
The 12 eyes Within The Cultivation World

Everyone knows of the 6 eyes, powerful eyes which turn one mind into a super computer, giving them a nearly unlimited amount of energy due to how little energy they waste compared to the amount of energy they regain, the power to be pretty much all-seeing, and the list goes on... so the fuck is the 12 eyes? well, its my creations.

itachi1010 · Anime & Comics
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65 Chs


"Oh My God, Look at this!" Shi Long and the others had blank looks, looking at Ling Han running around, picking up all types of stuff from a store. He seemed like a child, but after seeing a scene of Shi Long enraged, how could they still see him as one? They were all scared shitless by the event they shall,

they were currently in the empire capital, With Ling Han being able to walk more than 10 miles with a simple step now, he easily crossed a range of 2 million miles to arrive here with all of us. thats how far this city was from the Fire Kingdom, this was a range that Martial Empeorr would take a few minutes to cross, yet Ling Han did it at a speed infinitely close to infinity.

The Jing Empire was a place ruled by a level 9 Marital Emperor, things sold in the capital were some of the best things money could buy. Sora had the wealth of the Fire Kingdom, yet here is could barely be considered rich, that was how expensive these things were

They had caldron which could create pills on their own for sale, they had storage rings that could store mountains inside, they had storage rings that allowed time to flow, and time to remain still. they had storage rings that allowed a person to store a farm within, and they had storage rings that could store living people, so long as they were not too powerful or else they could destroy the space within.

All of this plus the most shocking thing, this city was the only place in the whole empire that had a time occultation chamber. a chamber which one could enter and experience time being sped up, it's said that only a Martial Emperor with high knowledge of formations could make such a chamber in a stable way that would not lead to affecting one cultivation in negative ways.

They had almost everything one could want, you want to watch porn? they had crystals with it stored in them. thousands to millions of them. Do you want weapons? the best blacksmith gathered here

Do you want pills? the best alchemists gathered here, which was going to be their first stop once Ling Han stopped getting lost in all of the stuff there. they needed a pill to help the old woman recover. they were not worried about being found out about their not being in this universe, this is because during the past 2 years, Ling Han was in that bottleneck, he took the time to master everything he had and be creative with it.

This meant creating a space called space ripple, which allowed Ling Han to see light movements in space. this enhanced his senses once more. before he saw a slight movement in the Qi around him, through this, he guessed the air movement and mapped out things around him.

soon, he didn't need to look at Qi and could simply look at air, and now he no longer needed air, and could look at space. be it the range all the accuracy, it was hundred of times better. Ling Han had a mental map of everything,  hundreds of thousands of miles.

but that didn't mean he was looking at the map the whole time, which would overwhelm in brain, instead, his subconscious controlled this, allowing him to almost instantly know whatever ever just across his mind. Did he want a dog in heat? the mental map would instantly point it out for him, all he needed to do was call it over.

But this was not the only thing, as Ling Han had ever tried to comprehend the unique space aura Shi Yong's grandmother gave off. but it was much harder than Ling Han expected, all Ling Han could do was change it slightly, to make it give off the same aura as this universe, this weakened the heaven suppression on them. Since even I couldn't sense what was off with the aura of space, then others shouldn't be able to do so as well... I think.

So, after Ling Han got used to the city, they headed off to the alchemist shop. It was known as the Heavenly Fire Alchemy Pavilion, home to some of the best alchemists the kingdom had. One should know that the emperor's wife was a well-known alchemist, ranked 5th as one of the best alchemists in this kingdom.

"Leo Yun, about your ability, how do they work?" I asked calmly, I haven't gotten around to questioning her about it. just a moment ago I was torturing her father.

"My powers allow me to be one with energy, space energy, time energy, lifeforce, mental energy, and so on. I can take hold of them and tell them what to do. I don't need a technique, A Technique is just someone that helps a person maximize their capability. while others need a technique to do stuff like create flames, I can just have the energy around me do it for me." She said softly, making my eyebrow and everyone else rise at how overpowered that was.

Techniques were a key part of every cultivator's life, even I needed the Limitless, a technique to help me do most of the stuff I do. but what she was saying was that she didn't need the Limitless, she could just have the energy to do it, and it might be better than when I do it without the Limitless.

"But it's not all that powerful, you couldn't undo what you did to your sister," I asked, causing Luo Yun to almost cry, but she stopped herself and simply nodded. Her limitless were simple, she didn't have absolute control of energy. if for example, she were to try and control the old woman's energy, the old woman could simply resist this, and if she resisted with force, Luo Yun could suffer a backlash.

Those strong enough can resist or even ignore her actions, although this was a drawback, she could do many things. for example, she could sense all forms of energy, cultivate with every form of energy, and so on. She was only 18 this year, yet she was at the peak for the Xiantian, and all of this was with her father trying to stop her from cultivating. He couldn't kill or hurt her due to her actions as a child, making him adore her like a princess, but he also knew if she got strong she could kill him. 

by the way, every level in Xiantian was a +10 to one lifespan. those at the peak of Xiantian could live up to 220 to 250 years.

every level in Martial Lord was a +50 to one lifespan, those at the peak of the marital lord realm could live up to 720 to 750 years.

every level in the marital king realm was a +125 to one lifespan. those at the peak of the marital lord realm could live for 1,970 to 2,000 years

every level in the martial Emperor realm was a +800 to one lifespan. those at the peak of the marital Emperor realm could live up to 10,000 years.

