
The 12 eyes Within The Cultivation World

Everyone knows of the 6 eyes, powerful eyes which turn one mind into a super computer, giving them a nearly unlimited amount of energy due to how little energy they waste compared to the amount of energy they regain, the power to be pretty much all-seeing, and the list goes on... so the fuck is the 12 eyes? well, its my creations.

itachi1010 · Anime & Comics
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65 Chs

Martial Emperor

"Free her mind, and be careful," I said calmly, making the old woman freeze slightly, but she nodded at my words. Luo Yun snapped out of her mind control and panicked, tears fell down her eyes she didn't want to lose her sister.

"She is there in there, please!" Luo Yun cried, to which I just sighed softly, what was the right choice here? Should he hate her sister? should he still hate his wife?

"I can sense her bagging on the wall to freeze from your control, what you did is trap her true self elsewhere, forcing her to watch on as her body acted in such weird ways." The old woman said softly, causing Luo Yun to freeze. She fell to her knees while watching her break her sister out of her control and for a moment nothing happened.

this whole time Luo Qing had been looking at me, but this time it felt different. She reached out, pulling off the cloth, and it was then everyone realized that it covered her whole head, the hair they saw was wing.

the air suddenly went quiet as everyone looked at the skinless flesh, its muscles clear to everyone, without a hint of flesh. her white hair blew in the sky, yet everyone remembered it being black.

"Haha..." slowly she began laughing, and everyone watched as she just laughed like a madman, blood tears flowing from her eyes which couldn't close. she faced the sky and just started laughing while grabbing her hair, and slowly pulling it out.

I frowned seeing this, but just as I was about to step forward to stop her, she started laughing and looked at me, before she slowly spoke.

"Thank you." She said softly, before stabbing her palm through her chest, and pulling out her heart, she laughed before throwing the heart at me,

"Haha, I gave you my heart." She laughed madly once more, before dropping dead to the ground. I calmly caught the heart, which was still beating, I looked at it for some time before letting out a deep breath.

"I take this as a challenge on who can be more evil... under heaven and earth, only I can be the supreme evil, the supreme good, and he supreme Narutal," I said calmly, and under the gaze of everyone I put the heart away into the storage ring. with a wave, I pulled the king over. the king glared at me, fear in his eyes, he wanted to speak, but I ignored him. With a wave, his clothing fell off, leaving him butt-naked.

"First doggy style," I said calmly while raising my hand towards the sky, form a far a large dog that was in heat suddenly floated up and came flying over. due to the speed, the dog had no idea what was happening, but it lost all control of its body, its thing in between its leg which was the size of a human arm being aimed towards the King butthole.

A pained scream that came from the soul filled the air, and blood dropped to the ground, as the lustful dog was lost in how tight the thing before it was. everyone watched in horror as it began moving back and forth, the king's scream sounded longer and longer.

"Let's shut that mouth," I said calmly, from afar, another dog appeared, its large thing entering the king's mouth. it was like a huge hand entered his mouth, already his eyes which were watering began to water even more,

"that thing in between your legs needs to start working," I said as from afar, an insect came from afar, and everyone felt chills seeing the insect. they all looked away as the insect entered the king's dick, causing him to start crying. that insect was well known for entering the male's dick, the pain is so great that it's said that it's better cutting off your dick than enduring it, as the pain affected both body and soul

"Those balls are missing something," I said coldly as another insect came into family cover, this time two of them, which glued themselves onto the king balls, more and more instincts flew over, some entering the butthole, some entering the mouth, some entering the ears, nose, and eyes.

this went on for a few minutes before the King managed to break free, unleashing a cry that came from the deepest part of his soul

"Master!" He screamed his lungs out, just for his mouth to be filled with the rod of a dog. everyone watched as I pushed lightly, causing the dogs to go deeper, messing up his inside, they were horrified, many of them were already throwing up, unable to watch such a scene.

"You Dare!" A voice boomed in the sky, and instantly the old woman's face grew resources, storm clouds gathered, and the next moment black lightning fell from the sky, hitting the king and freeing him from his toruture.

the king who was in the air, lifted by the two rods fell to the ground, his body shaking from the pain he was going through. he rolled up, feeling violated from all that had just happened, tears fell down his face as he looked at a blood-haired man who had come to save him.

"Young Master, thats a Martial Emperor." The old man said seriously, in the martial lord realm, a person could fly, they would no longer need food unless they walked the body cultivation path, and their soul could exist outside the body if they walked the soul path

at the Martial King Realm, a person births their world within their dantian if they walk the Qi path. Body Path cultivators don't get special abilities for breakthrough realms, and for those of the soul path, they would break free from the need for a body, meaning that even if their body is destroyed they could just take over another one.

At the Marital Emperor Realm, a person can project their would onto the outside if they walk the Qi path. meanwhile, those on the soul path gain the power to turn their spiritual energy into almost anything they could picture, meaning they can form flames, and lightning, control things with their mind, and so on. They see it, they could do it so long as they meet the requirements.

before me was a level 7 Martial Emperor Of the Qi Path, a level 4 Martial Emepror Of the Body Path, and a Level 6 Martial Emperor of the Soul Path.

"knee and cut off one arm and instead of torturing you for..." the red-haired man was coldly looking at me, but froze seeing me take off my blindfold. My blue eyes were clear to the world, leaving everyone lost in its beauty.

