
The 12 eyes Within The Cultivation World

Everyone knows of the 6 eyes, powerful eyes which turn one mind into a super computer, giving them a nearly unlimited amount of energy due to how little energy they waste compared to the amount of energy they regain, the power to be pretty much all-seeing, and the list goes on... so the fuck is the 12 eyes? well, its my creations.

itachi1010 · Anime & Comics
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65 Chs

Super Blue

"May I know the elder name?" A young man asked with a gentle smile while looking at the old woman. this young man was the prince of the Jing empire, Jing Mo. the crown prince, he was the one who requested to meet the old woman.

"I'm called Elder Shi... may I know why the prince has requested to meet me?" She asked calmly while looking to the side, looking at Ling Han who was playing with a floating orb, she was speechless as to why sometimes Ling Han seemed like a child and at times was so scary.

"I cut straight to the point... I wish to gain Elder Shi's support for the throne. I hear you were a level 9 Martial Emperor, even if you can't show 1% of that power, I'm willing to help you gain your full strength." He said seriously, making Elder Shi's eyebrow raised slightly.

"My apologies prince, but I wish not to dip my hands in your kingdom matters." She said calmly, to which the prince nodded, before pulling out an item, Elder Shi looked at the item and her eyebrow raised.

"This is tea leaves from the Tree of Enlightenment, the elder had suffered great damage to her lifeforce. As you are now, you should have only 200 or so years left. even if you were to heal now, is that enough time for a breakthrough?" He asked, making Elder Shi go quiet. indeed, she had suffered heavy injuries, and even if she healed now, 200 years was not enough for a breakthrough. She frowned for some time, she wanted this leaf, it was a treasure many martial emperors would fight over.

"First... why? You don't know my background or anything about me. are you not risking too much here?" She asked, to which the prince smiled slightly, 

"You don't have a powerful background that could rival my kingdom. on that note, you are only one of two martial emepror your force has. which means your force is newly built and isn't enough to withstand the might of our empire." He said with a smile, making Elder Shi's eyebrow raise, and for Ling Han to freeze slightly.

"You look into our fate?" She asked, to which the young man nodded slightly,

"Your fate was super hard to pinpoint, it's hidden by some powerful power of space. either so, I have everything I need to know." He said calmly, making Elder Shi look towards Ling Han wanting him to choose.

Empires can collect the fate of the people, to bring forth good luck, better talents, and so on. this way, given a kingdom enough time, it would not decline if its emperor was a good ruler, instead it would grow and grow, collecting more and more fate. if for example, the King of the Fire Emperor was the one in control of such a kingdom, even with him hiding his actions, the empire would start to decline. because of this, an emperor although didn't need a righteous heart, at least couldn't have a demonic heart.

"Make it two leaves and I will help you," I said calmly while getting up, causing the crown prince to frown while looking towards me. he didn't even want me to enter, but since Elder Shi wanted me in, he took a step back. but now he was beginning to realize who was in charge here as Elder Shi stood up, allowing me to sit where she was, and for her to stand behind me.

crossing my leg, a cocky smile fell onto my face while I laid back, calmly looking at the crown prince who was confusion

"I'm the second Martial Emperor, I'm awesome, right? just 22 and I'm so powerful," I said with a smile, shocking the crown prince. he froze not daring to believe what he just heard. smiling, I took an apple off the plate which was for Elder Shi, I calmly ate it while looking at the crown prince

"I don't sense any cultivation off you... your body is only the Xiantian along with your soul... no, there is no physical energy or Spurital energy, you walk the enlightenment path!" He said in shock,

"You caught on quick, thats right. I walk the path of enlightenment, the Law of space, so you can understand why I'm only willing to help you for the leaf." I said calmly, the crown prince took a deep breath, before nodding, shaken to the core from what he was learning.

one should know, that even the most talented of people from the empire took 99 years, and that was a forceful breakthrough, which left his foundation weak, and made him weaker than most Heavenly Emperors,

"I... I will have to take back my offer," he said softly while putting the leaf away, he looked at me seriously for a moment before speaking.

"I was sure I could control Elder Shi if she got greedy, but for someone like yourself, I can't be sure." He calmly looked deeply into my eyes. he didn't know my character, someone so young yet didn't run around showing off. Acted his age until the moment called for it, a person needed to be watched for more time to understand

"I see... the second prince also as a leaf, so does the princess, and pretty much all of them. on you at the moment are 4 leaves, I find it odd how you all could have so many rare treasures." I said calmly while looking at the ceiling, the crown prince instantly went on guard, shocked by my word

"No need to be on guard, only the ancestor would be my match, by the looks of it. you all have 20 of them, what a powerful empire." I said calmly, making the crown prince's eyes widen, he only knows of 8 ancestors, not 20

"oddly enough, I can't find where these tree leaves are coming from. Now I'm curious, what's up with these tea leaves?" I asked with a smile, the crown prince realized he messed up. He understood that since my law of space was so powerful I could see through stored things, and even look into his inner world, I was powerful. he had 2 leaves in his storage rings and 2 others in his inner world, yet I have seen both of them and most likely all of the treasures on him. then there were his siblings who also had these leaves, he was sure that I wasn't lying about my strength.

