
The 12 eyes Within The Cultivation World

Everyone knows of the 6 eyes, powerful eyes which turn one mind into a super computer, giving them a nearly unlimited amount of energy due to how little energy they waste compared to the amount of energy they regain, the power to be pretty much all-seeing, and the list goes on... so the fuck is the 12 eyes? well, its my creations.

itachi1010 · Anime & Comics
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65 Chs

Xiao Yan

The sea race was the enemy of those who lived on land, this was common knowledge. humans were not the only living beings on this planet, the race race had enough power to rival all living beings on land. No one knew the limits of the sea race,

Nalan Yanran's mother was human, whose charm caught the attention of a young master of the sea dragon clan. It was only one night, yet she was pregnant, and after finding out she didn't hold a human child inside her, she panicked.

The young master oddly agrees to take the child, and Nalan Yanran is taken away. The young master only wanted Nalan Yanran so it could absorb her blood, he went out and picked a human to his liking, impregnated, and waited, and now all he needed to do was have Nalan Yanran cultivated.

Everything was perfect until Nalan Yanran's father died to his elder brother for the position of the next in line leadership of the sea dragon clan. Nalan Yanran had to flee, luckily for her, she had a perfector her father gave her. She tricked this protector into leaving, making up some false trail her father wished her to take on the human's land if he were to fall, which he fell for and landed her in a village known as Ox King Village.

there, the protect shocked found a diamond rank talent, Xiao Yan. there she made a plan to use this human for the sake of the dragon clan, the protector was unsure of this. of course, he wanted to kill this human, but she simply mocked him, saying how cowardly that was. To say the least, the protector easily feels under her control, taking a step back.

She went on to become a note-worthy person, enough so that she had an arranged marriage with Xiao Yan. She had everything planned out, charm this talent, make sure this talent was so enchanted by her beauty that he could one day become her pawn. With such a talent supporting her, what would she need to worry about?

everything played out perfectly, up until Xiao Yan's cultivation suddenly began to drop, and he seemingly lost everything, She was shocked, but she held onto this ray of hope, hoping this was some physique being awakened, but Xiao Yan for years couldn't cultivate.


But one day, her protector sensed another talent, Ling Han. Another Diamond Rank talent, although her trust in this protector had dropped, she still looked into Ling Han, and what she saw shocked her. A talent that skipped every trial of the exam and went on to easily defeat the tournament second place by simply waving his hands around, he went on to build an organization within the sect called the Heavens honored one.

The guy was so prideful he went by Heaven's Honored Child, yet be it those within the sect or other sect, no one had a big enough fist to force him to say otherwise, even her protector was left questioning if this kid was the person he sensed or what.

Either way, she kicked Xiao Yan to the side and went on to join the sect. it was risky, but sooner or later this protector of hers would realize that she lied to him. they might be dumb and easily tricked, but over many years even a child would catch that something was off.

so, using the background she created for herself, she was able to meet Ling Han. She wasn't sure if she should be happy with how things went or what. Ling Han easily saw through her and made her a maid. everything she said to Ling Han about her barely being worthy of being a servant, was to feed into his pride. She was part dragon, so she too had her pride, but unlike dragon, she could hide hers.

When she discovered that Ling Han saw through her, she took the risk of telling him her biggest secret. Hoping that would pity her, and she could use it. but now she was a maid and was even wearing a maid outfit... she was annoyed. but for her future, she had no choice. since Ling Han accepted her, she shall use him to his fullest.

but she didn't need to take the exam, over the past 2 years, Ling Han had pretty much taken over the sect. but she still took part in the finals, wishing to show Ling Han her worth. but who would expect that in the finals she would see a familiar face? 

"... What is trash doing here?" Nalan Yanran asked calmly, a blank look aimed at Xiao Yan, the man she was supposed to marry, but turned out to be trash. Xiao Yan's face was cold, for years he endured being engaged to her. when he lost everything, and the whole village mocked him, how other than his parents were there for him?

this woman, he wanted to break off the engagement, wishing for her to be happy, yet what did she do? She said she loved him and would stay by his side no matter what. yet what did she do a few months ago, she revealed everything, the cold hard truth of why she was by his side for so many years. after realizing he wasn't the talent she thought he was, she went on to break off the engagement, embarrassing him and his father.

Xiao Yan took a deep breath, calming himself. with a flash from his storage ring, a huge heavy sword appeared, which he took while glaring at Nalan Yanran. In this battle, he shall make her regret everything,

'He was nothing just a few months back, how did he reach level 4 Houtian? Was he acting all of those years? No,' Nalan Yanran thought her mind flashing with what could be going on, but she took it all off she was not at level 6 Houtian, and that wasn't with Ling Han resources, all with her work. honestly, she should be higher up, but she wasted so many years by Xiao Yan's side.

