
The 101st Legion (English)

In a world plunged into chaos and darkness, "The 101st Legion" tells the epic struggle of a group of young survivors facing a devastating apocalypse caused by mysterious supernatural forces. Led by Rayber, a determined and brave young man, the group must confront monstrous creatures and the constant threat of the APX-WET disease, which turns humans into relentless zombies. The story begins in the Dominican Republic when Rayber and his friends Rohwder, Henry, and Axel find themselves in the middle of an ordinary school day that quickly transforms into a nightmare. A sudden attack within their school marks the beginning of a series of events that lead them to fight for their survival and seek answers in a world that has lost all sanity. With the city in chaos, the group embarks on a dangerous journey to La Romana and beyond, encountering other survivors, facing betrayals, and forming unexpected alliances. Throughout their odyssey, each member of the 101st Legion develops unique skills and faces their own inner demons, while working together to unravel the mysteries behind the apocalypse and find a safe haven. The narrative is infused with anime influences, with references to series such as "Attack on Titan" and "Fullmetal Alchemist," and is characterized by action-packed scenes, unexpected twists, and deep bonds of friendship. Amid the despair, hope and courage intertwine, leading the protagonists to discover the true strength of their union. "The 101st Legion" is a story of survival, friendship, and the tireless fight against the shadows that threaten to consume the world. As they face increasingly deadly challenges, Rayber and his team must decide whether to succumb to the darkness or ignite the spark of resistance to save humanity.

Rayber_Polanco · Action
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37 Chs

The King of the Undead

In the world of the Undead, Manuel gathered with his commanders in the war room. The walls of the room were adorned with dark tapestries depicting the history of their gloomy realm, and the atmosphere was charged with the energy of preparations for the "First Assault."

Manuel, his face distorted by mutations, spoke with a raspy and authoritative voice:

"We need an infiltrator on Earth. Someone who can move among them undetected and report all the Legion's advancements. We must always stay one step ahead."

Frizt, who had been caring for Manuel during his transformations, nodded silently. He knew that strategy was essential if they were to secure victory.

"I have someone in mind, my lord," said Frizt. "A spy trained in the arts of disguise and infiltration. His loyalty is guaranteed, and his ability to blend among humans is unmatched."

Kor, whose thirst for blood had been practicing, interjected aggressively:

"And how do we know he won't betray us? Humans are weak and prone to treachery. We need to ensure absolute loyalty."

Manuel looked at Kor with a twisted smile:

"Don't worry, Kor. This infiltrator has personal reasons to hate the Legion as much as we do. His loyalty will not be an issue."

In a dark corner, Jotean watched the discussion in silence, his mind always calculating and waiting for the right moment to strike. Autumn, on the other hand, was distracted but still aware of the gravity of the situation.

Finally, Manuel addressed Frizt:

"Make the necessary arrangements. I want our infiltrator on Earth as soon as possible. He must earn the Legion's trust and report every one of their movements."

Frizt nodded and left to prepare the spy. Meanwhile, Manuel turned to the other commanders:

"We will continue with our plans. The 'First Assault' is just the beginning. We won't conquer Earth in one go, but through several assaults. We must be patient and methodical."

Kor, his thirst for blood still burning, enthusiastically nodded:

"Let the war begin. I am ready to destroy our enemies."

Autumn, rising from his seat, added with a sarcastic smile:

"It will be a pleasure to see them fall one by one."

Manuel, now known as "The Founding Power," had changed drastically. His mutated body twisted in unnatural forms, his skin decomposed, and his once-human face now bore a grotesque grin that stretched from ear to ear. His eyes, devoid of humanity, glowed with murderous madness.

Manuel walked through the dark streets of the Undead world, closely followed by his loyal followers. His step was firm and sure, his presence instilling absolute terror. The inhabitants of the Undead world moved aside as he passed, kneeling in fear and respect.

However, in a dark corner, a small child, with eyes full of innocence and terror, refused to kneel. He watched Manuel with a mixture of defiance and fear, perhaps too young to fully understand the danger he represented.

Manuel stopped, his gaze fixed on the child. The crowd watched in silence, holding their breath. The silence was eerie, broken only by Manuel's slow and methodical steps as he approached the child.

"Do you not know who I am?" Manuel asked with a guttural and resonant voice, as if emanating from the depths of hell.

The trembling child did not answer. Manuel leaned in, his mad eyes locked with the child's, and repeated the question:

"Do you not know who I am?"

The child, barely able to speak, murmured:

"Y-yes... I know."

Manuel smiled, a twisted and horrifying smile.

"Then why don't you kneel?"

The child, in an act of reckless courage, said:

"I-I'm not afraid of you."

Manuel's smile widened, transforming into an even more grotesque grimace. With a swift movement, he grabbed the child by the neck and lifted him into the air. The child struggled, his small hands futilely trying to grasp Manuel's arms.

At that moment, a woman, the child's mother, lunged at Manuel. Her eyes were filled with tears and terror.

"Please! Please, let him go!" she pleaded, kneeling and reaching out her arms to her son. "Kneel, son! Please kneel!"

The child, tears in his eyes, tried to obey, but Manuel showed no mercy. He squeezed the child's neck with ruthless force until the lifeless body hung limp. Then, he dropped it to the ground as if it were a broken toy.

The woman screamed and ran to her son's body, embracing him desperately.

"Cursed be you!" she cried, her voice filled with pain and fury. "You're a monster!"

Manuel leaned toward the woman, his eyes gleaming with murderous madness.

"Fear is the only thing that keeps order in this world," Manuel said, grabbing the woman by the neck. He lifted her into the air with the same ease with which he had lifted her son.

"Please..." she whispered, tears filling her eyes. "Please..."

Manuel showed no compassion. With a brutal twist of his wrist, he snapped the woman's neck, leaving her body to fall beside her son's.

The crowd watched in horror and absolute silence. No one dared to move, no one dared to make a sound. Manuel straightened up, wiping the blood from his hands, and continued on his way, leaving the bodies of the mother and child as a grim reminder of his cruelty.

Frizt, watching from the shadows, approached Manuel and whispered to him:

"Your cruelty maintains control, but it also breeds rebellion. We must not underestimate our enemies."

Manuel turned to Frizt, his smile still on his twisted face.

"Fear is our greatest weapon. Let them remember that well. Now, do we have news of the infiltrator?"

Frizt nodded.

"Yes, the plan is underway. Our spy has infiltrated the Legion and will keep us informed of their movements."

Manuel nodded, satisfied.

"Perfect. Earth stands no chance. We will teach them a lesson they will never forget."

And with that promise, Manuel and his army of shadows continued to prepare for the First Assault, ready to bring war to Earth and destroy anyone who stood in their way.