
The 101st Legion (English)

In a world plunged into chaos and darkness, "The 101st Legion" tells the epic struggle of a group of young survivors facing a devastating apocalypse caused by mysterious supernatural forces. Led by Rayber, a determined and brave young man, the group must confront monstrous creatures and the constant threat of the APX-WET disease, which turns humans into relentless zombies. The story begins in the Dominican Republic when Rayber and his friends Rohwder, Henry, and Axel find themselves in the middle of an ordinary school day that quickly transforms into a nightmare. A sudden attack within their school marks the beginning of a series of events that lead them to fight for their survival and seek answers in a world that has lost all sanity. With the city in chaos, the group embarks on a dangerous journey to La Romana and beyond, encountering other survivors, facing betrayals, and forming unexpected alliances. Throughout their odyssey, each member of the 101st Legion develops unique skills and faces their own inner demons, while working together to unravel the mysteries behind the apocalypse and find a safe haven. The narrative is infused with anime influences, with references to series such as "Attack on Titan" and "Fullmetal Alchemist," and is characterized by action-packed scenes, unexpected twists, and deep bonds of friendship. Amid the despair, hope and courage intertwine, leading the protagonists to discover the true strength of their union. "The 101st Legion" is a story of survival, friendship, and the tireless fight against the shadows that threaten to consume the world. As they face increasingly deadly challenges, Rayber and his team must decide whether to succumb to the darkness or ignite the spark of resistance to save humanity.

Rayber_Polanco · Action
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37 Chs

Shadow Mobilization

The dawn light filtered through the windows of the Legion base, illuminating the gathering place of commanders and key team members. As they prepared for battle, the commanders' backstories began to emerge in conversation.

Unlike Rayber and his team, the commanders did not possess supernatural powers. Each had been subjected to an experiment since childhood, designed to transform them into superhumans. This experiment, known as Project Rebirth, aimed to create soldiers with exceptional physical and mental abilities.

Arlan, Elara, and the other commanders had endured rigorous and painful training that pushed them to their limits. Their bodies were stronger, faster, and more resilient than those of any average human. However, the one who had refused these experiments was Ravanok.

Ravanok, a man of impressive stature and strength, had rejected the Project Rebirth experiments, preferring to rely on his own natural power and personal training. Despite being a normal human, his physical prowess rivaled that of Junior, who had been blessed by Joe. Ravanok's determination and willpower had made him a legend among his peers.

In the meeting room, Rayber, Axel, Junior, Moreno, Sara, Kellah, and Frank watched the commanders with a mix of respect and curiosity. None of them knew who Orin was, and the figure who had appeared in the commanders' room remained a mystery to all.

The atmosphere at the Legion base was tense and expectant. The enigmatic Orin, still confined and under surveillance, had stirred distrust among the commanders. Captain Ravanok, known for his recklessness and disregard for hierarchies, marched towards Rayber's office.

Without wasting time, he knocked on the door and entered without waiting for a response. "Rayber, we need to talk about this Orin fellow," he said with a mix of disdain and determination.

Rayber, seated behind his desk, looked up and with a cold gaze, observed Ravanok. The tension in the air was palpable. Despite Ravanok's strength, Rayber's presence was overwhelming, a combination of power and authority that sent a shiver down even Ravanok's spine.

Rayber stood up slowly. "What do you suggest, Ravanok?" he asked, his voice controlled yet carrying a veiled threat.

"If this Orin wants us to believe him, he should agree to be confined in a cell under strict surveillance. We can't afford any risks. If he doesn't agree, I'll personally ensure he regrets it more than he already does," Ravanok replied, trying to regain his composure.

Rayber nodded, understanding the need for security. "Agreed. Take him to the cell. I'll handle the interrogation myself."

Moments later, Rayber headed towards the cell where Orin was held. The commanders watched from a safe distance, unable to hide their unease. The figure of Orin, deformed and mysterious, sat in a dark corner.

Rayber approached, his imposing presence filling the small space. "Orin," he began firmly, "I want answers. Who are you and what are you doing here?"

