
Eye Drops and Observations

It was a real blur after my first sight. It wouldn't be long until I made the first version of my most valuable tool…

The next morning was interesting, to say the least. It seems like my eyes were aching. That isn't quite the feeling, but close enough. I could still see the nonexistent colors. They seemed blurrier. I couldn't see the more distinct lines.

It was strange. What caused this? I played back what happened yesterday, and realized. The powder in the plate landed in my water. That water must have gotten into my eyes,as I washed my face. I have magic water!

But I can recall the colors being sharper. Looking at the basin, I was seeing swirling colors. This was a problem, I couldn't waste any of it.

It seems I need some glassware. But that stuff is expensive. The region does have some sparking sand. It is slightly downriver to the east. The glass maker will pay per pound for it.

One time I tried to give him some random sand, I found on the side of a hill. It turned out not all sand is usable for his 'high quality' glass products.

I think I've heard that you get to keep the first bottle made, if you apprentice there. The vocation training is open to those ten to twelve. I took the fastest money making rout, and went miner. Now I need to go the money saving rout, and go glass maker.

I could have gotten some other container. But to me the swirling colors were too Mesmerizing. Too bad I couldn't show it off, pretty sure only I can see the colors.

I won't bore you with the intricacy if glass blowing. Most of which was spinning a tube. It really didn't take as long as I thought it would, to make a bottle. Most of it was just waiting for glass to cool. It has to cool really slow, as not to shatter.

That was a productive two weeks. Now add glass blowing to my list of skills. I even got to keep my blowing tube, for a price. I'm also free to come use the workshop if I bring a lot of sparkling sand.

Now I'm seeing if I could boil down this water. The whole basin isn't going to fit in the bottle. Plus I'm wondering if the colors will act like soup, get thicker the less water. I still have shards to spare.

Now with my bottle, and wooden cap with a thin stick dropper. I had time to enjoy just looking at things.

The colors flowed and stretched through every thing. I was hoping it would allow me to see through things as well. That was not happening. It seems like physical objects would only show me the energies in them, not passed them.

The main six colors, if you could describe them as that, gave off an impression similar to the crystals. They were all in focus, not looking like amorphous clouds like the other hues. It seemed like a little more effort was needed to see them clearly.

I watched how the magic worked with stuff. The green was mostly all in the ground. While yellow flitted along the sky, and open air. Any thing that was burning radiated red. Blue was in the water. I started to see a pattern. The black and white were a little tricky, they seemed to float around everywhere.

I had a moment of inspiration, when I encountered something being broken. The dark light seemed to rush to it. When the thing was getting fixed, the white light was attracted. Well those two are strange.

It seemed like four dealt with air, water, earth, and fire. The black light seemed to be tied to destruction. I tried to guess the white, but creation didn't quite seem to fit. It didn't really care when things were made. That color only seemed to want things to not change.

In all my wisdom, I gave them names found in my moms old fancy words book. Aer, Terra, Ignis, Aqua, Ordo, and Perditio. It made them sound more magical. Plus the names really seemed to fit.

Wondering how I could see the others clearer, I walked home happy in my discovery.

"Take that useless book author!" I bragged to myself "I am smarter than you."

It never crossed my mind that it was a complete fluke. Although the next idea was intentional.

I remembered my mom's inspection glass. It was used to inspect products she found iffy, on the market. I wondered if I could make one, but for magic. The blurry masses having come to mind.

I was filled with determination, and equip with a plan. Because the dust mixed with water made it so I could see this, I must need to mix it with the glass. It's been a long day so let's do that tomorrow.

I had such bright eyes back then. Full of wonder, with narry a pinch of the true atrocities I've encountered in recent years…