"is someone jealous?" Shi Long asked seeing me lost in my thoughts, I was quiet for a moment before shaking my head.

"Just curious as to how your father birthed 2 people with such powerful and heaven-shattering physique. of course, mine is still the best." I said calmly, to which Shi Long rolled her eyes, Luo Yun would one day be able to do everything I do without the need to comprehend the law of space, that was true, but my eyes were special. they were not the same 6 six-eyes... I was sure of it.

"... y-your eyes." Luo Yun hesitated to speak, not sure if she should talk about it. I looked at her, waiting for her to speak, but she was too scared, not wanting to enrage me.

"you can speak," I said calmly, she nodded weakly for a moment before speaking.

"your eyes hold the power of space and time... so why do you only use the power of space?" She asked causing a question mark to form above my head. since when did I have the power of time?

"the power of space always comes with time, it is kind of like yin and yang, without time, space becomes a hard unchangeable object. without space, time doesn't have the power to exist. space needs time to grow and expand, giving space meaning. time needs space to bring forth change." She said softly, making me go blank for a moment... it was funny I never thought of this

without time, there can't be space. erasing time is like erasing space, and the same way around. if my Six Eyes... sadly, before I could think deeper about this, my eyes began to shake. I held my head in pain, it was like my eyes were telling me they were not ready.

shaking my head, I returned to reality and found I almost comprehended the law of the time, but my eyes stopped me. shaking my head slightly, I let out a deep breath, I nodded towards Luo Yun before I began walking off as if nothing happened.

'...' Luo Yun had a downcast look seeing this, she had her reason for bringing this up. could I have reversed time and stopped her from doing what she did? but she sensed how my eyes stopped her, leaving her disappointed... yes, even through the seal, she could sense my eyes.

Anyway, on the way to the alchemist's shop, the old woman appeared, she had to play the role of a powerful expert who was injured and asking for a pill. so while entering the alchemist, she let out a hint of her aura to warn everyone, sending them all rushing to get out of her way sensing her aura. after a moment, a middle-aged man came from upstairs, this man looked at the old man before nodding slightly.

"Prostean gust,  please come this way." He said with a smile, to which she nodded while leaving, with us following behind her. the middle-aged man's eyebrow raised slightly looking at us, to which she sighed and explained.

"We were amused by those of the sea dragon race, thats how I got my injuries. I was taking these kids to campaign against that universe, but now I wish to heal and return home as soon as possible." She said softly, to which he frowned slightly. he sensed the old woman slightly and indeed sensed a hint of dragon aura off her, which was of course Nalan Yanran's aura

"I see... those sea dragons have been acting up ever since they got their new master." He said with a deep frown, he sighed softly before having us enter a room where he went on to help her get the pill she needed. the price was huge, but it was going to help the old woman regain strength in the Martial Emperor realm.

of course, I was not paying. the old woman had her own money which she used to pay, she bought two of such pills, and once eaten, she could recover back to 60% health given some time... that was if Luo Yun didn't help, if Luo Yun controlled that energy, helping her recover, then she could recover back up to 100% if Luo Yun worked hard enough.

so, I brought some pills to help Luo Yun get stronger, this way it would be easier for her to help the old woman out. with everything done, we left and went on to enter a hotel where Luo Yun first went on to try and break through to the marital lord realm. when she felt a breakthrough coming, she quickly left the city, going far to face her tribulations, and with that, she reached the martial Lord realm, without even being injured by the lightning, as she used the lightning to ensure her body, and soul cultivation kept up with her Qi cultivation.

After which, she went on to help the old woman recover. it would take a few days, time which I used to step into the 4th level of the law of space, Space Disruption. At this stage, a person could do things like destroy space, space wrap, space shift, and so on without the need for a technique.

Using the second part of the Limitless, Short-Range Instantaneous Movement. In other words, short-range teleportations. but it only reaches teleportation when mastered. A Limitless user can achieve high-speed movement across short distances using Blue. it was simple really. you use Blue to pull you forward, adding one control over space, could allow one once they perfect this to gain teleportation.

But I couldn't help but wonder why red wasn't used. imagine the speed of using red to push you and blue to pull you, such speed should be great, right? But having to use them at the same time was something that even I struggled to do, but I plan to learn to more easily do it now,

sadly, the quiet didn't last long. soon someone came knocking at our hotel door, I was the one who went to open it, only to see a servant at the door.

"Greetings, my young master wishes to meet with your master for a deal," he said respectfully, making me smile slightly.

"How does he want to marry? Don't tell me, is it me? This was the first time someone ever wanted to marry me... he should at least buy me dinner. Should I get him a gift? this is so sudden," I said shyly, causing the servant's face to go dark.