"W-what do you want?" he asked softly, he didn't want to make an enemy out of a 22-year-old Martial emperor-level powerhouse, such a talent was the worst thing he wanted.

"I just want to know, you got me curious... and don't worry, it's below me to steal. it's not like I need the leaves, a talent like myself doesn't need such a thing. I only want them to speed up my slow growth." I said with a smile, to which the crown prince's lips twitched. if only his growth was as slow as mine.

"There is an inheritance ground, a dimension which was once beloved to a Martial Saint who died. It opens up every 10 years, which would be next year. before it opens, all the kingdom under us picks the best talents to send into this inheritance ground to have a chance to gain something. there is a maximum number of 10,000 people, so only the best of the best of each kingdom could come." he said calmly, to which I nodded slightly. so that the tournament he took part in was for this.

"Interesting, I will leave my entrances to you. As for you being the emperor? thats easy work, do you want me to kill all your siblings and leave only you? or force your father to give you the throne?" I asked with a smirk, to which the crown prince shook in horror seeing.

"N-no, there is no need. I simply wanted sir's name." He said in a shaky voice, to which I nodded with a shrug before getting up.

"then this is goodbye... I'm sure you know where to find me." I said lazily before leaving, leaving the crown prince sweating. If his father knew what just happened, he would be in big trouble for sure...

"Why help him?" Elder Shi asked while walking behind him, I just shrugged at her words.

"This whole fate thing got me thinking, does karma exist? you know, doing bad things would turn around to bite you?" I asked to which Elder Shi nodded  slightly before shaking her head

"Karma can translate to luck and many other things. indeed, those who do wrong sometimes suffer, but it's not always in this life, it could be their next life, or 100 lives later. it's hard to comprehend the law of karma, something which I didn't do." She said softly, to which I nodded slightly,

By her words, it meant that doing good things today or in this life didn't mean that good things might come in this life or the next, hell your soul might be destroyed before you get your payment.

Shaking my head, I went on to return to our hotel where I went on to work on comprehending the law, Shi Yong and the others had stayed back. if anything had happened, I would have just appeared to stop it. but we didn't stay in our hotel for long as the crown prince gave us our mansion, which allowed us to have more space and even a pool, which I laid lazily in for some time,

I was like this I realized that Ice was a solid, that could turn into a liquid and gas. these states of matter, could I look at Space like this? Could I turn space into a sword or something? I held my palm out, controlling space and compressing it. it took a lot of control, as soon as I made a simple mistake, space fell in upon itself, turning into a mini black hole.

At first, I was going to destroy it, but froze seeing the connection this black hole had to blue. Blue sucked everything in, but it was not as powerful as a black hole which even light couldn't escape from. sure this black hole was super small, so small that I wasn't affected much by being near it, but it didn't mean it wasn't bending light.

Space moved, closing up the black hole after some time, which got me thinking some more, were black hole gateways to another part of the universe or holes within the universe that lead to outside the universe? Why was Blue not as powerful as a black hole? well, this was simple, at some point I would be able to have Blue pull even light, but for now, that was impossible due to my strength

but I just created a black hole that was bending light. Could Blue be improved? all it did was pull things, surely there were ways to improve it. A black hole is the super version of Blue, and a white hole is the super version of Red

I had the power to create such things, I mean I just created a Black hole. Once I master these, I could work on having space take form, and I would have a space sword. a sword capable of cutting anything...

I had a year to do this, it took me only 3 months to fuse Blue with the idea of a Black hole. Gravity and Space had a unique connection, it was my understanding of this connection that I created Super Blue. I still kept the same color, but in return, I created something that pulled someone with such force their atoms broke apart.

to say the least, controlling such a thing was hundreds of times harder, and it used up more energy. at most 5 times before I'm sucked dry, but this was fixed as my strength grew.

it took me 6 months to fuse the power of red with a white hole, creating Super Red, which allowed me to push even light if I wished. its push was so powerful that it could force atoms to touch, which was shocking. I could only use this half the number of times as much as Super Blue

As for my wall of infinity or infinity step? I managed to fuse Blue with the Infinity Stepe, allowing for my speed to reach new heights and allowing me to be able to change my direction more easily while using the Infinity step 

The Wall of Infinity was much harder to improve as I didn't see a weakness. I already improved long ago, allowing me to only have one part of the space around me be affected by the wall of infinity, allowing me to be able to attack. this was how I attacked the king with the wall of Infinity up

  Of course, I grew stronger eating the stuff at the capital. At first, I had a body and mind equal to those in the Xiantian realm, honestly, someone of such a level would drop dead trying to do anything remotely to the stuff I was doing. My energy control was that good, and now it had reached the Martial Lord realm

The Wall of Infinity would stay up for 1 week now, the Step of Infinity allowed me to travel 1 billion miles with a simple step, once again infinitely close to 0 seconds. Super Blue could Uproot a whole Country, and it could be used 15 times a day My strength Had reached the Martial Saint realm.

that was a year, a year of improvement... oh, I reached perfection in level 4 of the law of space. but I hit another bottleneck, unable to reach level 5...