The match began, and with a flash, Xiao Yan shot forward, causing the stage before him to crack from the force. Nalan Yanran's eyebrow raised seeing this speed, which rivaled those at level 5 Houtian, which flashed, moving to the side and hitting the side of the heavy sword, sending Xiao Yan flying away, but he quickly stopped himself from falling out of the arena

Nalan Yanran's eyebrow raised, and she was sure she put enough force into sending him out. She wanted to end this in one move, but was this not a bad look on her? Xiao Yan frowned deeply while looking at Nalan Yanran, she was strong, but he was sure he could win... but with that expert nearby, it would be troublesome.

"try and focus the flames inside you. It's dangerous, but with how powerful your body is, it should hold on for about 5 seconds at least." Xiao Yan's master said in a low voice, causing Xiao Yan to frown. he was not ready for the second part of that technique just yet, but he could see no other way of winning... plus he didn't want to lose, not to her out of all people.

Taking a deep breath, he channeled his flames, a  chilling look filling his face which made Nalan Yanran feel uncomfortable. with a flash, she moved to finish this match, but all of a sudden Xiao Yan's flesh turned red. smoke came off his body, and his strength reached new heights.

With a step, Xiao Yan disappeared, appearing before Nalan Yanran and slamming his heavy sword into her stomach, sending her flying back while coughing up blood. Just when she was about to fall out of the arena, Xiao Yan appeared to her, kicking her to the ground, Nalan Yanran coughed more blood. she weakly struggled to get to her feet, but Xiao Yan appeared before her, his flesh slowly going back to normal.

"Do you regret it?" He asked coldly, Nalan Yanran was too shocked to say anything else. a level 5 Houtian realm cultivator just beat her to such a stat, that she was unwilling to accept this. even if he somehow regained his talent, to which such power in a short amount of time with the low cultivation resources he had, was this not too fast?

"... I should have killed you." Nalan Yanran said softly, it was her mistake for not making sure Xiao Yan couldn't grow to be trouble. Xiao Yan gritted his teeth, his rage boiling while glaring at Nalan Yanran. He couldn't kill her, but surely he could destroy her looks. He heard how she left him and threw herself to someone else, would they still accept her if she was disfigured?

"I admit my defeat." Nalan Yanran said quickly, seeing the look in Xiao Yan's eyes, but this didn't stop him, as he reached down, before his arm could touch her, a hand suddenly caught his arm. he froze before slowly looking up, only to see a young man who had long spiky white hair. he looked at the blindfold he had, and he instantly knew who this person was...

"the catch is over," I said with a playful smile, which caused Xiao Yan to frown slightly, before pulling his hand out of mine. He glared at Xiao Yan for a moment, before turning to leave, but he froze when he heard something

"Nice flames, is that the legendary heavenly flame? to think there was one in such a low-grade area... you're lucky." I said with my arm around Xiao Yan's shoulder, causing him to freeze. All he could do was freeze at that moment, he felt like a mountain was on his shoulders.

"thats impressive... but to only use it to enhance your strength is a waste. don't forget to get your rewards. well, Let's go Nalan Yanran." Xiao Yan could only watch as I walked away, with Nalan Yanran following him, seemingly already healed up, shocking him. he didn't understand how Nalan Yanran was already healed up from the attack he gave her. Nalan Yanran threw a hateful glare toward Xiao Yan, how could she not know what his plan was?

She almost lost her beauty, one of the 3 things she guarded with all her heart. Her beauty, virginity, and background. these 3 things are what she believed could save her life one day,

"that guy... he is at the martial king level at least, be careful around him." Xiao Yan's master said, stunning Xiao Yan. why were there so many powerful experts around here? but his master only spoke these few words before going quiet, it was too risky now. should he leave the sect? but where could he run too?

"I have shamed you..." Nalan Yanran said softly while following behind me, to which I shrugged at her swords.

"He has a higher grade cultivation art than you, he seems to have eaten a heavenly flame, and he has cultivated his body, Qi. pretty much, you were no match for him. I will say he could fight those at level 7 or 8 Houtain... impressive I guess." I said lazily, shocking Nalan Yanran

"Master, shouldn't such treasure better fit someone of your stature?" Nalan Ranran asked through slightly gritted teeth. but she froze the moment she saw me stop walking, her heart couldn't help but skip seeing this. her heart began racing seeing me turn to look at her, and raised the blindfold, allowing her to see my left eye. and instantly, she was enchanted by the beauty before her

"Nalan Ranran, under this heaven and earth, nothing is worthy of me. scheme all you want, but know this. I don't need anything, for I am the honored one. even the heavens are not worthy of my greatness." As my words fell, a pressure fell upon her, making Nalan Yanran's legs almost give out. She quickly nodded, sweat covering her forehead. and with that, I covered my eyes and a bright smile covered my face

"Well, let's go. I Have plans for you, next month is the sect games. there is going to be a show worth watching." I said with a smile, leaving her frozen on the spot. she had sensed many pressures, amongst them was her protector, but even he was a Martial Lord...