"My path to the peak should be smooth, what do trash like you have in making a bump in my journey?" I asked softly while lifting my feet to take a step forward, the Martial Emperor instantly felt danger, and moved, just in time to block my fist.

The Martial Emperor was sent stumbling backward, feeling his numb arms, he looked at me in shock for a moment, before he reached out, taking out a bone sword. he stepped forward, dead Qi gathering at his sword sit. but when the sword was about to touch me, it was unable to reach me.

With the infinity wall up, my fist shot forward, slamming against his chest, and sending him flying back while coughing up a mouthful of blood. I took a step forward, using the Blue to full myself forward while using the Infinity Step. My fist slammed towards him, but he moved, leading my fist to cause the side of his stomach to explode.

he fell to the ground and rolled slightly before getting up, shock filling his eyes, but he acted quickly taking out another treasure, which he hid, before disappearing and appearing before me with the bone sword cutting towards me. I calmly stepped to the side, dodging it before slamming my fist towards him. he was shocked as he expected me to try and block it with the infinity wall, instead, I grabbed his arm and began beating him black and blue,

What he wanted to use was called a Space Piercing Needle, a rare treasure that cuts through space, reaching speeds where it seemed as if it teleports to its target. once thrown, he was sharp to see through my Infintiry Wall, and quickly found a way to counter, but my eyes were too sharp.

I went in for the kill, but just as I did, he pulled out a talisman, I flashed back, and watched as he ripped a hole in space. before I could follow, he shot the needle towards me, forcing me back while he escaped with the king. Just as I dodged the needle, I realized it was not piercing through space. frowning, I realized he tricked me.

"Interesting..." I said softly, I couldn't sense where they ran off to. it was almost like entering that hole led to another space-time. I closed my eyes, picturing that gate and how it opened, and the more I remembered it, the more complex I realized it was.

"If I see space as a Door..." I said softly while reaching forward, and as if holding a door numb, I twisted it and pulled, opening a gate to another dimension. I looked at this scene for a moment, before nodding, I had comprehended the law space 3rd level to perfection. I realized I was stuck on comprehending parallel spaces. being a person of the 3rd dimension, seeing space-time in such a unique way was hard for me.

I calmly closed the door, in due time I would enter to say what's up, but right now, I wasn't sure I was strong enough, even with the improvement to my strength after reaching perfection. at most, I could now fight someone at level 10 Martial Emperor, and I was sure this dimension was a fallen expert inner world.

"Just who was that?" The red-haired man asked with a serious look while healing his injuries, Ling Han's injuries were serious, but nothing a few months of rest wouldn't heal. As for the King, his mind was healed, but the pain, humiliation, and things his body went through couldn't be gotten, so he was still shaken

Now, one might question just how the king was able to big birth to such capable daughters. for this, one would have to look at this world they were in, which was once beloved by a powerful Maritla Saint. he died, leaving behind his inheritance which those of the 6 Demonic Skull sect used to rise to fame. amongst such things as cloning.

they have hunted those with unique physiques, and took their blood, wishing to recreate them. this is how Luo Qing and Luo Yun was born with such powerful physique, but they were only research subject, which the King was to keep a tab over. they were all considered failures,

Luo Qing was able to steal things from her partner, but she needed time to refine all of that, leading to her having to lock herself away to refine everything.

Luo Yun was capable of controlling all forms of energy, be it spiritual energy, physique energy, QI, and so on, all of them she could control. but it was not like the Energy Emperor Physique, which allowed a person to control even the energy of those far stronger than themselves, making them immune to all energy-based attacks, while at the same time making it dangerous to let them get near to use their power. Who knows if Luo Yun had any flaws yet to be found?

There were other siblings that Luo Yun had lost, she didn't even know the half of it. once they were in their stomachs womb, the experiment began until their birth when they studied them closely, they were nothing more than lab rats.

The King folds his master everything, his master has given him the important task of looking after these experiments. all he had to do was play king and make sure he had a wife to impregnate. But greed got him, and after some time he could help but wish to expand his reach and kingdom. As King he was capable of doing anything, who would want to waste all of that?

"I see... he is a genius in the way of time. cut off your arm and pull out your eye, you were supposed to lay lowkey and not cause trouble. now you brought this trouble, which I would have to report the 7..." He said with an annoyed sigh, the king didn't think twice and cut off his arm, and pulled out an eyeball. such a thing didn't hurt compared to what he just went through...

Meanwhile back to Me. After the King's disappearance, I went on to go to the kingdom to loot everything they had, and indeed they had a lot of things. So many things that was gained through dirty means, and I of course took it all for myself.

as for the royal family, the people slaughtered them. To think they were being ruled by such an evil king, one of the 2 noble clans used this chance to raise to become the new royal family, after seeing I had no interest in such things. as for Luo Yun, she wanted to follow me around. in the end, I agree as she was too useful to ignore. plus, she claimed that she could sense her big sister's energy, so when she reincarnated she would be able to find her if he was strong enough to sense her if she was within her range.

As for the sect master of the Fleeting Cloud Sect, I rewarded him with some treasures and resources which should help him reach Martial Lord, and protect him. but just to be safe as II was a man of my word, I gave him a talisman which he could use to alert me if the sect needed my help.

After all was done, I left the kingdom with Shi Yan, the old woman, Nalan Yanran, and Luo Yun. As for Xiao Yan, I couldn't care less. So I left, heading toward the Empire where I shall Introduce myself, and ask for some resources...