3 to 1, after which everyone shot out, rushing toward their forest. I had no time to waste, so I went on to lazily walk to my forest, the old woman had given me the location of every token. She did the same for Shi Ying and Nalan Yanran, I supported my people...

Anyway, it took me only 4 hours to find my token, I happened to bump into one that was in the stomach of a beast. so after punching it, and causing the beast to explode, I took the token and just returned to the city, where Nalan Yanran was already there, of course, she acted as if she were lucky to bump into hers. as for Shi Ying, she wished to draw as little to no attention so she spent 4 days in the forest before finding her token and returning.

of course, Nalan Yanran and I were big news after finding our token first, but everyone played it off as luck after playing things back and seeing how easily we found it. so like that the week went back and the number of people moving on to the next round was counted

28 for outer sect disciples, 49 for Inner sect disciples, and only 75 for core disciples. Xiao Yan was among those few who found a token, and with it, he took part in the tournament the next day, while the inner and core disciples waited for their turn

it took the outer sect disciples 1 day to find their first place, that being none other than Xiao Yan. It was a shocking match that shocked everyone, and that was even more so the technique Xiao Yan pulled off to defeat someone who was at level 10 Houtian. First, he broke through during battle, reached level 5 Houtain, and used a technique that enhanced his strength by fusing his flames with his body, burning him alive for the sake of power. many tried to draw him to their sect, which he knowledge them by saying he would think about it.

Next was the inner sect disciples matches, which took place the next day. Inner sects disciples formed the strongest sects and had cultivation up to level 4 Xiantian. Shi Ying joined just to get a place, while Nalan Yanran showed her strength, currently, she was at level 9 Houtain, and even while holding back to hide her dragon bloodline, she showed the strength and capability to rival those of the strongest sects. she pulled off a hard victory, taking first place at the host of suffering a blow to the stomach.

many powers were instantly caught by her strength and capability, mostly the Yang Body she showed during her body. Such a flexible body was something that shocked them all and caught the greed of many. instantly, many wanted to draw her to their sect but unlike Xiao Yan, she rejected them all and went to stand next to Ling Han, drawing many eyes to him, the fact she acted like a maid caught everyone's attention ven know. just who was this white-haired man, so a background check on Ling Han was held.

the next day was the core disciple tournament, and today, the king along with many others gathered. this was the final and all 3 of the most capable talents the kingdom had to offer will show themselves.

Ling Han was the black horse, honest, do I need to waste words with how easily he waved everyone away? he didn't care for their strength, background, and so on. The moment the match began, he waved them off the arena,

this was of course shocking to everyone, as the strongest core disciples across the whole of the fire kingdom, a level 8 Xiantian was also waved away, helpless to fight back. So, the Fleeting Cloud seet won every road, leaving everyone shocked that such a little sect won.

When all was done, it was time for the prizes to be handed out, and none it was time for the princess to pick the person who had won her heart. everyone looked up towards the highest level of the arena, where the princess stood with her father and the others of the royal family, she had on a cloth that hid her face.

'something is off with her mind...' I thought calmly while looking at her, I frowned deeply while looking at her. even with my eyes sealed, I could still do this much. the old woman was no longer capable of fully sealing my power, so with a look, I could tell the state the princess was in. And by the looks of things, she had been in this state for years, maybe before I married her.

"I... I pick Ling Han." She said softly, no life within her words. With those words, everyone looked towards me, envy filling their eyes, although a few of them had complex looks. wasn't the former husband of the princess also called Ling Han? They all guessed she still had some feelings toward him, so she picked me seeing they had the same name.

"Thats funny..." a voice fell, causing everyone to go quiet for a moment. they all looked toward where the voice fell, and they all looked at me as I stepped forward. everyone frowned, with a few people standing up seeing I was about to cause trouble.

"What? Father-in-law, don't you find it funny that the woman who stole my talent, farmed me, and led to my clan being slaughtered is now picking me to be her husband once more?" I asked with a smile, and instantly the air went quiet. the king's eyes narrowed as he glared at me, even through the mask he could tell I was looking right back at him with my smile,

"And now I return, and before I start a slaughter of the royal family, I need answers. One, how did she steal my talent and cultivation back then? 2, how did you slaughter my whole clan in a day? 3, what's up with the princess... what did you do to her mind?" I asked calmly, making everyone turn towards the royal family. not that these questions were asked, they were curious. how did the royal family slaughter a whole clan, which was considered one of the 3 noble families of the kingdom?

