
The 101st Legion (English)

In a world plunged into chaos and darkness, "The 101st Legion" tells the epic struggle of a group of young survivors facing a devastating apocalypse caused by mysterious supernatural forces. Led by Rayber, a determined and brave young man, the group must confront monstrous creatures and the constant threat of the APX-WET disease, which turns humans into relentless zombies. The story begins in the Dominican Republic when Rayber and his friends Rohwder, Henry, and Axel find themselves in the middle of an ordinary school day that quickly transforms into a nightmare. A sudden attack within their school marks the beginning of a series of events that lead them to fight for their survival and seek answers in a world that has lost all sanity. With the city in chaos, the group embarks on a dangerous journey to La Romana and beyond, encountering other survivors, facing betrayals, and forming unexpected alliances. Throughout their odyssey, each member of the 101st Legion develops unique skills and faces their own inner demons, while working together to unravel the mysteries behind the apocalypse and find a safe haven. The narrative is infused with anime influences, with references to series such as "Attack on Titan" and "Fullmetal Alchemist," and is characterized by action-packed scenes, unexpected twists, and deep bonds of friendship. Amid the despair, hope and courage intertwine, leading the protagonists to discover the true strength of their union. "The 101st Legion" is a story of survival, friendship, and the tireless fight against the shadows that threaten to consume the world. As they face increasingly deadly challenges, Rayber and his team must decide whether to succumb to the darkness or ignite the spark of resistance to save humanity.

Rayber_Polanco · Action
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37 Chs

Memories of a Lost Past

In the devastated Earth, the Legion's base was a beacon of hope for the few survivors left. Amidst the ruins and desolation, within the base walls, there was a mix of joy and tension. There were laughter and jokes, moments of camaraderie that helped alleviate the weight of the world falling upon them.

Led by Rayber, the members of the Legion stayed united amidst the chaos. Despite recent losses and constant pain, they found ways to laugh and move forward. It was a display of their indomitable spirit, a spark of humanity in a world that seemed to have lost it.

In a corner of the base, Rayber and Axel were engaged in an intimate conversation. They had moved away from the bustle, seeking a moment of calm amidst the storm.

"Do you remember how it all started?" Axel asked, a nostalgic smile on his face. "It seems like it was ages ago."

Rayber nodded, his eyes reflecting a mix of joy and sadness. "Yes, I remember. It all began in school, didn't it? We were just kids with big dreams and no idea what the future held."

Axel smiled, his eyes shining with the memory. "And then came the Car Wash. Remember when we had to escape there? It was our first refuge and the beginning of our adventure."

Rayber chuckled softly, though there was a hint of sadness in his laughter. "Yes, I remember it well. The van is still there, you know? We used it when we started our fight."

Axel sighed, tears welling up in his eyes. "It's hard to believe Rohwder and Henry are no longer with us. They were an important part of our story, of our journey."

Rayber nodded, his expression solemn. "Yes, it's tough. Losing such close friends is something we can never fully get over. But we have to move forward, for them, for all those we've lost."

Axel looked at Rayber, noting the hardness in his expression. "You've grown stronger, Rayber. But I also see the darkness in your eyes. Don't let hatred consume you."

Rayber gazed at the horizon, his eyes filled with determination. "I know, Axel. But losing Aurora, Rohwder, Henry... it's hard not to feel hatred. Still, I promise to fight for what's right, for the memory of our fallen friends."

Axel placed a hand on Rayber's shoulder. "We're in this together, friend. And even though war is inevitable, we must remember why we fight. Not just for revenge, but for a better future."

Rayber nodded, his determination renewed by his friend's words. "You're right, Axel. We will fight for hope, for the peace we want to restore. We won't let their sacrifices be in vain."

Their conversation was interrupted by the sound of approaching footsteps. It was Sara, wearing a concerned expression on her face.

"Rayber, Axel, we need to gather everyone. There's important news about the First Assault. The enemy is on the move."

Rayber and Axel exchanged a glance, the gravity of the situation settling upon them. They quickly headed towards the center of the base, where the rest of the Legion was already gathering.