She followed me while pushing away all of the worries in her heart. She looked at me for some time, it was then she realized I knew her character, and why was there. but she couldn't understand why I would have kept her nearby... So, after some thought, she asked.

"Because... you're strong. not everyone is born with unmatched talent, cool ability, or background. You have okay talent, yet are a half-human in a time where you would be hunted down and killed if found out. yet you here fighting, sure your ways come off as shameless, cruel, and underhanded. you at least see an opportunity and take it, and not sit back and cry about everything. for that, you're better than 99% of people out there, crying about their fate yet doing nothing about it." I said lazily, making her lower her head, moved by my words. She looked down upon her own actions, but honestly did she have a choice?

she knew her limits, she didn't dare to awaken her bloodline, and if not for her father making some story as to why she looked more human than a dragon, she was sure she would have been killed long ago. Once she awakens her bloodline and people realize that she is a half-blood, she will be killed without a second thought. this was the cultivation world, either she took control of her fate or sat back for some young master to take control of it for her.

"... you did it out of kindness?" Nalan Yanran asked, making my eyebrow raise, when did I say that? Nalan Yanran had good instincts, she knew her worth, could see talent, and so on, a person like her helping me build my focus was perfect. All I had to do was keep an eye on her. As for why I need a focus, I needed people to do stuff for me to get income to get spirit stones, so I can grow stronger quicker.

For the first time in Nalan Yanran's life, she was truly moved. for the first time in her life, someone knew who she was, yet they only saw one key point about her. her strength, her determination to fight and take hold of her fate. but she threw away such feelings, such things would only lead to her death, she was not a super talent or anything of the kind. if she acted on feelings, she would be leading herself to her death.

"anyways, I was planning on awakening your bloodline. I have a way to seal the aura it gives off so no one can tell what's up. so for this following month, you would be training to become the best you." I said with a smile, to which she nodded slightly, unable to look at me out of shame. she was using me, yet all I was doing was trying to help her gain her dream... but she quickly threw away such feeling, for years she was by Xiao Yan's side, she was far easy, it was like the heavens were helping her.

"what's going on here?" on the streets, Xiao Yan could be seen on the ground, bloody and beaten up. everyone turned to see the voice, only for everyone who was beating Xiao Yan to quickly pay their respect seeing Shi Ying

"lady Shi, this is the guy who offended Ling Han, we are teaching him a lesson on his behalf." One of them, a handsome young man said, trying to look good in front of Shi Ying. sure her looks were normal, but she was close to Ling Han,

"Since when did Ling Han need anyone to fight his battle? That annoying cocky idiot doesn't need you all jumping around causing trouble in his name. apologies to him and leave." She said coldly, to which the group quickly did as they said and left, leaving Xiao Yan on the ground, looking at Shi Ying in confusion, not understanding why she saved him.

"... I want to work something out with you." Shi Ying said calmly, making Xiao Yan's eyebrow rise

"What does beauty such as yourself need with someone as weak as myself?" Xiao Yan asked with a smile, which didn't look great thanks to his injuries. Shi Ying's eyebrow raised at his words, and seeing the way Xiao Yan was looking at her, it made her feel unease... could see through her disguise?

"You want revenge on Nalan Yanran, and I wish for her to be far away. I will protect you from Ling Han's anger," She said calmly, stunning Xiao Yan. For her safety, Shi Ying wanted all troublesome matters as far away from her, why? because under the heaven and earth of this universe, her cultivation and strength were suppressed, the same thing was with her grandmother as well.

this was not their universe, and because of this it only made it harder for them to recover from injuries they suffered while within this universe. Nalan Yanran being by their side was trouble waiting to happen, the whole world would attack them, but humans and those of the sea. She wanted Nalan Yanran far away from them before it could happen, as for her grandmother. sure she could seal away the aura her bloodline gave off, but it couldn't perfectly hide it. those of the dragon race would sense it, and trouble would break out.

"You sure Ling Han would not touch me," Xiao Yan asked with a raised eyebrow, to which Shi Ying just through a storage thing towards him.

"Yes, I and you both know she is a snake. I rather she doesn't worm her way into his heart and start controlling him. At that point, you might die." She said before walking away, leaving Xiao Yan with a heavy heart. he looked at the storage ring, before taking a deep breath and walking away...