"You dare spill lies? Die!" A level 10 Xiantian realm expert got up and with a flash shot towards me, but I simply pointed forward, and before everyone shook eyes, a short boomed in the ears of everyone there, the expert shooting towards me exploded into a blood mist, causing everyone to freeze.

the king shook in horror as his eyes landed on the old woman with a walking stick standing by my side. no one saw where she came from, but the pressure of a higher existence, came off her making them all shake in horror.

"Fix her mind," I said calmly, the old woman looked towards the princess who from start to finish had been just standing there, without care for what was happening. but with a flash, the old woman appeared before her, but before she could tap her forward a scream sounded.

"Don't! if you do she will die!" a woman around 16 years old screamed as she did everything to withstand the pressure, tears in her eyes seeing this. the old woman stopped and looked towards this little girl, the second princess Luo Yun.

"Oh? then speak, what's up with your sister?" I asked calmly, Luo Yun quickly removed the tears from her eyes as the pressure disappeared, and everyone also felt the pressure disappearing, allowing them to break.

"Father forced her... She was born with a unique called the Yang Absorber. She can absorb everything from a male while in bed, this way she took your talent and cultivation and made it her own." She said shocking everyone, the king wanted to move, he wanted to do something but found himself unable to move.

"Father wanted your talent for his own, so he forced her to use this power on you, or else he would torture you in front of her. at the wedding, he poisoned everyone, leaving them all weak and easy to kill, and that night he was going to kill you, but big sister threatened him with her life, so he threw you to that small village. this way he could always use you to force her to behave." She said softly, 

"that doesn't explain her mind," I said calmly, she hesitated slightly, more tears flowing from her eyes. She tried her best to speak, but couldn't make me frown. but after some time, she slowly spoke

"I-I controlled her personality to make her life father more. I didn't know what I was doing, all I wanted was to make my family happy. I never understood why she hated him." She said in tears, shocking everyone more. but I was annoyed with all of this, I had the old man use her spiritual power to control Luo Yun's mind and have her speak

It turned out Luo Yun was burned with an overpowered Physique, one that allowed her to control all forms of energy. growing up, Luo Yun never understood why her big sister hated her father, so she would enter her big sister's room and slowly use her physique to cause her big sister to slowly start seeing her father in a good light. this went on for years until you had the scene of her big sister willingly doing anything her father wished, almost everything.

Luo Yun never got to fully change her big sister's personality, instead, she began trying to undo everything she did when she realized how evil her father was. She realized this when she saw one of their eldest sisters take their own life, unable to live with themselves after what he forced her to do. having her poison her love family so they could secretly still their wealth, yet even when her father promised he would leave her first love alone, he killed her, not wishing for the news to get out. 

This is how Luo Qing was able to fight back, not wishing to harm Ling Han, but still, after everything that happened she locked herself away. when she came out, she had on a cloth which hid her face. under that face, one would she a faceless person.

Luo Yun's actions of trying to undo what she did made her go crazy, she went from cutting herself to cutting off her face. but she seemed like a part of her died, unable to show emotions anymore. even now, she just stood there...

Luo Qing also listed a few examples of why her father was so evil, in the past, there were 4 elder sisters, 1 of them killed themselves, and the other was sold as a sex slave. who knows if she was alive or not? all 2, he took the virginity off, only Luo Qing was the only one who stayed far away from him, avoiding such a thing.

they had 7 brothers, 2 were sold as slaves, one was refined into a pill, one to this day was forced to have his blood sucked, only for him to recover just so his blood can be taken to form pills, 2 ran away, and the other 2 fate were unknown.

only Luo Yun was untouched, due to the matter that she was her favorite. something which Luo Yun believed she caused when she was a little kid, 

everyone was quiet for some time hearing such a story, to think their king was so... demonic. everyone looked towards him, only to see that even those of the royal family were looking at him with disgust.