The Legion's base, though a refuge amidst devastation, became a hive of activity as survivors and warriors prepared for what was to come. Rayber's determination, reinforced by the support of his friends and comrades, was unwavering. The Great War was about to begin, and with each step, each action, Rayber pledged to honor the legacy of those who had fallen and to fight for a future where hope could bloom once more.

With their gaze fixed on the horizon, Rayber and his team prepared to face the greatest challenge of their lives, knowing that the impending battle would decide the fate of their world.

Meanwhile, in the Legion's main base, the atmosphere was tense and anticipatory. Every member knew that the Great War was approaching, and preparations were in full swing. The fleet commanders played a crucial role in organizing the troops and strategizing to confront the enemy.

Inside the commanders' chamber, a figure began to transform in a strange and unsettling manner. The moonlight streaming through the window illuminated their silhouette, revealing grotesque changes in their body. Skin stretched and twisted, bones cracked and moved beneath the surface. Eyes, once human, now gleamed with an inhuman glow.

The present commanders were left speechless by the transformation. Arlan, the veteran strategist with scars from countless battles, stepped forward, his eyes fixed on the changing figure.

"What is happening here?" he asked in a grave voice.

The figure turned slowly towards him, their face now a mix of human and something much darker.

"Fear not, friends," they said in a guttural voice. "I am Orin, your ally. I have been endowed with special abilities to face what is to come. This is the result of my sacrifice to acquire the power needed to fight against the undead."

Arlan exchanged a look with Elara, the cavalry commander known for her speed and cunning on the battlefield.

"Orin, what kind of power is this?" Elara asked, her tone mixing curiosity and concern.

"An ancient and dark power," Orin replied. "But necessary. With these abilities, I can infiltrate the enemy ranks and sabotage their plans from within. It is a risk I am willing to take for the sake of our cause."

The commanders exchanged skeptical looks. Ravanok, the imposing commander of the elite warriors, crossed his arms over his chest and stepped forward.

"We are not convinced, Orin," Ravanok said, his voice a threatening growl. "If you want us to believe you, you'll have to be escorted to a cell so we can watch over you. If you refuse, I'll ensure your transformation is even more painful myself."

Orin nodded slowly, understanding his comrades' distrust.

"I will do whatever is necessary to gain your trust. Take me to the cell and watch over me. I will prove to you that I am on the Legion's side."

Arlan, Elara, and Ravanok nodded, and two guards escorted Orin out of the commanders' chamber to a secure cell, where he would be closely monitored.

Meanwhile, in the main base, Rayber was gathering his core team: Axel, Sara, Kellah, Frank, Junior, and Moreno. Each of them was ready for the impending battle, their faces reflecting the mix of emotions they felt.

"We have to be ready for anything," Rayber said, his voice firm. "We know the enemy won't give us any respite. We must focus on preparing our defenses and our strategies."

Axel nodded, his expression serious. "We can't rely on unknown allies. We must be strong and ready to confront the enemy directly."

Sara, with her sharp intellect and agility, added, "Each of us has a vital role in this fight. If we stay united and focused, we can overcome any obstacle."

Kellah, with her unleashed fury and determination, slammed her fist into her palm. "I'm ready to crush any undead that crosses our path. I won't show mercy."

Frank, with his imposing size and strength, nodded. "We'll make sure every blow counts. We won't let the enemy advance a single step."

Junior, clad in his invincible armor, added, "I'll protect all of you with my life. I won't let anyone fall while I'm here."

Moreno, with his knives and machetes ready, looked at Rayber. "Let's do this, boss. We're with you until the end."

Rayber looked at his team, feeling a surge of pride and determination.

"Then, prepare yourselves. The Great War is about to begin, and we won't rest until we've secured our land and avenged those we've lost."

The Legion mobilized, each member aware of the gravity of the situation. Commanders Arlan, Elara, and Ravanok joined the core team, each bringing their experience and skills to strengthen defenses and plan the next moves.

Meanwhile, in the world of the undead, Manuel continued to consolidate his power, his mutated body and increasingly twisted mind. Plans to infiltrate Earth were underway, and the First Assault was just the beginning of a war that would decide the fate of both worlds.
