
Babies First Crucible

His name was Jerry. I won't forget the one who helped me discover essentia…

It was a fun month of research. Well, it was fun to me. Other kids might find this boring. Who am I kidding, most adults would be bored.

But I found something interesting. I was so excited at first, the new sensations were beautiful. All of that distracted to a problem.

"What can I do with it!" I screamed.

Thankfully there was nobody around. About that time, some aer floated in front of me. I wanted so badly to just to touch it. To my surprise I did.

I probably should have looked at myself with my thaumic lens. Guess it just slipped my mind. Right at that moment though, I observed my own energy interacting with the outside aer.

Suddenly I was hit with fatigue. Nothing too bad just a slight loss of breath. It seems that my power didn't like leaving my body. If it got more than an inch away from my skin, it would just float away. It was no longer mine at that point. I would have to fix that somehow.

As I walked home, I spotted a strange occurrence. In a big puddle, terra and aqua started swirling around. It formed this light lime greenish light. I was amazed to see a little blob form.

It looked like jello. Mom made that for me once. She wouldn't tell me what it was made out of, but it was good.

Distractions aside, it was wobbling now. The wind blew, and a single leaf fell upon it. And it's gone.

There was one memory that suddenly popped into my head.

"Dad where do babies come from?" Asked an innocent five year old me. Well not so innocent, I was sorta bribed. One of dads coworkers gave me five coppers.

After sputtering for what seemed like forever, dad got this weird look on his face. It kinda looked like he had to poo but was smiling. To be honest it creeped me out a bit.

"When a daddy and mommy love each other very much, a baby just pops up outa nowhere" dad was looking everywhere but at me.

I was just about to open my mouth but it seems like pops from nowhere happened to dad a lot. A smack landed right upside his head.

"Don't tell Dave that stupid crap!" Mom said as dad rubbed his head. "Remember Dave something doesn't come from nothing. As to where babies come from, I'll tell you when you're older."

All the while dads friend was laughing it up in the background.

"But what about something turning into nothing? My candy disappears after it's in my mouth for while." I say, trying to sound smart. I failed spectacularly now that I think about it.

"Nope," mom boops my nose "that is just turning into something else. Something can't really become nothing either."

That memory fills my mind as I wonder what happened to the leaf. That was when I took out my lens. Slime: check, Leaf: uncheck, wierd glowey liquid: huh! That was new.

It seemed like the jelly blob turned a leaf into magic goop. I then proceeded to do what any boy would do. I poked it with a stick! Nothing was happening at first, until the stick pierced inside. It started to dissolve, turning into brown magic goop.

It now seemed that I need to name this liquid. Magic goop doesn't really role off the tongue. Come to think about it I haven't named the swirling colors either. I'll do it tomorrow.

Right now I need to collect this slime. So after a quick jog home, I returned with a bucket. After scooping it up, I looked at it jiggle for a while. Like any normal kid, I got attached.

"I guess I'll name you Jerry."

I remember hours of just throwing stuff into that bucket. Jerry how I miss that big guy. Didn't think that he could get so huge and bouncy…