
Through the Looking Glass

It might have been just a small chunk of glass, but it was the most important small chunk of glass in my life…

It was a pain having to get that sand from down river. Not really hard, but plain annoying. First I had to sneak out of town. Doing that during the day was hard. Then I had to run from a giant spider. Those bugs are really not to dangerous during the day. I however had the great luck fall onto it, after a tumble down a small hill.

"All of this for stupid sand!"

I screamed, running quite low in my reserves of determination. "Stupid hill, stupid spider, stupid sparkling gosh darn sand!"

My profanity aside, the way back was a lot easier. As in nothing interesting happened. Except, there was a lot of ache in my legs.

Swinging a pick all day-ish for about a month really did good for my noodle arms. The affect on my legs, less so. I didn't have wee little baby legs; but I was huffing and puffing, like my lungs wanted to be a creeper and explode.

"Note to self, take morning jogs." I lamented.

I stopped by my house for lunch. It was just some cheese, pork jerky, and a few carrots. I need to get mom to show me how to cook.

With the sand and a full stomach, my spirit was uncrushabley high. Beaming smile, even while walking at a slight limp. All that work was going to pay off. If it didn't, I would probably throw a tantrum somewhere.

The first attempt at the lens was interesting. The crystal powder in the glass seemed to separate into six different lines. The seemingly opposing dust collected across from each other. The round lens was distorting what I was seeing. Even though I didn't see amorphous clouds any more, still not good enough.

I wracked my brain for longer than I want to admit. The number six rattled around a lot. Then hit me like a creeper to the face, hexagon.

The finished product was spectacular. As far as the eye could see were lines and webs of rainbows. The formless hues now had distinct shape and contrast. New possibilities to explore.

Not long after I was reminded of the old joke, two plus two equals fish. I happened to see aer and ordo come together, forming a different color. It happened when anything moved.

This revelation made me think. What if, without the lens, the blurry bits are just the other six mixed together. So I dubbed the original hues 'primal'.

With a whole new perspective, I ventured forth. The world seemed much more interesting. It seemed like this was my calling. This thing undiscovered, was revealing itself before my eyes. This thing that didn't have a name.

That lack of a name irked me. Other people could say 'hi I'm a blacksmith' or apothecary or… Well there was a lot of things they could say they were.

What was this? It was time for me to call it something. It took a while but not a name I had spoken felt right. That is until one.

"I practice thaumaturgy. I'm a thaumaturge. Perfecting my craft," I chuckled "thaumcraft"

I always wondered how it seemed like my occupation seemed to come readily to me, until I did some tests. It seems like bathing in the aura of a node has certain effects. It seems like angrily gazing at a a node had some benefits…