Orin looked up, his eyes filled with a mix of fear and defiance. "I am... someone who wants to help," he replied, though his words lacked conviction.

Rayber leaned in, his gaze penetrating. "Don't take me for a fool. You have until dawn to tell me everything you know. If not, I will make you suffer in ways you cannot imagine."

The silence that followed Rayber's threat was oppressive. Orin, sensing the gravity of the situation, nodded slowly. "Fine. I'll tell you what you want to know, but I need assurances that I'll be safe."

Rayber straightened up and looked at the commanders, who continued to watch. "Keep a close watch on him. Any attempt at betrayal will be your last mistake," he said, his voice resonating with authority.

As Rayber exited the cell, the tension in the air seemed to intensify. The Legion knew that every action, every decision, brought them closer to the looming Great War. With Rayber in command, and the mysterious figure of Orin now under control, the fate of Earth and the world of the undead hung in a delicate balance.

The cell fell silent as the commanders left, leaving Rayber alone with Orin. The dim light in the room highlighted shadows on the walls, creating an atmosphere heavy with tension and mystery. Rayber watched the prisoner closely, waiting for a response.

Suddenly, Orin lifted his head, a malevolent smile spreading across his face— a smile that Rayber recognized instantly. "Do you remember this smile?" Orin asked, his voice cold and challenging.

Rayber showed no fear. "Of course, Carlos," he replied calmly.

Orin's face twisted in anger. "Don't call me that!" he shouted, breaking his handcuffs with inhuman strength. He leaped to his feet and approached the glass separating them, his deformed and monstrous figure filling the space with a terrifying presence.

"You remember me, Rayber," Orin said, his eyes gleaming with restrained fury. "I'm the spy who also has reasons to kill you and the entire Legion."

Rayber remained unperturbed, his gaze steady on Orin. "We are alike, Carlos," he said in a low but firm voice. "The only difference is who we work for. I work for myself and to save the world. You, on the other hand, work for someone who will use you and then kill you. Remember that."

Orin pounded the glass with his fists, shaking the structure. "Lucky for you, you're not on this side, Rayber! Or I would tear you apart right now!"

Rayber smiled faintly, a smile filled with challenge and superiority. "What you don't understand, Carlos, is that it doesn't matter which side we're on. You'll always be a puppet, and I... I will be free."

With that final word, Rayber turned and walked out of the room, closing all the hatches behind him. The sound of metal locking echoed through the halls, an echo that seemed to seal Orin's fate. The cell was plunged into oppressive darkness, while Orin's figure, now a mix of fury and desperation, moved restlessly within his confinement.

The atmosphere at the Legion base became even more tense, with Orin's threat hanging over them like a sinister shadow. Intrigue and mystery surrounded each member, knowing that a hidden enemy among them could be the key to their salvation or destruction.

In the world of the undead, the atmosphere was one of constant unease. Manuel, now completely transformed into a terrifying figure, walked through the dark corridors of the headquarters, his imposing presence generating palpable fear among the other undead.

Orin, also known as Carlos, stood before an enchanted mirror, communicating with Manuel from his cell on Earth. "I haven't seen any trace of Joe," Carlos reported with a raspy voice. "But there's a worse threat. Rayber."

Manuel, upon hearing the name, frowned and nodded. "Rayber," he repeated, savoring the name as if it were a challenge. "Let's mobilize."

Carlos hesitated for a moment before asking, "Can you get me out of here?"

Manuel looked at him with a mix of consideration and disdain. "Maybe," he said slowly.

"But you'll have to get out when the war explodes, because if not, you'll be a dead man."

With those final words, Manuel began tracing arcane symbols in the air, opening portals to Earth. The air around him crackled with dark energy, and a cold wind swept through the room.

The portals burst open with a blast of energy, revealing scenes of chaos and destruction on Earth. Manuel raised his hand, and with a voice resonating with authority and malevolence, he said, "Let the invasion begin. Let the blood of the living fill our chalices."